Chemistry :: Atomic structure + periodic table

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What is the radius of a atom?

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What is the radius of a atom?

0.1 nanometer (1×10^-10m)

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What is the radius of the nucleus?


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What does the atomic number tell you?

Protons and electrons.

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What does the mass number tell you?

Protons + Neutrons

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What is an isotope?

Different forms of the same element. (Same number of protons but different numbers of neutron)

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How do you work out the relative atomic mass?

ram = sum of (isotope abundance x isotope mass number) // sum of abundances of all isotopes.

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What is a compound?

Two or more elements chemically joined. (metal and non metal)

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What did John Dalton do?

Said atoms were solid spheres, made up of different elements.

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What did J J Thompson do?

Plum pudding model, positively charged ball with negative electrons embedded.

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What did Ernest Rutherford do?

Alpha particle scattering experiment, positively charged nucleus in centre.

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What does Neil Bohr do?

electrons orbit the atom in shells.

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What does James Chadwick do?


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What does the group number tell you?

How many electrons are in the outer shell.

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Which way do group 1 get more reactive?


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What are properties of alkali metals?

soft, low density, low melting and boiling points, higher relative atomic mass.

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Which way do group 7 get more reactive?


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What are properties of halogens?

higher melting and boiling points, higher relative atomic mass.

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characteristics of noble gases’

increase in boiling point as you go down

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