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Tribune of the Plebs

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Tribune of the Plebs

A political office that could only be held by plebeians. There were 10 tribunes, and tribunes could propose legislation directly to the Assembly of the Plebs, had veto power over the Senate, and were considered sacrosanct

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Hanibal Barca

A Carthaginian general who led an army and elephants over the Alps in 218 BCE during the 2nd Punic War. Hannibal's army pillaged Italy and beat the Romans in many battles including at the River Trebia, Lake Trasimene, and Cannae

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Romulus and Remus

Traditional story of how Rome began. Twins abandoned and rescued by a wolf, raised by a shepherd . Grew to build Rome. Romulus later killed Remus

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Tarquinius Superbus (Tarquin the Proud)

7th Etruscan king, last king of Rome, a harsh tyrant driven from power in 509 B.C.

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Tiber Island

the Island located in the center of the tiber. It was bridged to the area outside of rome. Also, the Island was built on and constructed into a form that was reminiscent of a boat.

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The Senate

In ancient Rome, the supreme governing body, originally made up only of aristocrats.

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Under the Roman Republic, one of the two magistrates holding supreme civil and military authority. Nominated by the Senate and elected by citizens in the Comitia Centuriata, the consuls held office for one year and each had power of veto over the other.

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Cursus Honorum

the path of honor, to move up a level in the political sense; sequence of magistracies(high to low): censor, consul, praetor, quaestor(aedile and tribune are optional)

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a ruler with total power over a country, typically one who has obtained power by force.

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Pontifex Maximus

the high priest of Rome, the head of Roman state religion; he appointed and oversaw the vestal virgins.

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1st Punic War

Battle for Sicily; takes place on sea; Rome wins and Carthage has to pay tribute to them; Carthagians move to Spain

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the device that allowed the Romans to board enemy ships

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2nd Punic War

Hannibal led an attack that included 46,000 men and 37 elephants against Rome.

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Battle of Cannae

Hannibal encircled Romans; beat force at least three times bigger than his own; greatest victory

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Scipio Africanus

Roman general who commanded the invasion of Carthage in the second Punic War and defeated Hannibal at Zama (circa 237-183 BC)

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Tiberius Gracchus

Roman politician who wanted to give land to the poor

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Lex Agraria

law that Tiberius had passed that was to redistribute public lands that were illegally taken by wealthier Roman citizens

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Gaius Gracchus

Roman politician who wanted to control the Price of grain, build public works

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Novus homo

the first person in a family to be elected to a political office

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The social war

War fought from 91-88 BCE between Rome and her Italian allies (socii) over the citizenship rights of Rome's conquered peoples. Resulted, in 89 BCE, in the extension of citizenship to all Italians willing to lay down their arms.

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Lucius Cornelius Sulla

rival of Marius who raised his own army to defeat Marius and take control of Rome

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published list of names; a man on the list was declared a public outlaw and could be hunted down and killed for a reward. His sons lost their citizenship. Many of the proscribed were guilty of nothing more than being rich.

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Pompey Magnus

a military and political leader of the late Roman Republic

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Marcus Licinius Crassus

elected to consulship and feared Pompey's return so allied with Caesar and was part of the first triumvirate

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Gaius Julius Caesar

elected to consul and governor of illyricum and Gaul for five years and after return Crassus dead and pompey and senate against his; started civil war that ended in his victory and dictatorship; eventually assassinated by the senate

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The first Triumvirate

Julius Caesar, Pompey, Crassus

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The Gallic Wars

Caesar's nine years of War in ancient Gaul, including two expeditions to Britain. From this campaign, Caesar gained a powerful level of personal prestige and popularity.

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Describe the myth of Romulus and Remus. Who were Romulus and Remus, who were their parents, how did they come to found Rome, etc.?

Twin brothers and the founders of Rome. The parents was Rhea Silvia and they found Rome when Romulus wanted to found the new city on the Palatine Hill, Remus preferred the Aventine Hill

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Why is Rome located where it is? What advantages does the location of the city provide?

Rome is located where it is because the hills protect the people from floods and attacks and the Tiber River for water

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Describe the events surrounding the overthrow of the Roman monarchy. Who was the king, and why was the king expelled from Rome?

The king was Lucius Junius Brutus and he was expelled from Rome because of the rape of the noblewoman

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Descibe the story of Cincinnatus and explain why he was a role model for the virtuous and noble Roman

The senate appointed a dictator and they chose him after the Romans lost a minor battle against Aequi. He's a role model because of responsibility and virtue

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Who were the Mamertines and how were they responsible for the outbreak of the 1st Punic War?

A group of bandits and brigands and they took control of the Sicilian city of Messana

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What was the Treaty of Ebro, and why was it important in the leadup to the 2nd Punic War? What does the treaty say, and what would we like to know if it included?

Carthaginians will not cross north of the Ebro river in Spain. It term-33was important because the Carthaginians expand unchallenged into Spain

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How did Hannibal win the Battle of Cannae despite being outnumbered 2:1? Feel free to draw a diagram of the battle if that helps you in your explanation.

He took his outnumbered army and strategically placed them around the enemy

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What is the significance of the year 146 BCE? What do the events of that year tell us about Roman power and foreign policy?

Rome lays siege to Carthage for 3 years taking the city. It was the beginning of the period of Roman domination in Greek history

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Describe the military reforms of Gaius Marius, and what were the impacts of these reforms?

Marius' reforms changed the Roman military from a service of short-term militia into a professional standing army

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Who were the Populares and Optimates? How did the two differ in how they sought to acquire power?

Optimates seek to maintain the traditional power of the Senate while the populates attain power by gaining the support of the common people. They were both different by

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Describe Marcus Crassus's "sleazy fire brigade" and how it functioned as a money making scheme.

Creating his own brigade of 500 firefighters who rushed to burning buildings and it functioned as a money making scheme in which Rome were privately owned enterprises

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What was the First Triumvirate, and who were its members? What was the purpose of the Triumvirate?

Informal political alliance among three politicians in the late Roman Republic. The members are Julius Caesar, Gnaeus Magnus Pompey, and Marcus Licinius Crassus

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Describe the events of the 2 Punic War. Who fought in the war, how did the war unfold, and what was the result? What effects did the war have on the geopolitical landscape of the Mediterranean?

It was fought between Carthage, led by Hannibal in Rome. The war unfold when Hannibal led the attack that included a lot of men and elephants against Rome. Hannibal lost, Rome then defeats Carthage and Carthaginians accepted Scipio’s term of peace. The effects of war that had an effect on the Mediterranean is that Rome got to take control of the Mediterranean region

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Describe the events leading up to and during the tribunates of Tiberius and Gaius Gracchus. What were some of the problems facing Rome before their tribunates, and how did the brothers attempt to address these concerns in their legislative agendas? What was the result of their tribunates?

The problems facing Rome before their tribunates was the political strife contained to the courts, assemblies, or Senate chamber. The brothers attempt to address these concerns in their legislative agendas by helping the poor and giving the common people their rights. They propose their ideas to the popular assembly. The result is Gaius faced execution and committed suicide

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Describe the events surrounding Sulla’s Civil War. Why does he march on Rome, who is he fighting against, and what happens as a result of the war?

It was fought between Sulla and Marius. Sulla marched on Rome to gain political power and control of the army of the East that has been offered to his enemy Marius. They fight against each other and Sulla won. He then made himself dictator of the Republic

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Describe three major events in the “Roman Revolution” and briefly discuss how these events contributed to the erosion of the Republican form of government.

The first major event of the Roman Revolution was the Gracchi brothers. It contributed to the erosion of republican form of government when they got to address their concerns to the legislative. The second event was Tiberius got to express his concerns to the legislative. The last event was the optimates and populates. They appease the common people with bread and circuses. Failure to address these issues leads to war

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