coincidental evolution hypothesis
human virulence is side effect of traits that are adaptive in the pathogen's normal habitat, for pathogens that do not usually have a human host
short-sighted evolution
pathogens that live for many generations in single host aren't under selection for transmissibility
trade-off evolution
damage to host is acceptable if it increases the chances of transmission to new hosts
coat protein that helps virus bind to host cells, recognized by the host immune system
pandemic strains
strains that are rapidly acquiring amino acid substitutions in sites under positive selection
antigenic sites
parts of the protein of the virus that the immune system recognizes and remembers
biological species concept
Species is a group of populations whose members have the potential to produce fertile offspring.
phylogenetic species concept
defines a species as the smallest group of individuals that share a common ancestor
morphological species concept
characterizes a species by body shape and other structural features
lateral transfer species concept
species concept using bacteria and lateral gene transfer
allopatric speciation
formation of species with physical isolation
sympatric speciation
formation of new species in the same range- due to other barrier
condition in which an organism has extra sets of chromosomes, can create rapid sympatric speciation
allopatric speciation that occurs when something in the environment separates organisms of the same species into separate groups
the movement of organisms from one place to another to create new species
must occur to split species after isolation. reasons- adaptation to different habitats, assortative mating, more mutations
reinforcement occurs
hybrids have reduced fitness
hybrid zones
where geographic ranges of 2 species overlap
morphological differences between taxa
number of taxa and relationships between taxa
ranges of trait values may be occupied or not, usually uneven- theoretical range is broader than observed range
punctuated equilibrium
Pattern of evolution in which long stable periods are interrupted by brief periods of more rapid change
phyletic gradualism
Species evolve by the accumulation of many small changes over a long time period
adaptive radiation
rapid increase in disparity and diversity, driven by ecological opportunity or morphological innovation
one island model
most gene flow is from continent to island. every individual that comes from mainland significantly impacts allele frequencies in island gene pool, way less impactful for mainland gene pool
two island model
2 islands gene pools are more equally influence by each other
genetic drift
describes the effect of random chance on allele frequencies. random
sampling error
= xbar - mu
actual mean
sample mean
founder effect
example of genetic drift, allele frequencies of those who migrate may not represent frequencies of population
allopatric speciation
The formation of new species in populations that are geographically isolated from one another.
random fixation
probability of an allele becoming fixed due to random chance is equal to its starting frequncy
Loss of heterozygosity
happens on the way to fixation
H g+1 means
heterozygosity in the next generation
= Hg (1- 1/2N)
Fst means
fixation index, models loss of heterozygosity in isolated subpopulations
= (Ht-Hs)/Ht
expected heterozygosity if entire population is in HWE, 2pq
observed average heterozygosity across all subpopulations
neutral loci
loci that are not under selection give better idea of when and how fast drift acts, good for molecular clock
nonrandom mating
both sexual selection and inbreeding
mating with genetic relatives, exacerbated by small population sizes, does not change allele frequencies but increases proportion of homozygotes
inbreeding depression
result of increased homozygosity, deleterious recessive alleles are more likely to be expressed in this population
linkage disequilibrium
When a pair of alleles from two loci are inherited together in the same gamete more/less often than random chance would expect, increased by inbreeding
multilocus genotype of a chromosome or gamete
linked loci
physically proximate, less likely to be separated by crossing over during meiosis
linkage equilibrium
genotype of a chromosome at one locus is independent of its genotype at the other locus
D means
coefficient of linkage disequilibrium
frequency of each haplotype in population
=gABgab - gAbgaB
recombination rate, probability of crossing over
sexual reproduction
reduces LD by crossing over during meiosis generating new haplotypes
the older the mutation
the less closely linked it is to a certain haplotype
common and strongly linked alleles
young and under positive selection
mullers ratchet
describes accumulation of deleterious mutations in an asexual population and loss of genetic diversity to drift
Quantitative traits
traits that show continuous variation ex. height, controlled by many different loci and environmental factors
marker locus, helps identify loci that contribute to quantitative trait. if M predicts average phenotype, marker is linked to quantitative trait locus
quantitative trait loci
broad sense heritability
V genetic / V phenotypic
V phenotypic
Vg + V environmental
= Vg/ Vg+Ve
narrow sense heritability, equal to slope of least-squares regression line on plot of midparent and midoffspring trait values
trait is more heritable, identical twins will have more similar trait values than dizygotic twins
t bar
mean trait value of population
t star
mean trait value of individuals that reproduce
selection differential
the difference between the mean of the group selected for reproduction and the mean of the entire population, s = tstar-tbar
selection gradient
plots relative fitness vs trait value, connects trait value to fitness
breeders equation
calculates response to selection
breeders equation actual
R = h2s
directional selection
changes the average trait value, moves curve over
stablizing selection
decreases variance of trait without changing the average trait value
trait or integrated suite of traits that increases the fitness of its possessor, process in which a lineage evolves a trait that confers higher fitness
determine what trait is for, show that individuals with the trait contribute more genes to future generations than individuals lacking it
how to test if trait is adaptive
typically female
higher investing parent
typically male
lower investing parent
heavy investing parent limits
reproductive success limited by resources and time
light investing parent limits
reproductive success limited by number of mates
intersexual selection
sex with heavy investment in offspring is choosy about mating, one sex exacting selection on another
intrasexual selection
sex with light investment in offspring will compete to mate, same sex exacting selection on each other
intrasexual selection can lead to
adaptations for display or combat, sneaky behaviors
sneaker males
"sneak" in and mate with females when the dominant or territorial male is not looking, do not fight or display. can be equally fit as competitive strategies
sperm competition
competition between sperm of different males to fertilize eggs
individual killing the offspring of other males to increase own fitness
daughters preferred trait value often matches brothers measured trait value, increases likelihood of brothers mating success. "sexy sons hypothesis"
why does preference exist
arbitrary, exploit sensory biases, increases resources available, signals that individual has good genes
mutually beneficial behavior
benefits fitness of actor and recipient, ex. communal nesting
selfish behavior
benefits actor at expense of recipient, ex. cane toad eggs eat each other
altruistic behavior
benefits recipient at expense of the actor, ex. ground squirrel alarm calls
spiteful behavior
harms both actor and recipient, ex. bacteria making toxins that kill other strains of their species
direct fitness
Individual's own reproductive success
indirect fitness
reproductive success of relatives
inclusive fitness
direct fitness + indirect fitness
Hamiltons rule
predicts when altruistic behavior will occur, B*r - C > 0
cost of direct fitness actor gives up
benefit of direct fitness recipient gains
relatedness definition
probability that shared allele is identical by descent
identical by descent
shared allele is shared because was present in an ancestor