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dyspnea, wet lung sound, pulmonary edema, crackles, rhonchi, rales, pink frothy sputum, edema in extremities
dyspnea, wet lung sound, pulmonary edema, crackles, rhonchi, rales, bright green or yellow sputum, fever
Right side heart failure
swelling in extremities, peripheral edema, lower extremities, pain at swelling site
Left sided heart failure
dyspnea, wet lung sound (pulmonary edema), crackles, rhonchi, rales, pink frothy sputum
complete blockage of a coronary artery, chest pain, pain radiates to the neck, jaw, left arm or back, pain >10 min, nausea, diaphoresis
partial blockage of a coronary artery, chest pain, pain radiates to neck, jaw, left arm or back, pain duration- temporary, and go away
high blood glucose, type I, nausea, vomitting, pain, coma (late), kussmall, fruity
very high blood glucose, type II, polyuria, polydipsia, polyphagia, normal respiration, no fruity, severe dehydration
viral infection, slow onset, dyspnea, seal bark cough, low grade fever, stridor
bacterial infection, rapid onset, dyspnea, no cough, high grade fever, stridor, severe sore throat, difficult swallowing, drooling