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What is the equation for Income Balance/Net Primary Income?
Net Investment Income + Net International Payment to Employees
What does the Trade Balance measure?
The difference between exports and imports of goods and services
What is the formula for calculating Trade Balance?
Trade Balance = Goods Balance + Services Balance
Bilateral Trade Deficit
Trade deficit between two economies
Global Imbalances
Disparities in trade balances worldwide
Income balance / Net Primary Income
Difference between incomes received and paid globally, recorded separately for capital and labour
How is income from labour recorded for the Income Balance/Net Primary Income?
Net International Payment to Employees:
Records earnings of domestic citizens temporarily employed abroad
Records compensation payments to foreigners temporarily working domestically
How is income from capital recorded for the Income Balance/Net Primary Income?
Net Investment Income
Net Unilateral Transfers
Gifts received or given to countries, including private gifts (remittances) and government transfers
What is the equation for Net Unilateral Transfers?
Private Remittances + Government Transfers
Current Account
Trade Balance + Income Balance, and Net Unilateral Transfers
Net International Investment Position
Difference between a country's foreign assets and liabilities
What is the equation for the Net International Investment Position?
Assets - Liabilities
What is the equation for the change in the Net International Investment Position?
Current Account + Valuation Changes
What is the equation for the Hypothetical Net International Investment Position?
Hypothetical NIIP(end) = NIIP(start) + CA... + CA(end)
What is the equation for True Net International Investment Position?
What is the Dark Matter equation?
NII = (r^A)A - (r^L)L
What are a country's assets in the NIIP
Domestic owned foreign assets
What are a country's liabilities in the NIIP
Foreign owned domestic assets