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Loose constructionism
Allows for more expansive governmental power by way of the elastic clause.
Strict Constructionism
Attempts to limit governmental authority by interpreting the Constitution more narrowly.
Barbary Wars
A series of wars with the Barbary states of North Africa precipitated by demands for tribute payments from U.S. trade vessels.
Louisiana Purchase
This land acquisition purchased from France west of the Mississippi River doubled the territory of the United States.
Controversy of the Louisiana Purchase
It was controversial because James Monroe accepted the entire territory without presidential or congressional approval.
Marbury v. Madison
Expanded the power of the Supreme Court by setting a precedent for judicial review, serving as a massive check on the legislative and executive branches.
War of 1812 Causes
American suspicion of the British inciting Native American attacks on settlers; British policy of impressment.
War of 1812 Effects
Intense nationalism; Federalist opposition to war led to a decline in significance for the party and political dominance for the Democratic-Republicans.
American System
Henry Clay's plan for uniting the national economy, consisting of protective tariffs, a 2nd national bank, and government-funded roads, railroads, and canals.
Missouri Compromise
A new rule for future admission of slave and free states using the 36° 30' line; Missouri admitted as a slave state and Maine a free state to maintain a balance in the Senate.
Monroe Doctrine
A foreign policy declaration that warned European states against further encroachment into or influence in the Americas.
Market Revolution
Linking of northern industries with western and southern farms created by advances in agriculture, industry, communication, and transportation.
Technologies contributing to economic growth
Cotton gin, spinning machine, interchangeable parts, steamboats, trains.
Market Revolution and Society
Increased wealth inequality, influx of immigration (especially to eastern cities), growing middle class, women working in factories but limited by cult of domesticity.
Waltham-Lowell mills
Factories that employed women and contributed to the Market Revolution.
Corrupt bargain
The contentious election of 1824 ended without a clear electoral winner and was decided by the House, where Andrew Jackson was snubbed despite being the most popular candidate.
Second Party System
Democratic-Republicans split into Whigs and Democrats, led by Henry Clay and Andrew Jackson, respectively.
Tariff of Abominations
A tariff that prompted South Carolina to claim it was unconstitutional, leading to threats of secession.
South Carolina's claim that the Tariff of Abominations was unconstitutional.
Force Bill
Jackson threatened to send troops to South Carolina to enforce the tariff.
Indian Removal Act
The act that led to the removal of Native Americans to the new 'Indian Territory' through the violation of past treaties and Supreme Court rulings.
Trail of Tears
The forced removal of Native Americans from their lands during the Jacksonian Era.
A philosophical movement that embraced man's relationship with nature and human perfectibility.
Utopian communities
New societies founded by religious and/or reform-minded people influenced by European intellectuals and ideals of American democracy and equality.
Second Great Awakening
A democratizing revival of religious enthusiasm, affording regional Protestant identities.
Social reform movements
Movements during this time included abolitionism, women's rights, temperance, and public education.
The movement aimed at ending the institution of slavery.
Women's Rights
The movement advocating for education equality, marriage rights, and suffrage.
Public education
The movement for establishing a system of public schooling, championed by Horace Mann.