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Age of Reason
Art and culture of Ancient Greece
Ben Franklin wrote
Poor Richard's Almanack
Thomas Jefferson wrote
Declaration of Independence
Patrick Henry wrote
Speech in the Virginia Convention
Renaissance Man
Ben Franklin
a concise statement of a truth or principle
An account of a person's life written by that person
A logical interpretation based on prior knowledge and experience.
The religion of the Enlightenment (1700s). Followers believed that God existed and had created the world, but that afterwards He left it to run by its own natural laws. Denied that God communicated to man or in any way influenced his life.
Thomas Jefferson
Lived simply, though a member of the elite
Anticipatory Argument
when the speaker/writer anticipates the opposition's argument and offers a counter argument before that argument is voiced.
Connotative language
The emotional association that a word brings to mind
Patrick Henry
orator and statesman
Noah Webster
wrote the first major American dictionary, changed British English spelling to American English spelling
Phrases or sentences of a similar construction/meaning placed side by side, balancing each other
rheorical question
a question asked in order to create a dramatic effect or to make a point rather than to get an answer.
Repeated use of sounds, words, or ideas for effect and emphasis
A reference to another work of literature, person, or event
A comparison using "like" or "as"
A comparison without using like or as
a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person
Aristotelian appeals
ethos, pathos, logos
Appeal to emotion
Appeal to logic
word choice
logical fallacies
An error in reasoning that renders an argument invalid
an attack on a person instead of an issue
tries to persuade the reader to do, think, or buy something because it is popular or everyone is doing it
red herring
something that draws attention away from the main issue
attempts to persuade the reader by using a famous person to endorse a product or idea
sweeping generalization
makes an oversimplified statement about a group based on limited information (stereotyping)
circular argument
This restates the argument rather than actually proving it.
non sequitur
A statement that does not follow logically from evidence
Hard work pays off
Belief of Ben Franklin
Only revolt as a last result
Belief of Thomas Jefferson