167. Conical tower and circular wall of Great Zimbabwe
Coursed granite blocks
168. Great Mosque of Djenné
169. Wall plaque, from Oba’s palace
Cast brass
170. Sika dwa kofi (Golden Stool)
Gold over wood and cast-gold attachments
171. Ndop (portrait figure) of King Mishe miShyaang maMbul
172. Power figure (Nkisi n’kondi )
Wood and metal
173. Female (Pwo) mask
Wood, fiber, pigment, and metal
174. Portrait mask (Mblo)
Wood and pigment
175. Bundu mask
Wood, cloth, and fiber
176. Ikenga (shrine figure)
177. Lukasa (memory board)
Wood, beads, and metal
178. Aka elephant mask
Wood, woven raffia, cloth, and beads
179. Reliquary figure (byeri)
180. Veranda post of enthroned king and senior wife (Opo Ogoga)
Wood and pigment