all my sons quotes šŸŒ³āœˆļøšŸ’”

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Power of the phatic conversation at the start of the play

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stewing in the black dope, i'm filthy and I love it studebaker all gold, got a shotgun in my pocket

44 Terms


Power of the phatic conversation at the start of the play

lacks agenda, expositional, foregrounds events; expresses authorā€™s intentions for AMS - a realist tragedy

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ā€œGonna rain tonight.ā€ - Joe

elision + a fragmented sentence, voice of certainty

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Importance of Kellerā€™s colloquialisms

  • establishes a low level of formality, introduces him as easy and comfortable, he is a working-class, everyday American.

  • also establishes him as a character who represents American society + context (modern tragedy) + humanizes Keller as an essentially good, tragic hero.

  • adds a layer of verisimilitude (believability)

  • elisions, fragmented sentences, interrogatives

  • flouts Gricesā€™ maxims of quantity + relevance

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ā€œwith the terrible concentration of the uneducated manā€

ā€œwry, self-controlled manā€

ā€œelephantā€ - Chris

ā€œbullā€ - Kate

ā€œbe smart now, Joe. The boy is coming.ā€ - Kate

animalistic + derogatory descriptions, foregrounds his arrogance, insolence and superiority.

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ā€œThen it canā€™t rain.ā€ - Jim

highlights Jimā€™s mistrust in the media + sinicism

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The American Dream

  • opportunity for social advancement is available to every American with aspirations

  • aspirations + pursuit for the unattainable leads to corruption

  • upward social mobility

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ā€œI donā€™t read the news part anymoreā€ - Keller

  • declarative ā†’ hints at arrogance

  • news = symbolism of truth ā†’ media of honesty, confrontation, and exposition and 1947 = criticism of profiteers: ignoring this enables Keller to engage in his own denial ā†’ distances and ostracizes himself from society (poplar trees)

  • initiates the audienceā€™s suspicion

  • singular pronoun ā€˜Iā€™ = individualist

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ā€œYou heard the wind, didnā€™t you?ā€ - Keller

pattern of interrogatives + tag questions = alludes to lack of knowledge

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ā€œNow whatā€™s he want with two Newfoundland dogs?ā€ - Keller

  • repetition of questions = gives voice to out of date, relic of past persona

  • knowledge of world = based on personal experience

  • tag questions = seeking approval ā†’ more interested in otherā€™s issues than solving his own

  • informal, low-prestige dialect = everyday American ā†’ subverts tragedy stereotype

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ā€œI would love to help humanity on a Warner Brothers salaryā€ - Jim

  • altruism has a cost ā†’ his American Dream is grounded by realism + pragmatism

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ā€œThat was a very happy family used to live in your house, Jimā€ - Keller

  • permeated by a voice of affection

  • past tense ā†’ suggests Annā€™s family was happy + criticizes Jimā€™s family

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ā€œyou dogā€ ā€œDonā€™t sniff around me.ā€ - Sue

  • semantic field of animalistic behaviour

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ā€œThatā€™s an arresting gun!ā€ - Keller

  • Chekovā€™s gun

  • implies Kellerā€™s suicide was an act of justice

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ā€œ- almost as though admitting something -" - Kate

  • Kate is aware that Chris wants to marry Annie, but refuses to accept that Larry is dead

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ā€œYou donā€™t sleep, thatā€™s why.ā€ (Joe to Kate)

  • face-threatening act

  • enforces his sense of self-righteousness and arrogance

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ā€œMore, more than a dream.ā€ - Kate

  • anadiplosis

  • voice of desperation as she strives to assign significance to this dream and maintain her denial

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ā€œRemember the way he used to flyā€¦ā€ - Kate

  • imperative

  • invites to share

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ā€œOnly high up. Way, way up, ā€¦ā€ - Kate

  • increased fragmentation + hesitancy ā†’ emotive

  • sense of inability

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"And suddenly he started to fall. Andā€¦ā€ - Kate

  • fronted conjunction ā†’ sense of urgency, out of her control

  • ellipsis

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ā€œWe should never have planted that tree. It was too soon....ā€ - Kate to Joe

  • levelling blame = builds dramatic tension

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ā€œWeā€™re like at a railroad station waiting for a train that never comes in.ā€ - Chris

  • lack of resolution ā†’ their actions are futile

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ā€œGet me an aspirin, heh?ā€ - Kate

ā€œCan I get you an aspirin?ā€ - Chris

  • motif of aspirin ā†’ link to tree

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ā€œWhy did he invite her here?ā€ - Kate

  • immediate shift in tone ā†’ accusatory

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ā€œNobody in this house dast take her faith awayā€ - Kate

  • idiosyncratic use of language

  • non-standard English

  • low level of linguistic proficiency

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ā€œCalm yourself.ā€ x2 - Keller

ā€œAlright, alright, calm yourself.ā€

lack of empathy or depth ā†’ avoiding/perhaps hedging?

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ā€œif heā€™s not coming back, then Iā€™ll kill myself! Laugh. Laugh at me.ā€ - Kate

  • manipulation

  • exclamation + fragmented sentences ā†’ desparation

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ā€œKeller [rises]ā€

makes himself bigger when feeling threatened

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ā€œThereā€™s no jail here!ā€ - Kate

  • exclamatory

  • imperative

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ā€œYou gained a little weight, didnā€™t you, darling?ā€ - Kate to Ann

face-threatening act + tag question

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ā€œthe poplars got thick, didnā€™t they?ā€ - Ann

alludes to the Kellerā€™s self-ostracization

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Kate referring to Ann as ā€œAnnieā€

diminishes her

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ā€œWell, no, I donā€™t expect you to wait for him butā€¦ā€ - Kate


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ā€œDonā€™t be so damned smart! Now stop it!ā€ - Kate

imperative + exclamation

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ā€œThe man was a fool, but donā€™t make a murderer out of him.ā€

ā€œSee it human, see it human.ā€ - Keller


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ā€œBe smart now, Joe. The boy is coming. Be smart.ā€

ā€œJustā€¦be smart.ā€ - Kate

  • voice of caution + concern ā†’ shared knowledge

  • flouts maxim of manner

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Significance of George

  • Catalyst for Kellerā€™s anagnorisis

  • is a lawyer = gives his voice a legal authority and gravities his presence

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ā€œI made a grape drink for Georgie. He always liked grape.ā€ - Kate

  • diminutive ā†’ establishes power through affection and maternal role/voice

  • shared history ā†’ weaponizes their nostalgia

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ā€œIf theyā€™re going to open the case again I wonā€™t live through it.ā€ - Kate

  • hyperbole

  • launches an emotional assault on people ā†’ emotional manipulation

  • ā€œYouā€™ve got to protect usā€ ā†’ appeal to empathy, declaratives.

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ā€œYou donā€™t realize how people can hate, Chris, they can hate so much theyā€™ll tear the world to piecesā€¦ā€

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