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Bill Clinton
President who visited the Communist nation of Vietnam at the close of his second term; first President to visit since the Vietnam War.
Al Gore
Democratic Vice President (under Clinton) who was defeated in the 2000 election by George W. Bush.
September 11, 2001
Terrorist attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon with hijacked planes; first attack on American soil since Pearl Harbor.
World Trade Center
Prominent skyscraper complex in NYC destroyed on Sept 11, 2001. by two hijacked airline jets piloted by Muslim terrorists.
Rudi Giuliani
Mayor of New York during September 11, 2001, terrorist attack in the United States (9/11)
Osama bin laden
Head of the radical terrorist group Al Qaeda, which was responsible for 9/11.
Al Qaeda
Radical Islamic terrorist group headed by Osama bin Laden; responsible for 9/11 attacks
Department of Homeland Security
Created by President Bush in 2002 to promote the safety of the American people and the security of the American homeland.
The strict Islamic government of Afghanistan which was known to be sheltering AlQaeda terrorists at the time of the Sept 11 attack.
Country in the Middle East once ruled by dictator Saddam Hussein; invaded by U.S. forces in2003; Hussein was captured, and Iraq was enabled, with the help of U.S. troops to hold free elections in 2005
Saddam Hussein
Iraqi dictator who was forced from power in 2004 by a U.S. military invasion.
Space Shuttle Columbia
NASA space shuttle that burned up while returning to Earth in 2003.
North Korea
Communist nation in the Far East which achieved nuclear missile capability in 2003
State hit with four hurricanes in 2004.
Samuel Alito
Associate Justice of the Supreme Court appointed by President Bush and confirmed by the Senate in 2006 to replace retiring Justice Sandra Day O'Connor.
New Orleans
City in Louisiana destroyed by Hurricane Katrina in 2005, partly by the storm and partly due to flooding when levees along Lake Pontchartrain failed.
John G. Roberts
Chief Justice of the Supreme Court appointed by President Bush and confirmed by the Senate in 2005 after the death of former Chief Justice William Rehnquist.
U.S. invasion of Iraq
George W Bush
43rd President of the United States (Republican); known for tax cuts, invasion of Iraq, and a conservative stand on moral issues.
John Kerry
Democratic Senator from Massachusetts who was defeated by George W Bush in the 2004 election.
weapons of mass destruction
Chemical, biological, and nuclear weapons designed to cause widespread destruction and to kill large numbers of people.
Nancy Pelosi
first woman speaker of the house.
Barack Obama
44th President, first black American US President.
Sonia Sotomayer and Elena Kagan
Supreme Court justices appointed by President Obama.
Ground Zero
the site of the collapsed World Trade Center.
Guantanamo Bay
military base where prisoners of war were being held by United States.
Bush Doctrine
President George W. Bush's military campaign against terrorists and the nations that gave them shelter and aid.
a strike before waiting for the enemy to strike.
Axis of Evil
nations that aid terrorist acts and seek weapons of mass destruction; Iraq, Iran, North Korea.
Secure Fence Act
authorized the building of a fence along the US-Mexico border to reduce the number of illegal aliens entering the Untied States.
Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act
Americans were required to buy health insurance; nationalized health care.
melting pot
many different cultures have come together in America with the understanding that all must work together regardless of ethnic heritage or skin color.
Operation Enduring Freedom
first preemptive strike on Afghanistan.
Operation Iraqi Freedom
an invasion of Iraq to remove Hussein from power.
Hurricane Katrina
2005, costliest storm in US History.