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What are some forces of globalization?
Falling barriers to trade and investment,Regional trade agreements, Technological innovation, E-commerce
What are some arguments for globalization?
Increases wealth and efficiency in all nations
Generates labor market flexibility in developed nations
Advances the economies of developing nations
What are some arguments against globalization?
Eliminates jobs in developed nations
Lowers wages in developed nations
Exploits workers in developing nations
What is the purpose of the GATT?
Treaty designed to promote free trade by reducing tariffs and nontariff barriers to international trade
The international trade dispute system is part of what world organization?
The World Trade Organization
What are Values?
ideas, beliefs, and customers to which people are emotionally attached
What are attitudes?
positive or negative evaluations, feelings, and tendencies that individuals harbor toward objects or concepts
What are the core elements of cultural imperialism?
Replacement of one’s culture traditions, folk heroes, and artifacts with substitutes from another
As trade and investment barriers fall, US consumer goods are moving into untapped markets
Cultural differences can force changes to suit local culture
What religions limit the sales of certain food products?
Islam: no pork
Hinduism: no cows
Judaism: no pork or shellfish, meat is stored and served separately from milk; kosher meals
What are some business practices resulting from religious beliefs?
Chic Fila: closed on Sundays
Judaism: selling Kosher foods
Islam: allowing prayer 5 times a day
What is a command system?
system in which the government owns the nation’s land, factories, and other economic resources
Gov makes nearly all economy related decisions
What is a mixed system
system in which land, factories, and other economic resources are rather equally split between private and government ownership
Gov controls sectors important for security and stability
What is a market system?
most of a nation’s land, factories, and other economic resources are privately owned
Supply and demand determines who produces what at what prices, economic freedom (free choice, free enterprise, price flexibility)
What is totalitarianism
imposed authority, lack of constitutional guarantees, restricted participation
Theocratic: political system in which a country’s religious leaders are also its political leaders
What is Pluralism?
both private and public groups need to balance each other’s power
What is Anarchism?
only individuals and private groups can preserve personal liberties
What is the U.S. legal system largely based on?
Common law: tradition, precedent, and usage
What is product liability?
Holds manufacturers, sellers, individuals, and others responsible for damage, injury, or death caused by defective products
What are the different types of CSR practices companies can employ?
Traditional philanthropy: donating money toward a specific social cause
Risk management: own code of conduct
Strategic CSR: building social responsibility into core operations to create value and build competitive advantage
What are the different philosophies of ethics and how do they differ?
Friedman View: maximize profits
Cultural Relativist View: adopt local ethics
When in rome
Righteous moralist view: home country ethics
Not using child labor abroad
Utilitarian view: maximize good and minimize bad outcomes
International Business-
a commercial transaction that crosses borders of two or more nations
trend toward greater economic, cultural, political, and technological interdependence among national institutions and economies
Globalization of production
dispersal of production activities worldwide to minimize costs or maximize quality
set of values, beliefs, rules, and institutions held by a specific group of people
Brain drain
the departure of highly educated people from one profession, geographic region, or nation to another
every aspect of people’s lives must be controlled to preserve order
political system in which a country’s religious leaders are also its political leaders (ex: the Vatican)
purchased abroad and brought into a country
National Sovereignty
generally involves the idea that a nation-state (1) is autonomous, (2) can freely select its government, (3) cannot intervene in the affairs of other nations, (4) can control movements across its borders, and (5) can enter into binding international agreements.
Caste System
a system of social stratification in which people are born into a social ranking, or caste, with no opportunity for social mobility.
When habits or ways of behaving in specific circumstances are passed down through generations, they become customs
Social Stratification
The process of ranking people into social layers or classes
Social Mobility
the ease with which individuals can move up or down a culture’s “social ladder.”
Class System
System of social stratification in which personal ability and actions determine social status and mobility.
Lingua Franca
Third or “link” language understood by two parties who speak different native languages.
Antitrust Laws
Laws designed to prevent companies from fixing prices, sharing markets, and gaining unfair monopoly advantages.
Property right granted to the inventor of a product or process that excludes others from making, using, or selling the invention.
Secondary Footprint
Indirect carbon dioxide emissions from the whole life cycle of products (from their manufacture to eventual breakdown).
give distributors and suppliers access to a company’s database so they can place orders or restock inventories electronically and automatically.