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Ada Lovelace (1852)
Regarded as the first computer programmer
Charles Babbage (1871)
First digital computer
Alan Turing (1954)
Created the Enigma Code Breaker for WWII
Turing machine – Every computer program.
Turing Test – How to define intelligence?
Artificial Intelligence
John von Neumann (1957)
Von Neumann Architecture
Analog vs. Digital
Analog: continuous computing
floating point numbers: an approximation of an infiinite amount of values; constant computing
values between on/off, more precuse
Digital: switches like on/off, 1/0, high/low
programming languages
Interpreted or Compiled
Slow vs. Fast
Intuitive vs. Less intuitive
Python interpreted vs. C/C++ compiled
High-level-language: Python/C++
Assembly: Fundamental instructions
Machine Code: Binary (Ewww!)
created in 1969 and originally written in Assembly
Created by Linus Torvalds in 1991
Focus on Linux with Ubuntu
4 components
CPU, Memory, Storage, I/O Devices, etc.
Drivers, memory management, process handling, security, etc.
Shell/Commandline (what we are focusing on)
Bash, Zsh, etc.
GUI (Graphical User Interface), etc.
opening and closing the terminal
‘ctrl + alt + t’ opens on some linux displays
‘exit’ - exits the terminal or session
‘tab’ - attempt to autocomplete and shows matching pattern
‘up’ or ‘down’ arrow keys - see recent commands
like a folder on your computer
file, like you are used to but in purely TEXT format
File system
the structure/hierachy of all files and directories
up or proceding folder/directory
down or after folder/directory
working directory
where you are currently located in the file system
gedit command
opens a plain text file in the terminal
commandline interface
the name for the Terminal interface software
the locations of a file or directory in the file system’s heirarchy; the way/directions to get to some file
‘.’ - single dot refers to place you currently located
‘..’ - referes to the parent or upper directory
~ tilde refers to home directory
dont have to use / for pathway when file is already in that area or folder
root directory
the highest level/top of the file system; can be accessed by typing ‘/’
home directory
where all your personal files and directories live called
use ~ to open a terminal in your home directory
ls (list)
use along with a path to list the files/directories of that location
terminal command do we use to show files/directories
‘ls ..’ lists the contents of parent
‘ln path’ lists the contents of specified directory
pwd (print working directory)
to get the exact location where you are in the file system we use to see our current global/absolute location.
cd (change directory)
use along with a path to move around in the file-system
this terminal command is the same as double-clicking on a folder/directory in the GUI to navigate around from one folder/directory to another
can type ‘cd ..’ to go to the previous two directories that we had
‘cd .’ to go to parent
cd path for specific path
mv (move)
command to move a file to another location in the file-system or rename the file
cp (a copy)
command to duplicate a file and optionally rename the file at the same time
(srcfile = sourcefile)
mkdir dirname (make directory)
creates a directory named dirname in the current working directory
touch filename
creates an empty file or updates timestamp
cat filename
prints the entire contents of file to the terminal
less filename
interactively view a file, use up and down arrows and q to quit
view filename
same as less but in a text editor. type :q and enter to quit
man command (manual)
gives you a detailed list and explanation of the command that you manned
clears the terminal
prints what you give it to stdout (standard output) by default
ex. echo hello world
rm (remove)
rm filename deletes a file
global/absolute pathway
the permanent pathway of where something is
path always begins from the absolute start of your hard drive and describes every step you must take through the filesystem to end up at the target location