Political process model
Accepts entrepreneurial model but suggests that the political environment affects whether and how resources can be used
If there isn't a political ______ people can't use resource to mobilize movement
Social movements only emerged after _______ rule increased
Public, numbers, right, freedom, rights
Democracy legitimizes _______ discussions, places emphasis on _____ of people supporting, promotes ______ to assemble, promotes ______ of speech, and promotes rule of law and human ______
New social movement theory
Theory that views old SM as interest based and new SM as not having clear interests or objectives
New social movement theory considers the ______ aspect of SM
New social movement theory sees _______ as a structural cause
Most new social movement theorists are neo-_______
Characterized by the diminution of class conflict, expansion of cultural, consumption and leisure activités, and the growth of tertiary and service sectors
New social movement theory reacts to post-something capitalism so it is concentrated in ________ countries
Social movements confront capitalism and want to _____ it by raising awareness of its problems
Goals, critiques
New SM focus on broad _______ without a clear endpoint, providing general ______ of capitalism
According to RMT, Occupy Wall Street movement was not sustainable because it lacked ______ which hindered movement success
Awareness, successful
NSM considers that Occupy Wall Street's goal wasn't short term it was more greater _______ about inequality so it was ______ at this
Sees capitalists as controlling ideas through their control of major social institutions (ideological control)
New social movements want to change the mentalities of people by weakening capitalist ideology
Chains, free
Gramsci said that we need to free people from the "mental ______" of capitalism so they can see it's imperfections and become _____-thinking individuals
When people create rules to get organizations to work so everyone works toward the same goal
Habermas believes that ______ has promoted the rationalisation of the System and Lifeworld
According to Habermas, the problem is that systemic rationalization promotes powerful ________
Bureaucracy, critical
There is a dominance of markets and ______ which promote non-reflexive community so not _______ thinking
lifeworld, questioning
new SM help to advance the __________ realm and make it stronger by raising consciousness and ________ the world
change, expanding
Habermas claims that new SM must pursue actual _______ that involves ________ the Lifeworld real
participation in SM is usually an _______ affair that promotes joy satisfaction, hope, and anger
rational, less
the study of social movements has focused on people as Klingons: hyper ______ and emotion_____
Jasper argues that you can't understand SM without considering ________
collective action problem
because people act in calculated ways to maximize interests, it is irrational to participate in creating public goods
public goods
roads and other goods that are available to all members of the public
if everyone is a free-______, no public goods are created
we can overcome the collective action problem by giving selective _______
carrots, sticks
analogy: _____ = if you help with this we will give you ... ______ = if you don't help with this we will punish you
emotions, rational
participation in SM is very costly so it is ________ that motivate us to make sacrifices and participate even if it's not _______
emotions cause the disregard of ________ interests for emotional reasons
successful SM frame issues to ________ emotions so people join
emotions _______ movement participation
collective emotions
emotions that are intertwined with collective identities
in, out
there is love/concern for ____-group and anger/fear of ____-group
______ play a great role in group identity
SM commonly use _______ to spark emotions and promote participation
nationalist movements
use symbols to represent the nation/community
the desecration of national symbols can provoke great emotion such as _______
emphasizing national symbols increases movement ________
defining nation based on what it is not and who is not a member promotes ______
other, anger
nationalist movements use symbols of the ____ to highlight threat to the nation, provoking ________
Hindu nationalist movement in India uses ______ conquest as a symbol of threat
identity affirmation
participation affirms collective identity and makes you feel good about yourself
participation helps to alleviate negative collective emotions and cope with them through solidarity with other participants