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Holistic-Dynamic Theory
Focuses on whole person motivation toward self-actualization.
Achieving psychological health and personal growth.
Lower Level Needs
Basic needs like hunger, safety, love, and esteem.
Third Force in Psychology
Includes Maslow, Allport, Rogers, and May's theories.
First Force
Psychoanalysis and its modifications in psychology.
Second Force
Behaviorism and its various forms in psychology.
Motivation Complexity
Behavior arises from multiple, often unconscious motives.
Unconscious Motivation
Motives that are unknown to the individual.
Hierarchy of Needs
Arranged needs where lower must be satisfied first.
Prepotency of Needs
Lower needs must be mostly satisfied before higher needs.
Conative Needs
Five basic needs with a motivational character.
Physiological Needs
Basic survival needs: food, water, oxygen, temperature.
Recurring Nature of Needs
Physiological needs reappear after satisfaction.
Safety Needs
Desire for security, stability, and protection.
Basic Anxiety
Result of unmet safety needs causing distress.
Love and Belongingness Needs
Desire for relationships, family, and social connections.
Impact of Childhood on Needs
Childhood experiences influence adult safety and love needs.
Motivation for College Students
Grades may mask deeper needs like dominance.
Maslow vs. Allport
Maslow explores deeper motives than Allport's surface reasons.
Satisfaction of Needs
Once met, needs lose motivational power, replaced by others.
Children's Safety Needs
Children often motivated by fears of threats.
Adult Safety Needs
Adults may retain childhood fears affecting their safety.
Love Satisfaction Effects
Satisfied individuals handle love deprivation without panic.
Love and Belongingness
Need for acceptance and affection from others.
Devaluation of Love
Learning to undervalue love due to absence.
Small Doses of Love
Limited affection leads to strong motivation for more.
Psychological Growth
Children require love for healthy psychological development.
Self-Defeating Behaviors
Adults disguise need for love with aloofness.
Obvious Love Needs
Striving too hard for affection undermines success.
Esteem Needs
Desire for confidence, competence, and self-respect.
Public perception of a person's prestige and recognition.
Personal feelings of worth beyond external opinions.
Self-Actualization Needs
Desire for personal fulfillment and realization of potential.
Values like truth and beauty that influence self-actualization.
Independence from Lower Needs
Self-actualizers transcend basic needs for growth.
Aesthetic Needs
Desire for beauty and pleasing experiences.
Cognitive Needs
Need to know, solve mysteries, and understand.
Affectionate Experiences
Hugs and verbal love are crucial for development.
Motivation for Love
Stronger needs arise from limited love experiences.
Adult Love Expression
Adults often mask their love needs in relationships.
Suspicion from Others
Desperation for acceptance can alienate potential friends.
Self-Actualizing Individuals
Express basic needs without cultural suppression.
Psychological Illness
Frustrated aesthetic needs can lead to sickness.
Knowledge and Needs
Cognitive needs are essential for satisfying other needs.
Maslow's Theory
Healthy individuals seek knowledge and understanding.
Aesthetic Needs
Desire for beauty and artistic expression.
Cognitive Needs
Desire to learn and solve problems.
Condition resulting from unmet psychological needs.
Neurotic Needs
Compensatory desires stemming from unmet basic needs.
Lack of growth due to unmet needs.
Realization of personal potential and creativity.
Physiological Needs
Basic survival needs like food and water.
Safety Needs
Desire for security and protection from harm.
Love and Belongingness Needs
Need for relationships and social connections.
Esteem Needs
Desire for respect and self-worth.
Need Satisfaction Levels
Estimated fulfillment percentages for average individuals.
Reversed Order of Needs
Creativity prioritized over basic safety needs.
Unmotivated Behavior
Actions not driven by specific needs.
Expressive Behavior
Natural, unconscious expression without specific goals.
Coping Behavior
Conscious efforts to manage environmental challenges.
Deprivation of Needs
Lack of need fulfillment leads to pathology.
Health issues from unmet physiological needs.
Instinctoid Needs
Innate human needs shaped by learning.
Noninstinctoid Needs
Temporary desires not essential for health.
Lack of meaning and fulfillment in life.
Frustration of Needs
Unmet instinctoid needs cause significant pathology.
Psychological Health
Achieved through satisfaction of instinctoid needs.
Instinctoid Needs
Persistent needs essential for psychological health.
Noninstinctoid Needs
Temporary needs not crucial for health.
Species-Specific Needs
Only humans experience esteem and self-actualization.
Environmental Influences
Can mold or inhibit instinctoid needs.
Higher Needs
Later in evolutionary scale and individual development.
Lower Needs
Must be satisfied in children before higher needs.
Fulfillment of one's potential and capabilities.
Being values indicating psychological health.
Ultimate level of needs beyond deficiency.
Existential Illness
Occurs when metaneeds are unmet.
Deprivation of B-values leads to this condition.
Motives of self-actualizing individuals.
Characteristics of Self-Actualizers
Efficient perception of reality and acceptance.
Acceptance of Self
Lack of defensiveness and self-defeating guilt.
Tolerance of Weaknesses
Acceptance of others' flaws without judgment.
Natural behavior without pretense or conformity.
Absence of psychological disorders in self-actualizers.
Peak Experiences
Intense moments of happiness from higher needs.
Hierarchy of Needs
Progression from lower to higher needs.
Autonomy and independence in self-actualizers.
B-values Examples
Truth, beauty, justice, and simplicity.
Deficiency Needs
Motivates non-self-actualizers, opposed to B-values.
Realizing one's full potential and capabilities.
Problem Centering
Focus on solving problems rather than personal issues.
Need for Privacy
Enjoyment of solitude without feelings of loneliness.
Independence achieved through healthy relationships.
Continued Freshness of Appreciation
Repeatedly appreciating life's basic goods with awe.
Peak Experience
Profound moments of joy and unity with the universe.
Genuine concern for the welfare of others.
Profound Interpersonal Relations
Deep connections with a few close friends.
Democratic Character Structure
Friendly and open-minded towards all individuals.
Discrimination between Means and Ends
Enjoying activities for their own sake.
Philosophical Sense of Humor
Spontaneous humor that reflects self-awareness.