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Who, known as the smartest child from his area, went to Montreal for education hoping to return to his home in Manitoba as a priest?
Louis riel
What were the provinces that made up the Dominion of Canada?
Nova scotia, new brunswick, quebec, ontario
What percentage of the Quebec population spoke french?
80% of the population
What was the population of Ontario at the time of Confederation?
1 and a half million people
Who was the Irishman who was elected to Parliament from West-Montreal?
Darcy Mcgee
What was the secret society that hated and did not trust the above mentioned person?
Fenited brotherhood
What happened to the person from question number 5 in Ottawa?
Mgee was murdered, shot in the head
What was the name of the person responsible for this violent act?
James patrick wheeland
What school did Louis Riel attend in Montreal?
Collège de Montréal
What is Louis Riel’s race, that cause him to lose his engagement?
What was the name of the area that was going to be transferred to Canada?
Ruperts land
Approximately how many people lived there?
What year and how old was Riel when he returned home?
1868, 24
Where was the Hudson Bay’s headquarters located?
Port garry
According to Riel, what did he want his Provisional Government to be composed of?
Half french half enlgish
Who was the Metis that thought Louis Riel’s actions were acts of rebellion?
James ross
Who was the Lieutenant Governor for the Red River area appointed by MacDonald?
William McdougallÂ
What was the last name of the man who was thrown into prison by Riel along with his followers?
Who was tried for inciting violence against the Metis?
Thomas Scott
How many negotiators traveled from Manitoba to Ottawa to discuss Confederation and entering Canada?
What year did Manitoba enter into Confederation?
How many troops did MacDonald send to Manitoba after they entered Confederation?Â
Where did Riel flee to after the troops came looking for him?
U.S.A montania
Who did the troops kill when they were unsuccessful in capturing Riel?
Who was the second Prime Minister of Canada and where was he from?
Alexander Mckenzie
How many aboriginal peoples lived in British Columbia around the time of Confederation?
What brought many white settlers to British Columbia during the 1860s?
The gold rush
What name did William Smith from Nova Scotia change his name to and what is its meaning?
Amor du cosmos, lover of the universe
What was one of the greatest shortages in the settlements of British Columbia?
woman <3
  How much land was offered to settlers who came to British Columbia?
160 acors of land
How much was land was offered to the aboriginal peoples?
10 acorsÂ
How were the treaties signed with aboriginal groups and the white settlers regarded in the eyes of the white people?
purley symbolic
       What was the promise offered by the Canadians to convince British Columbia to join Confederation?
They would Build a railway through the montiantsÂ
What were the British Columbia settlers really hoping for in regard to the above question?
A road though the maontians
Who was the largest lobbyist with powerful politicians in Canada (what was the name of this group)?
Grand trunk railway
Who was the leader of this group that got a very lucrative contract with the Canadian government?
 Sir Hue Allen
What happened to Cartier in the 1872 election to Cartier?
He lost his seat in the electionÂ
Where did Cartier die?
He died in london england
What was the incident that was happening to the MacDonald government in 1873?
Pacific scandel
What rumours were being spread about MacDonald’s whereabouts in the summer of 1873?
Thought he had atempetd to commit suside
  What happened in the Canadian election in 1874?
The liberals had won
What fathers of Confederation are now, although temporary, out of the politics of Canada?
cratie had died and john a Mcdonald will be back