Germany (1870-1918)

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Unification of Germany

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Unification of Germany

The process of bringing together the 39 states of Germany under one country, led by Prussia and Chancellor Otto Von Bismarck.

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Kaiser Wilhelm II

The German Emperor who succeeded in 1888, focused on industrialization, militarism, and building a strong navy to rival Britain.

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The foreign policy followed by Kaiser Wilhelm II, aiming for Germany to have a prominent place among world powers.

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Social Democratic Party [SPD]

A political party in Germany that gained popularity among workers, advocating for socialism and equal distribution of power and wealth.

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Weimar Republic

The democratic government established in Germany after WWI, known for its proportional representation system and weaknesses like Article 48 and state government conflicts.

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Spartacist Revolution

An uprising in January 1919 by the German communist party (Spartacists) against the Weimar government, led by Rosa Luxemburg and Karl Liebknecht.

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Kapp Putsch

An attempted takeover of Germany in 1920 led by Wolfgang Kapp, which was thwarted by workers in Berlin going on strike.

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Treaty of Versailles

The peace treaty Germany had to sign after World War I, including terms like War Guilt clause, Reparations, Armed Forces restrictions, and Territory losses.

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A period in Germany, particularly in November 1923, when the value of money dropped drastically, leading to soaring prices and economic instability.

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Munich Putsch

An unsuccessful attempt by Hitler and the Nazis in November 1923 to seize power in Munich, resulting in Hitler's arrest and trial.

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Stresemann Years

Refers to the period of 1924-1929 when Gustav Stresemann's economic measures helped stabilize Germany's economy and improve living standards.

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Wall Street Crash

The economic collapse in the USA in 1929, leading to the Great Depression and affecting Germany's economy due to withdrawn loans.

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Nazi Propaganda

The strategic use of clear, simple messages by the Nazis, led by Josef Goebbels, through newspapers, radio, and mass rallies to influence public opinion.

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SA (Sturmabteilung)

The paramilitary organization of the Nazi Party, known for its violent tactics and role in intimidating opponents to gain support for the Nazis.

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Hitler's Promises

Hitler's pledges to address Germany's issues, including abolishing the Treaty of Versailles, solving problems, and providing jobs, which appealed to many voters.

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Hitler's Chancellorship

The political maneuvering that led to Hitler becoming Chancellor in January 1933, through alliances and agreements with other politicians.

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Decree for the Protection of the People and State

Allowed Nazis to imprison political opponents, mainly Communists, and ban Communist and Socialist newspapers to hinder their campaigning efforts.

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Enabling Law

Passed in 1933, it granted Hitler the power to make laws without Reichstag consultation for 4 years, enabling him to establish a dictatorship through tactics like voter intimidation and coalition formation.

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Night of the Long Knives

Refers to the event in 1934 where Hitler had SA leader Röhm and 400 SA leaders killed, eliminating internal threats and consolidating power.

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Death of President Hindenburg

After Hindenburg's death in 1934, Hitler combined the roles of Chancellor and President, becoming the Führer, solidifying his control over Germany legally through the Enabling Law.

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Reich Church

The Protestant Church reorganized into the National Reich Church under Nazi influence, replacing Christian symbols with Nazi symbols.

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Ministry of Churches

Established in 1935 to control churches in Nazi Germany, leading to the abolishment of church schools and promotion of Hitler Youth.

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Pastor's Emergency League

Founded by Pastor Martin Niemoller in 1933 as a Protestant opposition to the Nazis.

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"With Burning Anxiety"

Pope's statement in 1937 criticizing Nazi abuse of human rights, resulting in the arrest of 400 Catholic Priests.

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A military strategy used by the Nazis in early war years, leading to rapid victories and increased supplies for Germany.

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Introduced in 1939 in Nazi Germany to control supplies, improving the diet of some Germans during the war.

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Albert Speer

Became Reich Minister for Armaments and Production in 1943, increasing war production in Germany.

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People's Home Guard set up in 1944 to defend German cities, composed of Hitler Youth and unfit men.

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Sections of cities where Jews were confined during the war, facing terrible conditions and starvation.

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Special murder squads organized by the Nazis to kill Jews, leading to the murder of millions by 1943.

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