AP World Unit 2 Review

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(Context) Silk Road

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(Context) Silk Road

  • existed for 1300 before 2nd golden age (8-9 century)

  • left in disrepair for majority of history

  • 12th-13th century > increased demand for luxury goods > improving technology > Mongol policing > 3rd golden age

  • has always been more prosperous when ruled by one single empire (Roman, Han, Abbasid, Mongol)

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Causes of Trade Growth - Silk Road

  • increased demand for luxury goods (European crusades)

  • improved transportation technology (magnetic compass, caravans, saddles, Chinese rudder/junk boat)

  • was unified and protected under Mongol Empire

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Effects of Trade Growth - Silk Road

  • growth of cities (ex. Kashgar & Samarkand) that acted as rest stops + cultural exchange

  • caravanserais > inns along Silk Road > led to cultural/technological exchange

  • higher European luxury good demand > increased production > boosting Asian + European economies

  • connected East Asian + Mediterranean Sea

  • long distance trade > China money economy

  • too heavy coins > flying cash > like modern day checks

  • flying cash > European banking houses

  • improved commercial practices > geographical range expanded

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(Context) Mongol Empire

  • before Mongol Empire > Afro-Eurasian empires began to decline > vulnerable to Genghis Khan

  • Genghis Khan > built loyalty with lower class > goal of world domination > began half century of Mongol domination in 1209

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Mongol Empire - Conquest + Rule

  • fierce warriors > skilled on horseback + tough, arid terrain

  • Genghis Khan > brutal

  • Mongol Empire expanded > Song dynasty fell

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Mongol Empire - Army

  • highly trained

  • used command structures > communication, mapping, + messenger units

  • use advanced military tactics (ex. fake out)

  • adopted technology of conquered people into arsenal (ex. Chinese siege weapons)

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Mongol Empire - Peace + Rule

  • peaceful

  • Pax Mongolica > Mongol Peace > refers to time of econimic, social, + cultural growth/stability under Mongol rule

  • religiously tolerant

  • incorporated cultures he conquered

  • promoted commerce + trade

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Mongol Empire - Silk Road

  • 3rd golden age of the Silk Road > under Mongol rule

  • grew larger and more prosperous compared to Roman + Han empires

  • improved roads, punished bandits, enforced laws, respected merchants, patrolled trade routes > Silk Road growth

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Mongol Empire - Khanates

  • death of Genghis Khan

  • 4 grandsons came to power and made own Khanates in Eurasia

  • personal loyalties made holding the large empire together difficult

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Mongol Empire - Batu and the Golden Horde (West)

  • Batu

  • 100,000 soldiers (Golden Horde

  • went to Russia > Europe wasn't happy > Christian nation

  • ruled Russia through tribute system > eventually overthrown

  • Mongol rule > Russia improved military organization > established centralized rule

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Mongol Empire - Hulegu and the Islamic Heartlands (Southwest)

  • Hulegu

  • established II Khanate in Muslim territory

  • means "vassal empire"

  • ruled through indirect tribute system

  • converted to Islam

  • defeated by Muslim Mamluks + Christian crusaders

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Mongol Empire - Kublai Khan and the Yuan Dynasty (China)

  • defeated Song dynasty

  • kept traditional Chinese government > Yuan Dynasty

  • religiously tolerant > increased Daoists + Buddhist loyalty

  • tried and failed to conquer Japan

  • initially liked by the Chinese > hired foreigners > discontinuted civil exam > failure to assimilate > White Lotus Society overthrown Mongol rule > Ming Dynasty

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Mongol Empire - Decline + Impact

  • warring Khans + general resistance > fall of Mongol Empire

  • was largest contiguous land-empire in history

  • revitalized long distance trade > built new road systems > connected new places > interregional cultural exchange

  • ex. Chinese scientific knowledge, Chinese paper + Greco-Islamic medical knowledge + Arabic numbering system moving west

  • caused Black Death through trade

  • understood centralized power > one law rules the land > numerous places copied

  • improved siege + military technology

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(Context) Indian Ocean Trade

  • prophet Muhammad encourage Muslims to travel > Muslim empire connecting more cities

  • crossed waterways from China to countries bordering Indian Ocean (Middle East + Africa)

  • expansion of Islam > growth of trade in cities (Calicut, Malacca, Gujarat) > African Swahili states grew wealthy

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Indian Ocean Trade - Technologies

  • maritime advances > made Indian Ocean trade possible

  • understanding Monsoon winds, Lateen (triangle) sails, sterns rudders, astrolabe, Chinese junk

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Indian Ocean Trade - Demand for Products

  • Islam connections > increased demand for goods > more trade

  • maritime trade > cheaper than land trade > more common goods were exchanged

  • India - cotton, leather, stonework, pepper spices (from Calicut)

  • Malay + Indo > spice islands (cinnamon + nutmeg)

  • African Swahili states > ivory, gold, slaves

  • China > silk, porcelain

  • SW Asia > horses, figs, dates

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Indian Ocean Trade - Effects of Trade

  • understanding monsoon winds > helped merchants learn when + where to maritime travel

  • caused merchants to stay longer > disaporic communities > intermarriage between cultures > cultural interactions (ex. Islam in Southern Asia)

  • ex. Arab + Persian communities in East Asia, Chinese merchant communities in SE Asia, Malay communities in Indian Ocean Basin

  • increased trade + demand > stronger state gov. to form

  • ex. Malacca > grew from trade + taxes to pass through strait

  • Calicut > massive trade port > search for spices like pepper

  • Swahili City-States (east coast of Africa) > increased trade in gold, ivory, slaves > more wealth

  • Gujarat > go-between port between East + West

  • religion continued to spread (Islam usually) > encouraged trade on existing routes

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(Context) Trans-Saharan Trade

  • East African coast > populated for centuries before Islam arrived (7-8 centuries) > arid Saharan desert > little trade

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Trans-Saharan Trade - Impact

  • Muslim merchants moved into Africa > spread desire to trade > brought architecture + religion > some women enjoyed higher level of freedom (ex. Songhai Kingdom)

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Trans-Saharan Trade - Innovations

  • Somali camel saddle > East Africa > allowed camels to carry up to 600 lbs > increasing ability to trade

  • caravans increased in use > made trade safer

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Trans-Saharan Trade - Growth of State + Empire

  • Africa dominated gold trade > helped build empires > ex. Mali empire (one of the richest in the world)

  • Timbuktu > center of trade + Islamic learning

  • growth of trade > growth of government > new currencies > expanded militaries

  • empires grew > more people > introduction to cultures + Islam

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Spread of Technology

  • China > gunpowder + paper

  • India to China > Champa Rice

  • India > spread of math in Afro-Eurasia

  • seafaring technology > easier trade

  • seafaring scholars > translated Greek classics to Arabic

  • advancements in medicine

  • Africa > Swahili developed > trade spread easier > mix of Arabic + Bantu languages

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Growth of Cities

  • political stability > lack of invasions

  • safe + reliable transportation

  • rise of commerce + trade

  • large labor supplies

  • increased agricultural output

  • introduction of Islam during Abbasid Caliphate > encouraged trade in Africa + Indian Ocean Basin

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Spread of Religion

  • Buddhism > spread to East Asia (China, Korea, Vietnam) > from India > found favor in lower classes (vs. Confucianism)

  • Buddhism + Hinduism > spread to SE Asia > contributed to empire growth (ex. Khmer empire)

  • Islam > spread all over Afro-Eurasia

  • ex. Africa > center of Islam + Islamic learning

  • South Asia > egalitarian beliefs of Islam > encouraged lower caste Hindus + disillusioned Buddhists to convert

  • Bhakti movement > seeks to connect Hinduism + Islam

  • Muslim architecture + culture spreads > merchants bring trade everywhere they go

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  • Ibn Battuta > Sunni Muslim > traveled across Indian Ocean network > greater Muslim world understanding

  • writings > depict African + Islamic economies > political/societal info > other cultural traditions

  • Marco Polo > European traveler > searched for trade possibilities (as far as China)

  • brought back depiction of life in China > much more advanced compared to Europe

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Effects of Trade

  • Black Plague > 25 million Europeans die > impacted labor supply > economic output declines > labor rights increase > Europeans cities decline > feudalism declines > peasant life improves

  • Champa rice > goes from India > Vietnam > China

  • Bananas > introduced to Africa

  • Cotton, sugar, citrus fruits > introduced to Mediterranean

  • increased population > pressure on resources

  • overgrazing, deforestation, soil erosion > problematic

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