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Organizational Behavior
a field of study devoted to understanding, explaining, and ultimately improving human behavior in organizations
Resource Based View of the Firm
companies can't buy strong history, many little decisions are more difficult to copy than big ones, complex resources (culture) hard to create
The Rule of 1/8
1/2 of companies believe in a connection between OB practice and profit, 1/2 of those companies implement a comprehensive approach, 1/2 of those persist long enough to see profit= 1/8 of companies successfully use OB
How do we know things?
scientific method
theory building
theory testing
Methods of Knowing: Experience
consistent with own experience
Methods of Knowing: intuition
seems obvious or self evident
Methods of Knowing: authority
respected sources said so
Methods of Knowing: science
scientific studies have replicated the result
Methods of Knowing: "what are the benefits of science, relative to the other three?"
Organic Food
not healthier, not safer, higher greenhouse has emissions
Scientific Method
scientific research is systematic, controlled, empirical, amoral, public, and critical investigation of natural phenomena. It is guided by theory and hypotheses about the presumed relations among such phenomena.
What is the goal of science?
establish a relationship between two or more variables
How do we "know"? Scientific Method
Theory->hypotheses->data-> verification->(repeat)
What is a theory?
A collection of assertions that specify how, why, and when variables are related.
How do we build theories? 3 things
Interviews, Observation, Introspection
Example of theory (hypotheses phase)
"satisfaction with ones supervisor is positively correlated to employee job performance"
Hypothesis measures (data phase)
scales, behavior observations, organizational records
What is reliability?
degree to which a measure is free from random error
what are sources of random error? (4)
interviews, tests, surveys, references
how is reliability calculated?
correlating measurement repetitions
Why might reliability matter for reliability?
measures must be reliable to be valid
Reliability vs Validity (target)
all in top right= reliable not valid
all over= valid not reliable
all over top half= neither reliable nor valid
center= reliable and valid
"how compact is the spread?"
"is the spread compact and on target?"
index of the relationship between two variable
perfect positive relationship
perfect negative relationship
Sampling error
sample size goes up= sampling error goes down
how do we construct confidence intervals?
use sample size (n) to contract confidence intervals around the correlation
confidence interval formula
ci=r+/- (1.5x 1/sqrt(n))
r =.2
-.07 to .47
3 things prove causality
covariation, temporal precedence, elimination of alternative explanations
Effects of Job Satisfaction on Performance and commitment
last slide 1b
How do we identify relevant behaviors?
job analysis
job anaylsis
divide job into 4 dimensions
list 2 key task within each of those major dimensions
rate the task of frequency and importance
use most frequent and important tasks to create job description
job analysis 4
generate a list of general job dimensions
come up with specific tasks within those
rate fréquencey and importance
use most critical taks to define "task performance"
Task Perfomance
the behaviors directly involved in transforming organizational resources into the goods or services an organization produces
task performance mix (3)
routine rask perfomance- normal and preditable
adaptive taks perfomrmance- novel and unporedicatible
creative task performance-...
what is creative task performance?
the degree to which individuals develop ideas or products that are both novel and useful
3 aspects job performance
task performance
citizenship behavior
conter productive behavior
what is citizenship behavior?
voluntary activities that may or may not be rewarded but that contribute to the organization by improving the quality of the setting where work occurs slide 20 chapter 2
speaking up and offering constructive suggestions for cjhange
civic virtue
participation in the company operations at a deeper than normal level by attending voluntary meetings....
representing the organization in a positive way when out in public
assisting co workers with heavy load
keeping co workers informed about matters relevant to them
maintaining a good attitude with co workers
Counterproductive behavior
employee behaviors that intentionally hinder organizational goal accomplishments (slide 26 ch 2)
are these all exampels of the same general begavior pattern? if you do one, are you likely to do most others as well?
people who engage in one form of counterproductive behaviors also engage in others
how does counterproductive behavior relate to task performance and citizenship behavior?
strong negative correlation with citizenship behavior
weak negative correlation with task performance
Organizational Commitment
a desire on the part of an employee to remain a memeber of an organizations
forms of organizational commitment (3)
Affective commitment
a desire on the part of an emplotee to remain a member of an organization because of an emotional attachment to, or inovlvment in, that organziation. stay because want to
Continuance Commitment
desire on the part of an employee to remain a member of an organation because of an aweareness of the cost associated with leaving
stay because need to
work and non work forces that bind us to our jobs : links, fit, sacrifice
normative commitment
a desire on the part of the employee to remain a member of an organization because of a feeling of obligation. stay becuase you ought to
Organizational Commitment Model
slide 13 chapter 3
slide 14 ch 3
fill out
Are employees today less loyal than 10 years ago?
Yes 63% said so
will you change employers in the next 5 years?
Yes50% said so
Why care about OC?
more expensive to recruit and train new employees than to retain current employees
deloitte: 150k to replace
SAS: 60k to replace
annua loss of 150 jobs results in 9mil a year
How can wee increase commitment?
need to know what they value, varies by generation
Gen X wants
good colleagues
interesting work
learning opportunities