PSY 813 Final Exam

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Balkwill and Thompson (1999)

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Balkwill and Thompson (1999)

  • ragas expressive of 4 emotions presented to  listeners raised in Western culture

  • listeners rated (from 1 to 9):

    • degree to which each emotion was conveyed

    • tempo

    • melodic complexity

    • rhythmic complexity


    • sensitive to some emotions (esp. joy and sadness) but not others

    • joy correlated with tempo (.85) and melodic complexity (-.66)

      • 91% of variance in joy ratings explained

    • sadness correlated with tempo (-.92) and melodic complexity (.64)

      • 91% of variance in sadness ratings explained

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Discrete emotions

discrete view

  • basic set of discrete, innate  emotions

  • dedicated brain areas

  • each serves a particular adaptive function

Measuring discrete emotions

  • typically involves either:

    • choosing from a list of discrete emotions OR

  • rating extent to which discrete emotions are felt


  • discrete but meant to capture more nuanced (and perhaps music-specific)  emotions (Winner, 2019, p. 49)

  • 9 factors:

  • “aesthetic emotions” most commonly reported:

  • e.g., feeling moved, nostalgic, enchanted, dreamy, and tender

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Continuous emotions

  • e.g., Circumplex Model proposes variety of human emotions map onto two-dimensions:

    • valence

    • arousal

  • specification of emotions follow cognitive appraisal

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acknowledges multiple mechanisms by which music can induce emotion ( Juslin & Västfjäll, 2008)

can be:

  • fleeting or long lasting

  • specific or ineffable

  • innate or learned

  • low-level (physiological) or cognitive (involving evaluation, etc.)

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