Possible Enumeration in Gen Bio: Four Basic types of Tissues: Epithelial Connective Muscular Nervous Types of Epithelial Tissues: Simple Stratified Three types of Epithelium: Squamous Cuboidal Columnar Other functions of connective tissues: Protection Provision of Cushion Maintenance of body form Filling body space Storage of fats Transport of nutrients and wastes Body defense Repair of body parts Classification of Connective Tissues: Connective tissue proper Supportive connective tissues Fluid Connective tissues Found in matrix: Macrophages Collagen Cells of Blood: Erythrocytes Leukocytes Thrombocytes Three types of muscular tissues: Skeletal Cardiac Smooth Parts of a neuron: Dendrites Cell Body Axon
Groups of cells which are similar in structure and which perform common or related functions
Epithelial Tissues
Form the covering of all body surfaces and are the major tissue in glands. Can be simple or stratified
The study of animal and plant tissues
An instrument used to cut tissues into ultrathin sections
Simple Epithelium
Made up of a single layer of cells
Stratified Epithelium
Has more than one layer of cells
Simple Squamous
Consists of a single layer of flattened cells. Found in thin barriers where exchange of nutrients and respiratory gases occur.
What type of Epithelium is the Alveoli of lungs, Capillaries, Blood Vessels, and the heart?
Simple Cuboidal
Single layer of cube shaped cells. Larger than Squamous.
Secretory Cells glands, tubules of the kidneys, and ducts of most glands are what type of Epithelium?
Simple Columnar
A Single layer of elongated cells. Ideal for absorption and secretion.
An example of this would be the lining in the small intestines. A special structure called the Microvilli is found here.
Goblet Cells
Specialized columnar cells found in the lining of the stomach and small intestines responsible for mucus secretion.
Ciliated Simple Columnar
Found in the small bronchioles of the respiratory tract for mucus movement. Also found in the fallopian tubes for egg cell movement.
Pseudostratified Epithelium
Also known as “False stratified” epithelium. Made up of columnar cells that are tall and thin which forms irregular shapes. Found in the upper respiratory tract.
Hairlike extensions of the cell that propel mucus secreted by goblet cell along the cell surface
Connective Tissues
Include a large group of different tissues characterized by having dispersed cells and large extracellular space
Extracellular Matrix
This includes protein fibers (Collagen, elastic or reticular) It can be solid (bone), Soft (Connective tissue), or liquid (blood)
Function of Connective Tissue
Bind and support other tissues
Loose Connective tissues
also called as areolar connective tissues. Connective tissues with water matrix where the cells mostly fibroblasts.
Special white blood cells in the matrix
Can be elastic and reticular fibers
Loose Connective Tissue Functions
Binding and supporting tissues, protecting and nourishing the organs, and storing body fluids are functions of this.
Dense connective tissues
Made up of closely packed bundles of collagen with few cells.
Reticular Connective Tissues
Made up of cells called reticulocytes and a matrix that contains reticular fibers.
Gives support to soft organs, and provide the supporting framework for the bone marrow and lymphoid organs.
Elastic Connective Tissues
Highly elastic with flattened fibroblast cells. Can stretch 1.5 times its normal length and recoil, found in large arteries like the aorta, bronchial tubes etc.
Adipose or fat tissues
Special types of connective tissues that stores the fats.
Adipocytes or Fat Cells
Appear as translucent fat globules. Found anywhere in the body, and serve as energy reservoirs for organs and may provide insulation.
Supportive Connective Tissue
Cartilage and Chondrin is a type of this connective tissue
A type of connective tissue with cells called chondrocytes. Gives support and strength and protection to the soft parts of the body
A protein carbohydrate complex. Located in Lacuna
Hardened connective tissues containing cells called osteocytes.
Also reservoir for calcium
Bone Marrow
The insides of long bone of which are cavities filled with this.
Also where blood cells are produced.
Special type of connective tissue with liquid matrix called blood plasma.
Transports nutrients to cells and removes carbon dioxide and other wastes.
Regulates the fluids, ions, and pH balance of the body.
Red blood cells for oxygen transport
White blood cells for body’s defense against infection
Blood platelets for blood clotting
Muscular tissues
Contractile tissues responsible for movement. Muscle fiber that makes up muscle tissues and contain myosin and actin.
Skeletal Muscular Tissues
Attached to bones through tends and is responsible for the movement of most body parts and locomotion.
Skeletal Muscle Fiber
Long and cylindrical, unbranched, and contains multiple nuclei.
Straited Muscles
Fibers appear as alternating dark and light bands under the microscope
Cardiac Muscular Tissues
Found only in the walls of the heart. Contraction of cardiac muscles causes the heart to beat which pumps blood.
Coordinated contraction of intercalated discs.
Smooth Muscular Tissues
Non-straited, spindle-shaped muscles that are involuntary controlled. Found in the walls of the stomach, intestines, urinary bladder, uterus and blood vessels.
Specialized cells that conduct impulses to and from the brain
Receive impulses and send them to the cell body
Cell body
typical cell where the nucleus and organelles are found
a long fiber-like part that transmits the impulses away from the cell body