what measures can be taken to prevent cancer and promote health
reduce smoking and alcohol, balanced diet and increased activity, sunscreen, regular health screens
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what diagnostics can be used for cancer
biopsies, scans, blood work
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what are the warning signs of cancer "CAUTION"
change in bowel/bladder habits a sore that doesnt heal unusual bleeding/discharge from an oriface thickening or lump indigestion and difficulty swallowing obvious change in wart or mole nagging cough or hoarsness
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what is the action of chemotherapy
eliminate or reduce the number of cancer cells
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how are chemotherapy meds prepped
must be trained, prepare in a special area, do not handle if pregnant or a student
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what are the side effects of chemotherapy
alopecia, bone marrow depression, cognitive issues, increased risk for infection and bleeding
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what are the precautions for a patient on chemotherapy
pt waste is biohazardous (double flush the toilet with the lid closed and double glove when handling)
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what patient education should be completed for a chemo patient
check temp regularly, increase fluids, wash hands, good oral hygiene, report any abnormalities to HCP
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what is the hormone treatment for prostate cancer
androgen supression
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what is the hormone treatment for breast cancer
estrogen supression
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what is the action of radiation
damages DNA of rapidly dividing cells
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what are the side effects of radiation
fatigue, bone marrow depression, mucous membrane and skin reactions
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what precautions should be taken for a patient receiving radiation
work on opposite side of implant, cluster care to limit time, wear lead apron, wear radiation monitor
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what is the action of immunotherapy
enhance immune cell activity
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what are the side effects of immunotherapy
flu-like, fatigue, weak, low blood cell counts
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what are some rules for therapeutic communication
ask open ended questions, no "why" questions, don't provide false reassurance
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how is chronically ill defined
disease that can be managed and controlled
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how is terminally ill defined
disease has timeline and will lead to death
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what medication is used for pain management in end of life care
opioids such as morphine
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how much morphine should be given to end of life patients