________: can determine up to 25 % of the variability in a lifespan.
External locus of control
________: the perception that outside influences- heredity, friends and family, luck, environment, fate, and chance- determine life events.
________ in genes are known for 3500 hereditary conditions.
important dates
Includes goals, steps used to measure progress, strategies, and ________.
________ to adequate health care helps improve both quality and quantity of life through preventive care and the treatment of disease.
Human genome
________ varies slightly from person to person, and many differences do not affect health.
Risk factor
________: behaviors /factors that can lead to illness /injury /detrimental effect on the body.
Time frame specific
________: Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to reach your goal.
________: consists of the complete set of genetic material in your cells; it contains about 25, 000 genes, half from each of your parents.
environmental cues
Modify your environment to control the ________ that provoke the target behavior.
clear hereditary conditions
Errors in our genes are responsible for about 3500 ________.
consists of the complete set of genetic material in your cells; it contains about 25,000 genes, half from each of your parents
can determine up to 25% of the variability in a lifespan
the overall condition of body or mind and the presence or absence of illness or injury
optimal health and vitality, encompassing all the dimensions of well-being, which depends on conscious decisions that affect risk factors
Target Behavior
one behavior you want to change and work on it systematically
Internal locus of control
People who believe they are in control of their own lives
External locus of control
the perception that outside influences-heredity, friends and family, luck, environment, fate, and chance-determine life events
Risk factor
behaviors/factors that can lead to illness/injury/detrimental effect on the body
Key factors
optimism; self-esteem; and self-confidence
There are bad health habits such as
smoking, stress, poor diet, and being sedentary-leads to heart disease
Be specific regarding the behavior
Be certain that your progress is measurable
Set goals that are within your physical limits
Manage your expectations in a logical and realistic manner
Time frame-specific
Give yourself a reasonable amount of time to reach your goal