Chapter 12: Nervous Tissue

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clusters of neuron cell bodies in PNS

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Divisons of the nervous system

central nervous system and peripheral nervous system

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the primary communicative cell in the nervous system

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the extension of a neuron specialized for the rapid conduction of signals to distant points

<p>the extension of a neuron specialized for the rapid conduction of signals to distant points</p>
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cytoplasm of axon

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axon collaterals

side branches of the axon

<p>side branches of the axon</p>
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Myelination in the PNS

Schwann cells wrap around a single nerve fiber up to 100 times; leading to the neurolemma and endoneurium

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the thick outermost coil of the myelin sheath

-contains the nucleus of Schwann cells & most of its cytoplasm

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fibrous CT around a Schwann cell

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The endoneurium and neurilemma are important factors in:

nerve regeneration in the PNS

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Myelination in the CNS

-oligodendrocytes myelinate nerve fibers in its immediate vicinity

-never fibers in the CNS do not have a neurolemma or endoneurium

-cannot regenerate CNS fibers

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Nodes of Ranvier

gaps in the myelin sheath

<p>gaps in the myelin sheath</p>
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myelin covered segments from one gap to the next

<p>myelin covered segments from one gap to the next</p>
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Trigger Zone

axon hillock and initial segment

-not covered in myelin

-important role in initiating a nerve signal

<p>axon hillock and initial segment</p><p>-not covered in myelin</p><p>-important role in initiating a nerve signal</p>
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nervous system functions

sensory input, integration, motor output

<p>sensory input, integration, motor output</p>
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What are nerves?

bundles of nerve fibers (axons)

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Sensory Input

Information gathered by sensory receptors about internal and external environment changes

-ex. taste, hearing, pain, temperature

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To process and interpret sensory input and decide if action is needed

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motor output

Activation of effector organs (muscles and glands) produces a response

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Central Nervous System (CNS)

consists of the brain and spinal cord

-integration and control center

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Neuron type exclusively in the Central Nervous System


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Peripheral Nervous System (PNS)

consists of cranial and spinal nerves

-detects a stimulus and conducts a response

-consists of sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) neurons

<p>consists of cranial and spinal nerves</p><p>-detects a stimulus and conducts a response</p><p>-consists of sensory (afferent) and motor (efferent) neurons</p>
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Divisions of Peripheral Nervous System

Sensory and Motor

<p>Sensory and Motor</p>
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Sensory (afferent) division

Carry information TO the CNS from sense organs (receptors)

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Sensory Division is divided into 2 subdivisions:

Somatic Sensory- fibers come from skin, skeletal muscles, and joints

Visceral Sensory- fibers come from visceral organs (liver, stomach)

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Motor (efferent) Division

Carry information AWAY from CNS to muscles or glands

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Motor Division is subdivided into 2 subdivisions:

Somatic Motor (voluntary)-skeletal muscle innervation; nerve cells tell muscles to move.

Autonomic Visceral Motor (involuntary)- divided into 2 parts

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Autonomic Motor Division subdivisions:

Sympathetic Division- puts your body's system on alert; think fight of flight

Parasympathetic Division- relaxes the body's systems; rest and digest*

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Universal functions of a neuron

excitability, conductivity, and secretion

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Functional Classes of Neurons

afferent, efferent, interneurons

<p>afferent, efferent, interneurons</p>
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sensory (afferent) neurons

Detect stimuli and transmit information about them toward the CNS

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Interneurons (association neurons)

-Lie entirely within CNS, connecting motor and sensory neurons (about 90% of all neurons)

-Receive signals from many neurons and carry out integrative functions (make decisions on responses)

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motor (efferent) neurons

send signals to muscles and glad cells

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cell body of a neuron

<p>cell body of a neuron</p>
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Why can neurons not divide?

They do not contain centrioles for mitosis.

-once a neuron dies, it does not come back.

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Branchlike extensions from the neuron's soma that are specialized to receive information.

<p>Branchlike extensions from the neuron's soma that are specialized to receive information.</p>
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plasma membrane of axon

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myelin sheath

covers the axon of some neurons and helps speed neural impulses

<p>covers the axon of some neurons and helps speed neural impulses</p>
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synaptic knob of axon terminal

the rounded area at the end of axon terminals that contain synaptic vesicles of neurotransmitters

<p>the rounded area at the end of axon terminals that contain synaptic vesicles of neurotransmitters</p>
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Multipolar Neuron

A neuron with a single axon and multiple dendrites; the most common type of neuron in the CNS.

<p>A neuron with a single axon and multiple dendrites; the most common type of neuron in the CNS.</p>
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Bipolar Neuron

a neuron with one axon and one dendrite; can be found in olfactory cells, the retina, and inner ear

<p>a neuron with one axon and one dendrite; can be found in olfactory cells, the retina, and inner ear</p>
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unipolar neuron

a neuron with a single process of a dendrite and axon

<p>a neuron with a single process of a dendrite and axon</p>
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anaxonic neuron

-many dendrites but no axon

-communicate locally (do not produce action potentials)

-found in the retina, brain, and adrenal gland

<p>-many dendrites but no axon</p><p>-communicate locally (do not produce action potentials)</p><p>-found in the retina, brain, and adrenal gland</p>
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all cell products of a neuron are made in the


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An axon uses two ways of transporting signals through the nervous system:

Anterograde Transport

Retrograde Transport

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Aterograde transport

Movement down the axon, away from the soma

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Retrograde transportation

Movement up the axon, toward the soma

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neuroglial cells

-protect neurons and help them function

-bind neurons and form the framework for nervous tissue

-guide migrating neurons during development

Mature neurons are covered by glial cells nearly everywhere

outnumber neurons 10:1

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4 types of neuroglial cells in CNS

astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia, ependymal cells

<p>astrocytes, oligodendrocytes, microglia, ependymal cells</p>
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2 types of neuroglia in PNS

satellite cells and Schwann cells

<p>satellite cells and Schwann cells</p>
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Forms the myelin sheath in CNS

-arm-like processes wrap around nerve fibers

<p>Forms the myelin sheath in CNS</p><p>-arm-like processes wrap around nerve fibers</p>
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ependymal cells

-line cavities of the brain and spinal cord,

-circulate and secrete cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)

<p>-line cavities of the brain and spinal cord,</p><p>-circulate and secrete cerebrospinal fluid (CSF)</p>
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microglial cells

-serve as the immune system in the brain

-wander through the CNS looking for debris and damage

-multiply in areas of damage

<p>-serve as the immune system in the brain</p><p>-wander through the CNS looking for debris and damage</p><p>-multiply in areas of damage</p>
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-most abundant CNS neuroglia

-have perivascular feet that connect capillaries and form a seal- the Blood Brain Barrier

-Convert glucose from the blood to lactate to supply energy to neurons.

-Regulate the chemical composition of fluid by absorbing excess neurotransmitters and ions

<p>-most abundant CNS neuroglia</p><p>-have perivascular feet that connect capillaries and form a seal- the Blood Brain Barrier</p><p>-Convert glucose from the blood to lactate to supply energy to neurons.</p><p>-Regulate the chemical composition of fluid by absorbing excess neurotransmitters and ions</p>
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Blood Brain Barrier (BBB)

A selective barrier that prevents unwanted materials from leaving the blood & entering fluid around the CNS

<p>A selective barrier that prevents unwanted materials from leaving the blood & entering fluid around the CNS</p>
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satellite cells

-surround neuron cell bodies in PNS

-provide electrical insulation around the soma

-regulate the chemical environment of neurons

<p>-surround neuron cell bodies in PNS</p><p>-provide electrical insulation around the soma</p><p>-regulate the chemical environment of neurons</p>
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Schwann cells

produce myelin sheath in PNS

-assist in regeneration of damaged fibers

<p>produce myelin sheath in PNS</p><p>-assist in regeneration of damaged fibers</p>
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-insulates the axon and increases signal speed

-consists of the plasma membrane of glial cells

-is 80% lipid and the rest protein

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unmyelinated nerve fibers

-Many CNS and PNS fibers are unmyelinated

-In PNS, Schwann cells hold 1 to 12 small nerve fibers in surface grooves

-The membrane folds once around each fiber

-called "unmyelinated" but still somewhat myelinated; essential to help control the environment around the axon

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The speed of a nerve signal depends on:

1. the diameter of the fiber

2. presence or absence of myelin

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Larger Fibers will:

create faster signals

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Presence of a myelin sheath

increases signal speed

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Regeneration can only happen if

-The soma is intact and some of the neurolemma

-if the neuron is located in the PNS

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An unstimulated neuron's resting membrane potential is:

-70 mV

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The Na+/K+ pump is important for

maintaining the RMP and gradient

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2 Types of disturbances at the RMP

1. Local Potential (graded)

2. Action Potential

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Local potentials are how the body:

senses stimuli in the environment

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Properties of Local Potentials




-either excitatory or inhibitory

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-vary in magnitude with stimulus strength

-Stronger stimuli open more Na+ gates

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get weaker the farther they spread from the point of stimulation

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if stimulation ceases, the cell quickly returns to its normal resting potential

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excitatory or inhibitory

Some neurotransmitters make the membrane less likely to send a signal (inhibitory)

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if the local potential is strong enough...

-they overcome their decremental nature and cause a neuron to send a signal; stimulating the trigger zone

-the trigger zone has a high concentration of ion-gated channels; when these open they stimulate an Action Potential

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Local potentials regulate:

Neuron signaling (Action Potential)

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Action Potential

1. At RMP, Na+ and K+ channels are closed. Na+/K+ pump is maintaining RMP= -70 mV

2. Once the threshold is met, -55mV, depolarization begins. Na+ channels open, and Na+ enters the cell. K+ channels open after.

3. At peak of an action potential, +35 mV, repolarization begins. Na+ channels close, K+ channels fully open and K+ rushes out.

4. Membrane temporarily hyperpolarized, -71 to -75 mV. This is caused by more K+ leaving the cell than Na+ entering

<p>1. At RMP, Na+ and K+ channels are closed. Na+/K+ pump is maintaining RMP= -70 mV</p><p>2. Once the threshold is met, -55mV, depolarization begins. Na+ channels open, and Na+ enters the cell. K+ channels open after.</p><p>3. At peak of an action potential, +35 mV, repolarization begins. Na+ channels close, K+ channels fully open and K+ rushes out.</p><p>4. Membrane temporarily hyperpolarized, -71 to -75 mV. This is caused by more K+ leaving the cell than Na+ entering</p>
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Action Potential Characteristics

Not Graded

Not Decremental

Not Reversible

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Signal Conduction is Nerve Fibers

-Action potentials do not travel down the axon

-An action potential triggers another, then another (like dominos)

-all the action potentials together are called a nerve signal

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Unmyelinated Signal Conduction

-unmyelinated fibers have voltage-gated channels along their entire length

-Action potential at the trigger zone causes Na+ to enter the axon & diffuse into adjacent regions

-Depolarization opens voltage-gated channels, creating a new action potential. Creating a chain reaction until nerve signal reaches the end of the axon or synapse.

<p>-unmyelinated fibers have voltage-gated channels along their entire length</p><p>-Action potential at the trigger zone causes Na+ to enter the axon & diffuse into adjacent regions</p><p>-Depolarization opens voltage-gated channels, creating a new action potential. Creating a chain reaction until nerve signal reaches the end of the axon or synapse.</p>
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Myelin affects the axon in two ways:

1. reduces the leakage of sodium out of the cell; creates a higher concentration on Na+ inside the cell

2. Insulates the Axon; results in sodium moving more freely through the cell

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In myelinated fibers, where does action potential occur?

In the gaps between the myelin

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Saltatory Conduction

Action potential "jumps" down the axon- only in the gaps between myelin.

-results in a much faster nerve signal (120 m/s vs. 2 m/s)

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Chemical Synapse

the most common type of synapse

-have a synaptic cleft and neurotransmitters are used to communicate across the cleft

<p>the most common type of synapse</p><p>-have a synaptic cleft and neurotransmitters are used to communicate across the cleft</p>
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Electrical Synapse

Less common than chemical

-occur between neurons in cardiac and smooth muscle

-Gap junctions joint adjacent cells; no cleft or neurotransmitters

-Advantage of quick transmission

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presynaptic neuron

-the first neuron in the signal path

-releases neurotransmitters

<p>-the first neuron in the signal path</p><p>-releases neurotransmitters</p>
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postsynaptic neuron

the second neuron; responds to the neurotransmitter

<p>the second neuron; responds to the neurotransmitter</p>
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The presynaptic neuron can synapse with the postsynaptic neuron in multiple ways:

Axodendritic synapse

axosomatic synapse

axoaxonic synapse

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axodendritic synapse

axon to dendrite

<p>axon to dendrite</p>
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axosomatic synapse

axon to soma

<p>axon to soma</p>
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axoaxonic synapse

axon to axon

<p>axon to axon</p>
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4 categories of neurotransmitters

acetylcholine, amino acids, monoamines, neuropeptides

<p>acetylcholine, amino acids, monoamines, neuropeptides</p>
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stimulates skeletal muscle

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Norepinephrine and Epinephrine

regulates dreaming, waking, and mood; excites cardiac muscle

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elevation of mood and control of skeletal muscles

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sleep/wake cycles, thermoregulation, and mood

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suppresses pain; makes you feel good

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excitatory cholinergic synapse

-uses acetylcholine

-nerve signal arrives at synaptic cleft and opens Ca+2 gated channels.

-Calcium enters knob and triggers exocytosis of ACh. ACh diffuses across cleft and binds to postsynaptic receptors.

-The receptors open ion channels that allow Na+ and K+ diffuse.

-Entry of Na+ causes depolarization; if depolarization is strong enough, Action Potential will occur at trigger zone.

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inhibitory GABA-ergic synapse

-employs y-aminobutyric acid as its neurotransmitter

-nerve signal triggers release of GABA into synaptic cleft

-their receptors are chloride channels

-Cl- enters cell and makes the inside more negative than the resting membrane potential

-postsynaptic neuron is inhibited, and less likely to fire

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The postsynaptic neuron's response is dependent on:

whether EPSP or IPSP is more prominent

- more IPSP than EPSP- no response

-more EPSP than IPSP- action potential may be generated

( this is referred to as summation)

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temporal summation

Presynaptic neuron fires very rapidly or very slowly

<p>Presynaptic neuron fires very rapidly or very slowly</p>
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Spatial summation

multiple presynaptic neurons stimulate one postsynaptic neuron

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