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figure that shows the evolutionary relationships among organisms
“phylogenetic tree”
Selected Taxa of phylogenetic tree
point where the tree connects back to the rest of the tree of life
most recent “hypothetical” ancestor
all taxa are leaves → we cannot tell what true ancestors are
even fossils will always be leaves
We cannot distinguish ancestors from relatives
the process of one species becoming two or more species
Difficult answer: the smallest evolutionary unit
AP Bio answer: a grp of organisms that can interbreed (and create viable, fertile offspring)
Biological species concept
requires reproductive barriers
Prezygotic barriers
prevents mating
Postzygotic barriers
prevents creation of viable, fertile offspring
Allopatric Speciation
new species appear in different areas
areas move
species move
Sympatric Speciation
New species appear in the same areas
when all members of a species dies off
sometimes opens up niche that new species can inhabit
Mass extinction
when a large percentage of Earth’s species die off at once
5 major ____ ____ events
Humans might be causing the 6th
Adaptive Radiation
a rapid rate of speciation from a common ancestor, often associated with ecological and morphological diversity (Divergent evolution)
speciation associated with slow, gradual morphological changes
Punctuated Equilibrium
speciation associated with rapid morphological changes
Speciation-Extinction Equilibrium
a constant state of biological diversity
speciation rate = extinction rate
cant tell if fossils could produce viable offspring/reproduce at all
What are some problems with the biological species concept?