All aeneid books and themes
Who is Juno?
Who is Saturn?
Who is Paris?
Son of Priam, prince of Troy
Who is Jupiter?
Who is Achilles?
Greatest Greek warrior
Who is Ajax?
One of the best Greek fighters
What are penates?
household gods
Who is Deiopea?
One of Juno's 14 nymphs; given to Aeolus
Who is Hector?
Trojan prince, leader of the Trojans
Who is Achates?
Aeneas' best friend
Who is Neptune?
Who is Ceres?
Who is Scylla?
Six headed monster
Who is Venus?
What is Ascanius' also known as?
Who is Mars?
Who is Vesta?
Who is Dido?
Queen of Carthage
Who is Diana?
Who is Penthesilea?
Amazonian queen
Who is Anchises?
Aeneas' dad
Who is Helen?
Queen of Sparta
Who is Cupid?
Son of Venus
Opening line of the poem
"I sing of arms and of the man, fated to be an exile"
Why does Juno hate the Trojans?
Paris chose Venus over her
What does Aeolus hide in his cavern?
"brawling winds and howling storms"
What does Aeneas say in his first speech?
"Those whose fate it was to die beneath the high walls of Troy...were many, many times more fortunate than I..."
Who saves the Trojan ship from wreckage in book one?
How many stags does Aeneas kill in total when they reach land?
Aeneas is miserable, but he says this to his men to cheer them up
"endure and save yourselves for better days."
Who does Jupiter send to Carthage to make it hospitable to the Trojans?
Who does Aeneas take into the woods to explore the area?
Who is disguised as a Spartan girl out hunting?
What does Aeneas call Venus for disguising herself?
What are the Carthaginians likened to when Aeneas first sees them?
Why does Aeneas cry to Achates at the start of book one?
Because he knows now that everyone is aware of Trojan misfortune in battle
How does Aeneas react to first seeing Dido?
"rooted to the spot and lost in amazement...queen Dido in all her beauty."
Which goddess is Dido compared to?
After Venus' shroud over Aeneas and Achates dissipates, what does Aeneas look like and how is this familiar to us?
He looks like a god. This is nicked from the Homeric description of Odysseus
Who does Venus disguise Cupid as to "inflame the heart of the queen"
What quote foreshadows Dido's bleak end?
"Dido doomed to be the victim of a plague that was yet to come."
Who does Dido ask Aeneas about?
Priam, Hector, Agamemnon and Achilles
How is the end of book one a direct literary reference to the Odyssey?
Phaecians asked to hear about Odysseus' travels, both texts then go into flashbacks
What was Aeneas famous for?
" famous for piety"
How was the Trojan boat carried to land?
"carried helplessly"
Which quote shows the speed with which Aeneas kills the stags?
"He stopped in his tracks and snatched his bow and swift arrows from the trusty Achates...he succeeded in stretching seven huge carcasses"
Which quote shows that Aeneas is a good leader who gives things equally to his men?
"Shared out the wine"
Which quote shows Aeneas' determination to get to Latium?
"...however many hardships we suffer, we are making for Latium."
Which quote shows us how depressed Aeneas is about the men he has left?
"he was sick with all his cares. He showed them the face of hope and kept the misery deep in his heart."
Who is Neoptolemus?
Son of Achilles
What is Neoptolemus' other name?
Who is Ulixes?
Who is Priam?
King of Troy
Who is Laocoon?
Son of Priam, Trojan priest
Who is Sinon?
Greek spy
Where is Agamemnon king of?
Where is Menelaus king of?
Who is Cassandra?
Daughter of Priam
What is Cassandra's curse?
Always tells the truth but no one believes her
Who is Deiphobus?
Son of Priam
Who is Andromache?
Wife of Hector
Who is Astyanax?
Son of Hector
Who is Hecuba?
Priam's wife
Who is Creusa?
Aeneas' wife
What quote begins book two?
"They all fell silent, gazing at Father Aeneas, and he began to speak..."
Which goddess helped the Greeks build their horse?
Pallas Athene
What did the Greeks pretend the horse was?
A votive offering
Which quote shows that Troy accepted the offering and were joyful?
"the gates were thrown open and the people went out rejoicing"
What does Laocoon say to the Trojans bringing the horse within their walls?
"I tell you there are Greeks hiding in here... I am afraid of Greeks, even when they bear gifts."
What does Laocoon do to the horse?
Throws a spear into it
What does Sinon say to the Trojans?
"There is nothing left for a man like me, who has no place among the Greeks"
What does Priam say to Sinon?
"From this moment on forget the Greeks...You will be one of us"
What quote describes the two serpents who make their way towards Laocoon?
"Their eyes were blazing and flecked with blood"
How does Virgil make Laocoon's death gruesome?
"his priestly ribbons befouled by gore and black venom,"
Why did they believe Laocoon was killed?
"violated the sacred timbers by hurling his sinful spear"
Which quote shows Cassandra's helplessness after the Trojans have brought the horse into the city?
"Cassandra was still opening her lips to foretell the future"
Which Trojan hero appears to Aeneas in sleep?
What does Hector tell Aeneas to do?
Leave as soon as possible
Which quote shows how Aeneas put his armour on?
Which quote does Virgil use to show the demise of the Trojans?
"The Trojans are no more"
Which simile shows how Aeneas and his men fought?
"like wolves"
What quote shows the mood of the Trojans whilst the Greeks are sacking them?
"Bitter grief was everywhere"
Who does Aeneas see raging through the battle?
Which quote does Aeneas use to describe how Pyrrhus is killing?
"Neoptolemus in an orgy of killing"
What does Priam tell Pyrrhus before he is killed?
That Pyrrhus is nothing like Achilles, because Achilles had honour
Which quote does Priam use to show Achilles' honour over Pyrrhus'?
"He gave me back the bloodless body of Hector."
Where does Pyrrhus kill Priam?
When the attention switches back to the present, what does Aeneas say to the Carthaginians?
"What was I to do? There came into my mind the mirage of my own dear father..."
Who does Aeneas see hiding at the Temple of Vesta?
Who appears to Aeneas just as he is about to kill Helen?
What does Venus tell Aeneas to do instead of killing Helen?
Tells him to go and find his dad, wife and son
Who does Venus tell Aeneas to blame for the fighting?
The gods, not Paris
Why does Anchises initially not go with Aeneas?
He doesn't want to live now that Troy has fallen
What was the only thing that Anchises could wish for now that Troy was gone?
"Death was the only thing I could hope for"
Because his dad won't come with him, what does Aeneas decide?
"Let me go back and re-join the battle. Today we die. But not all of us shall die unavenged."
What is the first portent from Jupiter in the Aeneas' family home?
Ascanius' head has a light streaming from the top
Who demands a second sign from Jupiter?
Which quote shows the second portent from Jupiter?
"sudden peal of thunder"
What does Anchises decide after the two portents from Jupiter?
That he will now go with Aeneas
What does Aeneas say to his father as they leave their home together?
"Come then, dear father, up on my back. I shall take you on my shoulders. Your weight will be nothing to me."