Research and Exotic Animals Exam 2
box lock
ring handle
What is the purpose of hemostatic forceps?
clamp and hold tissues or vessels
Name the surgical instrument
Kelly Forceps
(only have grooves on the top half of the jaws)
Name the instrument
dressing forceps
Name the instrument
Allis forceps
What are these instruments used for?
Holding the scalpel blade
Name the instrument
Olson-Hegar needle holder
What is the first step in cleaning surgical instruments?
Rinse with cold water
Name the instrument
crile forceps
(have transverse grooves over the entire jaw)
Name the instrument
Rochester-Carmalt Forceps
(Longitudinal and transverse grooves on the first ¼ of the jaw and longitudinal grooves on last ¾ of the jaw)
Name the instrument
Rat Tooth Forceps
Name the instrument
Brown-Adson Forceps
Name the instrument
Jones towel forceps
Name the instrument
Mayo-Hegart needle holder
What are tail feathers called?
Autoclaving utilized which type of sterilization?
How is asepsis routinely maintained around the surgical site?
Placing sterile drapes around the incision site
Which type of suture needle would be best when suturing intestines?
A dedicated space for rodent aseptic surgery should have which of the following characteristics:
separating of the functions of patient prep, surgery, and animal recovery
Large enough to accommodate the patient, supplies, equipment, and surgeon
Easily sanitized
Free of clutter
Which avian species has been used to study Hepatis B?
Why is it important not to put pressure on the sternum when restraining birds?
They lack a diaphragm and need the sternum to move in order to breathe
What two statements are true about stainless steel surgical tables
They are easy to wash and sanitize
They can contribute to patient hypothermia
Why is a simple interrupted pattern of suturing recommended for the abdominal body wall?
It promotes faster tissue healing
Psittaciformes include what type of birds?
Passeriformes include what type of birds?
Song birds (canaries, finches, crows)
Galliformes include what type of birds?
Poultry (chicken, turkey, quail)
Columbiformes include what type of birds?
Pigeons and doves
Anseriformes include what type of birds?
Ducks, geese, swans
What is the causative agent of Psitacine Beak and Feather Disease?
What is a designated surgical facility?
A suite of rooms used only for aseptic surgery
What is the preferred site for intramuscular injection in birds?
While wearing a sterile surgical gown, what action can be performed without compromising sterility?
Clasp gloved hands together in front and above the waist
What is another name for the preen gland in avian species?
Uropygial gland
How many air sacs do birds have?
Which of the following sizes of suture has the largest diameter?
0 = ought. This has the largest diameter of the suture sizes listed.
5-0 = 00000. This has the smallest diameter of the suture sizes listed.
True or false: Sex determination in a non-sexually dimorphic avian species can be done by visualizing external genitalia
The sternum of avian species has a large process that allows for attachment of large pectoral muscles needed for flight. What is this process of the sternum called?
When during the respiratory cycle does oxygen exchange occur in avian species?
Inhalation and exhalation
A bird presents to the clinic for a wellness visit. While performing a physical exam, you notice a fleshy presence in the nares. What should be done?
Nothing. The operculum is a fleshy part inside of the nares of avian species. This is normal and should not be disturbed. Attempts to remove it will lead to bleeding and damage.
Which kind of materials can be sterilized in an autoclave?
stainless steel instruments
plastic tubing
Stainless steel instruments
Why is it important to quickly treat broken blood feathers?
The bird can bleed to death
True or false: passerines with avian chlamydiosis are often asymptomatic
How long is this suture?
45 cm
Which avian bones are pneumatic (hollow)?
Femur, some vertebrae, humerus
How is candidiasis diagnosed in birds?
Gram stain of crop or fecal material
Which suture pattern is used in areas of high tension and everts if too tight?
Horizontal mattress
What are wing feathers called?
What are developing feathers called? (two names)
Blood Feathers
Pin Feathers
What is the area surrounding the nares of a bird called?
Which disease has a 27-41% mortality rate in immature psittacines?
What are rabbit neutrophils called?
What is rabbit parturition called?
True or False: Ringworm is an intestinal parasite see in rabbits that is easily treated with an oral anthelmintic
FALSE! Ringworm is not a parasite, it is a mycotic (fungal) disease. NOT a zoonotic disease!
Consuming night feces is the rabbits’ way of recycling which nutrients? (list 4)
B Vitamins
Which components of normal rabbit urine may make it appear cloudy?
Ammonia magnesium phosphate crystals
Calcium carbonate crystals
As a sign of pain, rabbits may display bruxism. What is bruxism?
Tooth Grinding
What is the most commonly used breed of rabbit used in research?
New Zealand White
Mature female rabbits develop a large fold of skin under the chin called a
Which rabbit condition is usually due to poor husbandry practices?
Ulcerative pododermatitis
What is the dental formula for rabbits?
2 (I 2/1, C 0/0, P 3/2, M 3/3)
What is the average lifespan of a rabbit?
5-6 years
What is the term for teeth that are open-rooted and continuously growing?
Rabbits are typically fed a commercially available pelleted diet formulated for them. What is the recommended feeding regiment for rabbits?
Pelleted food should be offered one-to-twice daily in measured amounts
What is the room temperature range for housing rabbits in research facilities?
What small blood vessel in the rabbit is easily accessible and useful for both blood collection and intravenous injections?
Marginal ear
What is the most common neoplasm of rabbits?
Uterine adenocarcinoma
What are trichobezoars?
What is the most common location of spinal fracture or luxation in rabbits?
L7-S1 junction
What is the causative agent of snuffles in rabbits?
Pasteurella multocida
What is an appropriate treatment for ear mites in rabbits?
Topical ivermectin
How is the myxoma virus transmitted to rabbits?
Arthropod vectors
A rabbit in your facility has not eaten any pellets or hay overnight, but is not showing any outward signs of clinical illness. What is the first thing you should check?
That the water source is functioning properly
Rabbits have a small, second pair of upper incisors which are located behind the first incisors. What are they called?
Peg teeth
What is the average litter size for rabbits?
What is the recommended relative humidity range for gerbil housing rooms?
True or False: When performing an IP injection in a gerbil, the animal should be restrained in a scruff on the backs with their head tilted downwards.
A male gerbil presents with dehydration, depression, rough hair coat, and testicular enlargement. What is the most likely cause of these symptoms?
What is the average litter size for gerbils?
What is the gestation period for nonlactating gerbils?
24-26 days
How many pairs of mammary glands do gerbils have?
A recently weaned gerbil presents with alopecia around the external nares and upper labial region and red-brown moist dermatitis extending over the head and forelimbs. What is this called?
Sore nose
What is the scientific name for gerbils?
Meriones unguiculatus
What is the elliptical structure on the abdomen of a gerbil called?
Ventral sebaceous gland