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Value-relative comparison
The process of comparing the benefits and costs of a product.
The ability of a product to satisfy a human want or need.
Consumer Goods
Physical products purchased by consumers for personal use.
Industrial Goods
Physical products purchased by companies to produce other products.
Products that have nonphysical features, such as information, expertise, or an activity that can be purchased.
Relationship Marketing
A marketing strategy that focuses on building lasting relationships with customers and suppliers.
Customer Relationship Management (CRM)
Organized methods used by a firm to build better information connections with clients, leading to stronger company-client relationships.
Data Warehousing
The collection, storage, and retrieval of data in electronic files.
Political Legal Environment
The relationship between business and government, often involving government regulation of business.
Sociocultural Environment
The customs, mores, values, and demographic characteristics of the society in which an organization operates.
Technological Environment
All the ways in which firms create value for their constituents through technology.
Economic Environment
The relevant conditions that exist in the economic system in which a company operates.
Competitive Environment
The competitive system in which businesses compete.
Substitute Product
A product that is different from competitors' products but can fulfill the same need.
Brand Competition
Competitive marketing that appeals to consumer perceptions of the benefits of products offered by specific companies.
International Competition
Competitive marketing of domestic products against foreign products.
Geographic segmentation
geographic units, from countries to neighborhoods, that may be considered in identifying different market segments in a segmentation strategy
geo-demographic Variables
combination of geographic and demographic traits used in developing a segmentation strategy
Geo-demographic segmentation
using a combination of geographic and demographic traits for identifying different market segments in a segmentation strategy
Psychographic Variables
consumer characteristics, such as lifestyles, opinions, interests, and attitudes that may be considered in developing a segmentation strategy
Psychographic segmentation
a segmentation strategy that uses psychographic characteristics to identify different market segments
Behavioral variables
behavioral patterns displayed by groups of consumers and that are used in developing a segmentation strategy
Competitive utility
satisfaction or benefit that individuals derive from outperforming others in a competitive setting. It motivates individuals to strive for success and gain a sense of accomplishment by comparing their performance to others.
4 P’s of marketing
Price, Place, Promotion, products
form utility
the value added to a product or service through the process of transforming raw materials or components into a finished product.