Great Famine
A terrible famine in 1315-1322 that hit much of Europe after a period of climate change
Black Death
Plague that first struck europe in 1347 and killed perhaps 1/3 of the population
People who believed that the plague was God’s punishment for sin and sought to do penance by whipping themselves
Hundred Years’ War
A war between England and France from 1337 to 1453, with political and economic causes and consequences
Representative assemblies
Deliberative meetings of lords and wealthy urban residents that flourished in many European countries between 1250 and 1450
Babylonian Captivity
The period from 1309 to 1376 when the popes resided in Avignon rather than in rome.
Great Schism
The division, or split, in church leadership from 1378 to 1417 when there was two, then three, popes
People who believed that the authority in the Roman Church should rest in a general council composed of clergy, theologians, and laypeople, rather than the pope alone
A massive uprising by French peasants in 1358 protesting heavy taxation
English Peasants’ Revolt
Revolt by English peasants in 1381 in response to changing economic conditions
Statute of Kilkenny
Law issued in 1366 that discriminated against the Irish, forbidding marriage between English and the Irish, requiring the use of the English language, and denying the Irish access to ecclesiastical offices
Famine and diseass ridden people blamed the ____ for their troubles
Port cities
What types of cities were heavily affected by the plague?
Labor shortages led to higher wages
What positive economic conditions did the Black Death bring?
General inflation
What negative economic conditions did the Black Death bring?
Disputes over the Aquitaine region and succession to the French throne
What were causes of the 100 years war?
Early nationalism
Royal propaganda encouraging unity within countries and opposition to the other
English soldiers who possessed long range weapons to best the French in the early years of the war
Joan of Arc
Claimed visions from God and was put in charge of French armies, turning the tide of the war
Farmlands were destroyed and the rural economy was in shambles
What economic impact did the 100 years war have?
Religious faith weakened over papal confusion
What effect did the Schism have on common people?
William of Occam/Marsiglio of Padua
argued for separation of church and state
John Wyclif
argued that the the church had no secular power and translated the Bible into English
Jan Hus
denied papal authority, later burned for heresy
Council of Pisa
held in 1409 to try to end the Schism, instead adding a third pope to the mix
the charging of excessive interest on loans (why many hated jews)
Many people saw the Black Death as a ______ problem rather than a medical problem
a person who is blamed for the wrongdoings, mistakes, or faults of others
French nobles from ______ supported the English to gain political independence
______ merchants from France supported the English because of their reliance on the wool trade
The war stimulated the advancement of _______
voluntary lay groups organized by occupation, devotional preference, neighborhood, or charitable activity
Oppressive taxes, criminal banditry, battlefield losses, and general misery
Causes for the Jacquerie rebellion:
frozen wages and boundedness to manors
Causes for the English Peasants Revolt
an sexual urban phenomena permitted by cities in certain red-light districts
Fur-Collar Crime
noble bandits in the countryside demanding ransom and protection moneys; signifies political corruption
Ethnic difference began to be referred to in terms of _____
common language
“Divine Comedy”
Written by Dante Alighieri, a work about the travels through Heaven, Purgatory, and Hell, specifically presenting issues with the church in Inferno
“Canterbury Tales”
Written by Geoffrey Chaucer, provides a panorama of European social life
Unam Sanctum
states that the Catholic church is the only way to heavan
banishment from the Church