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Pares minimo
Two words that have all the same phonemes except one and have different meanings are called minimal pairs.
ej. ahora y hora
¿Es posible formar un par mínimo con hola y
la letra mas usado
la letra menos usado
groupo de dos letras que representa una sola sonida
- ch
- rr
- ll
- gu
Doble articulación
the sounds of a language have no intrinsic meaning, but combine with each other in different ways to form elements (words, for example) that have meaning
- We assemble infinite sentences with a small number of discrete units
a letter that you don't pronounce like the h in "hola"
why do we use an "e" at the end of words? (paragoica)
changing the sound of the vowel
- din vs dine
- hop vs hope
porque usamos dos ? o ! en espanol
- it is a signal to stress certain words and changes "el rhythmo"
- es una signal que una oracion es una pregunta
Lingustica como una cienca
we can make observations, run tests, see results and have hypothesis about language
Linguistica como una ciencia cognitiva
language is a system that is part of the mental or psychological structure of the human being
- the knowledge itself, not the use
diferencias entre lengaje humano y animal
1) Arbitrario
2) Desplazamiento
3) Articulación dual
4) Productividad
5) Prevaricación
6) Reflexividad o metalingüística,
7) Unidades discretas
The use of human language is not conditioned by external or internal stimuli in the production of an utterance
- AKA: humans can make invent new words
Unidades discretas
The units of a communication system are clearly separable into distinct elements, and we say that the system is discrete. The sounds of the language are perceptible by the listener as distinct units. (but /dog/ girl /pineapple/quarrel....In animals they are analog signals (tone, intensity)
- we perceive sounds separately to mean different things
Reflexividad o metalingüística
i.e., a is an indeterminate article/ children (masculine and plural inflectional morpheme)
(emitting messages that are not true, in the possibility of lying)
ability to form an unlimited number of sentences
Articulación dual
minimal elements without meaning, but grouped together (sounds>syllables>words>sentences>texts)
(here, there, past, present and future)
language referring to language
Gramatica desprictiva (y un ejemplo)
The language we use varies depending on the communicative situation (diafásicas), the different sociocultural levels of the person communicating (diastratica) and the geographical areas where a language is spoken (diatopica)
- different regions of the US use different words/ structures to communicate
Gramatica prescriptiva (y un ejemplo)
- Priority of the written language
- Idea of perfection and corruption today
- Parallelism between categories of logical thought and those of language
- Main objective: to teach how to speak and write correctly
Ej. gramatica correctiva -> la palabra "finde" no es corecto porque necesita ser "fin de semana"
ej. No quiero más nada.
Linguista Moderna
- the idea of language as a system of signals
- Behaviorist model
- Language appears as a reaction to stimuli
- Learned by imitation
- However: we produce and understand completely new sentences all the time, sentences that we have never heard before.
variedad diafasica
formal vs informal based on situation
variedad diastratica
different sociocultural levels
variedad diatopica
geographical areas where a language is spoken
The ability of the human being to express himself and communicate with others through articulate sound or other sign systems
Verbal and written communication system typical of a human community. Endowed with conventions and grammatical rules, used by human communities for communicative purposes
A special and familiar way that individuals in certain professions use with each other
A linguistic system derived from another, usually with a specific geographical limitation, but without sufficient differentiation from other linguistic systems of common origin.
- think geographic region
An individual act of speech produced by the choice of certain signs.
Language of a people or nation or common to several.
Teorias de adquisicion del lengauje
- Innatismo(Chomsky): we are born with innate knowledge
- Conductismo/ Behaviorismo (Skinner)
- Interaccionista
- Cognitivo
- Conexionista
- Emergentista
Innatismo (Nativismo)
Human beings are born with an innate ability to acquire language.
- "Universal grammar" is a set of rules common to all languages, which allows children to learn any language with ease.
Consuctismo (Behaviorismo)
Language is acquired through conditioning, imitation, and reinforcement.
Interaccionista (Sociocultural)
Language is acquired through social interaction and cultural context.
- Language develops in the "zone of proximal development" (ZPD) with the help of more competent speakers.
Language is part of general cognitive development.
- As children develop cognitive skills (such as memory and categorization), they naturally acquire language.
Language learning occurs through neural networks and repeated connection patterns.
- Through continuous exposure to language, the brain recognizes patterns and structures.
It is a theory that holds that language arises (or "emerges") from the interaction between various general cognitive abilities and exposure to the linguistic environment, without the need for an innate mechanism specific to language (such as Chomsky's "universal grammar").
- Key Difference: Unlike innatism, emergentism rejects the idea that we are born with specific linguistic knowledge and suggests that language is a byproduct of broader cognitive abilities.
- Practical example: A child learns to form plurals in his mother tongue not because he has an innate grammatical rule, but because, when he hears many words in the plural, he detects patterns and applies them inductively.
funcciones del lenguaje
- fatica
- metalinguistica
- emotiva
- conativa
5 evidencias a innatismo
1) Universality of language
2) Lack of stimuli
3) Creole languages
4) Stages of acquisition
5) Critical period
- Study of the brain structures necessary to process and understand a language.
- Language capacity is an autonomous cognitive capacity.
Área de Broca
control in speech production
Área de Wernicke
Difficulties in understanding statements but not in producing them.
Afasia anómica
- Patients have difficulty finding the words they need to express their ideas.
- They replace these words with complex phrases or gestures.
Funcion referencial
The referential function focuses on the context. It is denotative, which means that it seeks to affirm data or facts.
- "the earth revolves around the sun"
- Sales are up 3% this quarter.
It is the most "obvious" function of language.
Funcion fatica
This function focuses on maintaining or ensuring that the channel through which communication is carried out is functioning.
- Hola, me escuches
- How are you?
Funcion metalinguistica
talking about language itself
- "¿Qué significa onomatopeya?"
- "What do you mean by generous"
Funcion poesia
the message itself and its aesthetic or emotional construction without the need to express something special.
- "you are my moon and stars"
- "the moon was shining in her eyes"
Funcion emotiva
This function focuses on the sender by expressing feelings, moods or emotions without necessarily expressing concrete information.
- "Wow!"
- "This is great!"
- "Ouch!"
Funcion conativa
the receiver does something concrete. Within this function are orders, prayers or instructions
-"Study for your exam." or "Turn right. Can you show me the documents?
Hay un acento mayor de un otro
the order of words
study of structure
the sounds of a language
the meaning of words
meaning in context
the evolution of words
- conocimiento tactico (innate/implicit knowledge)
Behaviorismo /Conductismo
Contrastive sounds. We change one, the meaning changes. These contrastive sounds are called phonemes.
- tea --> pea --> sea
signifier (just the word or image)
the concept
refers to knowing that something is the case (e.g., explicit knowledge of grammar rules).
- language learners knowing how to structure a sentence, but have to think about it
involves knowing how to do something (e.g., speaking a language fluently, applying grammar rules unconsciously).
- native speakers not thinking of forming sentences
shortening words
the concept and the form are the same
- example the symbol for a girl looking like a girl
there is no relation between the form (like a word) and the concept (the actual thing)
- example a-r-b-o-l meaning tree
linguistica cognitiva; a human instinct similar to that of birds to fly
Gramtica Universal
A set of rules that are shared by all languages.
Pro drop language
Non drop language
It studies sound from a physical and physiological point of view; that is, its material aspect regardless of its linguistic function.
It studies sounds from their acoustic production, perception, etc. Study the different ways in which the same sound is pronounced (e.g.s] from Córdoba vs. [s] from Madrid.
(sounds of speaking, real level)
different forms of the same phoneme and are written in square brackets [ ].
ej. pronunciacion of t in "butter" and "stop"
La unidad mínima de un alafono
sounds of a language, abstract level
Science that studies the linguistic function of certain sounds, their role in languages in general or a specific language (accent, distinctive features of each sound that make them different in a language. Study phonic units in relation to meaning (e.g., weight vs. kiss).
Phonemes are units studied by phonology and are written between slashes //
para - cara// cara - mara//