carbocation (CH3+) formed from chloroalkane and AlCl3.
carbocation reacts with benzene via electrophilic substitution
AlCl4- reacts with H+ formed regenerating the catalyst and HCl
nitrous acid is unstable so made in situ from sodium nitrate and hydrochloric acid
nitrous acid then reacts with phenylamine and hydrochloric acid forming benzendiazomium chloride. below 5℃ or phenol forms
phenol dissolved in sodium hydroxide solution to make sodium phenoxide
added to ice and chilled benzenediazonium chloride/diazonium salt added
azo dye precipitates once its coupled
hydrogen bonding -weak
instantaneous dipole induced dipole
ionic bonding between charged groups
fibre reactive dyes- strongest
2cm3 of 0.1 mild-3 silver nitrate
few drops of dilute sodium nitrate solution forming a light brown ppt
add few drops of ammonia till down ppt dissolves completely- now made the reagent
put test tube in hot water bath and add 10 drops of aldehyde or ketone
CN- attacks partially possible C and donates 2e to the O
H+ from HCH or water bonds to the other O forming OH
this creates cyanohydrin
main functional group is the suffix- end
others added as prefix- start
alphabetical order
use multiple solutions to test
further test melting/boiling point to tell if there is one or multiple compounds
10 drops of alcohol to 2cm3 of test solution, warm and watch for colour change
primary- orange to green aldehyde (if further heating oxidised to carboxylic acid)
secondary- orange turns to green Ketone
tertiary- nothing
special procedures
conditions needed
safety precautions
method of backward planning a practical
identify functional groups
identify any bonds made between groups
further split up any molecules further
animal and vegetable fats and oils.
contain ester -COO- 3 times.
made with glycerol and 3 fatty acids
2 OH on glycerol link with 3 OH on fatty acids in condensation reaction
sample injected into gas stream
compounds cycle through dissolving in stationary and evaporating into mobile phase
time dissolving depends on there solubility and effects how ling it takes to reach detector