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Deviant behavior
the violation of established social norms such as folkways or mores
Normative behavior
expected behavior that follows norms
The social construction of deviance
Social control
regulation of enforcement of norms
Asch conformity experiments
demonstrated the pressures of conformity. Participants were shown a line and had to match it with one of three options. Confederates purposely gave incorrect answers, leading many participants to conform and choose the wrong answer.
Social order
arrangement of practices and behaviors that society members base their lives on
Positive sanction
reward for conforming to norms ex: work promotion
Negative sanction
punishment for violating norms ex: being arrested
informal sanction
reactions to social interactions
formal sanction
a way to officially recognize and enforce norm violations
defining a characteristic/behavior in criminal or legal terms
defining a characteristic or behavior in medical terms
an individual complying with group norms or expectations
waiting room experiment
violent crime
use or threat of force; rape, murder or armed robbery
nonviolent crime
destruction of theft or property without use of force
street crime
offenses committed by regular people to others or organizations in public spaces
corporate crime
crime committed by white-collar workers in business
victimless crime
crimes that don’t explicitly harm another person
Crime in US
crime is declining over time
criminal justice system
an organization that enforces a legal code
functional strain theory
people have socially acceptable goals but society doesn’t give them a socially acceptable way to meet that goal so they commit crime
functional view of crime
emphasizes social order, crime happens when soicety is not organizaed
social disorganization theory
society functions like a machine and when communities are disorganized social ties are weak, less social control and crime occurs
conflict theory of crime
looks at social and economic causes of crime;power dispairites
critical criminology
power elite
the people with the most resources get to decide whats crime and whats not
symbolic interactionist theory of crime
how society or social groups can view behaviors as deviant or conventional
hirschi’s control theory
social control is linked to social bonds and crime occurs when people are disconnected from society
master status
a label that describes the cheif characteristic of an indivudial
13th amendment
hate crime
crime based on persons race, religion and sexuality
green/environmental crime
Crime that harms the environment
primary deviance
violation of norms that doesn’t effect a persons self image
secondary deviance
when a persons self-image and behavior changes after society labels their actions as deviant
ranking society based on wealth, income, education, family background, and power
socio-economic status
a persons place within stratification
closed system
cant change social position
open system
more mobility between classes
caste system
closed system where people cant change social status given at birth
class system
based on social factors and individual achievement
hypothetical system where stratification is determined by personal effort and merit
status consistency
the consistency of a person's rank across the factors that determine social stratification in life
economic mobility
how peoples economic status changes overtime
intergenerational mobility
different family generations belonging to different social classes
absolute poverty
person cant afford basic necessities
relative poverty
person has less income than average or median income
subjective poverty
how individual views their economic status
gini coefficient
measurement of inequality; closer to 1 is more unequal closer to 0 is more equal
core nations
dominant capitalist countries
peripheral nations
dominated by core nations with little industrialization
semiperipheral nations
in-between nations; major source of raw materials and expanding middle class
capital flight
movement of capital from one nation to another
debt accumulation
external debt from borrowing from other nations for expansion
modernization theory
low income countries have a lack of industrialization and can improve by adjusting cultural values and work attitudes and industrialization
dependence theory
gloabal inequality is caused by core nations exploiting lower nations causing dependency
davis moore thesis
states social stratification is necessary for society to function. Argues that unequal rewards incentivize individuals to pursue important roles.
social constucted groups based on shared physical or social traits
based on shared culture ex: language, norms beliefs
scapegoat theory
when dominant group shifts their frustration on subordinate group
intersection theory
race, class, gender and sexual orientation are intertwined
culture of prejudice theory
prejudice is embedded in our culture ex: racist imagery in movies and stores
individual/interpersonal racism
occurs between individuals conscious or unconsciously ex:telling racist joke
racial profiling
systemic racism that gives racial minorities different treatment
color blind racism
white people avoiding referencing race and failing to recognize it
racial steering
real estate agents directing people towards or away from neighborhoods based on race
sedimentation of racial inequality
racial inequality is hard to get rid of because its passed down ex: when slavery ended Jim crow was created
when a minority gives up own identity and takes on characteristics of dominant culture
double consciousness
seeing yourself as valued member of society but also seeing yourself through the white view
Du Bois’ concept of the veil
he realizes he’s different when a girl shuns him and a veil has risen between him and society. Veil is something you can see through but cant pass through ex; seeing white experience but cant reach it
The tendency of individuals to associate and bond with others who are similar to them in terms of characteristics, interests, or beliefs.
de facto racism
in practice
de jure racism
in law
capacity to experience sexual feelings and attraction
sexual orientation
persons attraction to a sex
pay gap
the second shift
childcare and housework completed after work day done by women and can cause them more stress