Wage workers- a population disproportionately composed of immigrants and poorer Americans- faced low wages, long hours, and dangerous working conditions → class conflictChanges in ________.
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________- saving technology improved efficiency and enabled the separation of the public and domestic spheres.
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Market Revolution
The ________ fulfilled the revolutionary generations expectations of progress but introduced troubling new trends.
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Slave labor
________ helped fuel the market revolution.
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The Market Revolution?
____________ was a drastic change in the US economy
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The Transportation Revolution
__________________________ opened up the lands west of the Appalachian Mountains via railway systems
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The Communications Revolution
_______________________________ redefined the limits of human communication via the telegraph
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Textile mills depended on southern cotton and free (slave) labor
How did slave labor fuel the Market Revolution?
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Gradual emancipation
________________________ is the practice of abolishing slavery over a period of time, usually by freeing the children of slaves at a certain age
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It allowed southern planters to dramatically expand cotton production for the national and international markets, which required more slaves
How did the invention of the cotton gin fuel slavery?
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The piecework system
__________________________ was a labor system that divided much of production into discrete steps performed by different workers
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It was justified by the idea that any person could have the success and prestige of the wealthy through hard work (the American dream)
How was the gap between the wealthy and poor justified?
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______________ was a custom that counted married couples as a single unit represented by the husband, and thus rendered women legally dead once they get married
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The public sphere and domestic sphere
What were the two societal spheres?
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Women could not earn their own money, own their own property, sue, or be sued
What could women not do under coverture?
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They tried to prevent Catholics from establishing churches and other religious institutions
How did Anglo-Protestant Americans try to limit Catholic influence?
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Immigrants were looking for new lives and opportunities
Why was immigration so high in the 19th century?
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The Mason-Dixon Line
________________ was an invisible line that "separates" the North from the South