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Siegfund Samuel Bing
opened the art galery Masion de L'Art Nouveau; was leading proponent of Art Nouveau movement
Masion de L'Art Nouveau
art gallery that displayed many of Art Noveauv works
Eugene Gailard
created the bufet; his furniture was showcased in Bing's shop with a lot of focus on geometrically idealized but dynamic nature
furniture created by Eugene Gailard; decorated with vines
Rene Lalique
jewelry designer for the Art Noveau movement; peacock pin
Louis Comfort Tiffany
was an American artist best known for his work in stained glass; shipped over vases and lamps to Bing
Wisteria Lamp
one of Tiffany's earlier lamps which were very much focused on the controlled idealization of nature
Zinnia Lamp
one of Tiffany's later lamps (1903); captures the dynamism of nature through the upward-growing branches and overlapping flowers
Peacock Vase (1895)
Tiffany's earlier designs; feathers geometrically idealized as ovals and concentric
Peacock Vase (1903)
Tiffany's later designs; represent the dynamic curving and bending of the peackok feathers
Serbian Silvervare
silverware in the Art Nouveau movement; very dynamic
Universal Exposition of 1900
world fair held in Paris, France; dominating style was Art Nouveau; coincided with Olympic games
Palace de la Concorde
entrance gate to Universal Exposition of 1900; showcases idealized patterns of nature
Rene Binet
designed the Palace de la Concorde
Grand Palis
sculpture made with iron and glass; the iron work was in the form of vines; seashell pattern was incorporated
Petit Palace
housed the gallery of flying machines
Gallery of Electric Machines
part of Petit Palace; blended industrial revolution design and focus on machines with this new art form
Celestial Globe
a spherical representation of the sky showing the sun, stars, constellations and their dynamic movement
Pavillion Bleu Restaurant
riverside restaurant with very vibrant plant stalks growing from sides; wood carvings
Bing Pavillion
Bing's area in the Universal Exposition 1900; displayed 6 different model rooms that focused on creating an ambience
George de Fuere
one of the art nouveau furniture designers showcased in Bing Pavilion
George de Fuere sofa
sofa in Art Noveau style; metal gilded work is all representation of nature
Eugene Grasset
author of Plants and Their Applications to Ornament
Plants and Their Applications to Ornament
served as a pattern book for Art Nouveau style, showing both how to represent nature in an idealized form, and how to highlight the dynamic aspects of nature
Ecole de Nancy
School of Nancy founded in Nancy, France in 1901
Louis Majorelle
major spokesman of the School of Nancy Art Nouveau style
Majorelle Cabinet
Art Nouveau cabinet more focus on dynamism with the use of ornamental vines; lots of coiling
material used in School of Nancy to model their designs; created a flexible/stretched out/pinched look
Majorelle chair
Chair mixed together with wood and metal; representing different aspects of nature
mixing different materials
School of Nancy strategy that served as another way to represent the dynamism of nature; represent the idea of metamorphosis
Majorelle Desk
Art Nouveaue desk with metal design fused together with wood design
Hector Guimard
Art Nouveau architect in Paris; designed private residences and Paris Metro stations
Castle Beranger
Art Nouveau apartment building designed by Hector Guimard; abstracted natural patterns present in a dynamic way with lots of dramatic coiling;
Paris Metro Station (1903)
has a lamp post where there is a reference to a stalk growing outward, and then glass representing the flower
Paris Metro Station (1905)
is a reference to a seashell; the sides contain stalking pattern
Hector Guimard Bench
art nouveau bench that was very very dynamic; highly abstracted
Hector Guimard Chair
art nouveau chair that was generalized so it was not very clear what specific plant it was representing
Charles Darwin
english scientist who wrote Origin o Species and Descent of Man; his ideas on natural world inspired a lot of this movement