To be founded on the Twelve Apostles
Apostolic Succession
The uninterrupted passing on of apostolic preaching and authority from the Apostles directly to all bishops. It is accomplished through the laying on of hands when a bishop is ordained in the Sacrament of Holy Orders as instituted by Christ. The office of the bishop is permanent, because at ordination a bishop is marked with an indelible, sacred character.
The act by which the Church officially recognizes a deceased Catholic as a saint
Along with One, Holy, and Apostolic, Catholic is one of the four Marks of the Church. Catholic means “universal”. The Church is Catholic in two senses. She is Catholic because Christ is present in her and has given her the fullness of the means of salvation and also because she reaches throughout the world to all people.
Based on the Latin credo, meaning, “I believe,” a creed is an official presentation of the faith, usually prepared and presented by a council of the Church and used in the Church’s liturgy. Two creeds occupy a special place in the Church’s life: the Apostles’ Creed and the Nicene Creed.
the movement to restore unity among all Christians, the unity to which the Church is called by the Holy Spirit
A call from God to all members of the Church to embrace a life of holiness. Specifically, it refers to a call to live the holy life as an ordained minister, as a vowed religious (sister or brother), or in a Christian marriage. Single life that involves a personal consecration or commitment to a permanent, celibate gift of self to God and one’s neighbor is also a vocational state.
Marks of the Church
The four essential features of characteristics of the Church: One, Holy, Catholic (universal), and Apostolic
based on a word for “service,” a way of caring for and serving others and helping the Church to fulfill her mission. Ministry refers to the work of sanctification performed by those in Holy Orders through the preaching of God’s Word and the celebration of the Sacraments. It also refers to the work of the laity in living out their baptismal call to mission through lay ministries, such as that of lector.
sanctifying grace
The grace that heals out human nature wounded by sin and restores us to friendship with God by giving us a share in the divine life of the Trinity. It is a supernatural gift of God, infused into our souls by the Holy Spirit, that continues the work of making us holy.
Ash Wednesday
The day that Lent begins on
Day before Easter Sunday (Holy Saturday)
Day Lent ends on
40 days
Number of days in Lent
Which days are not included in Lent
ashes from previous Palm Sunday palms
Where do the ashes for Ash Wednesday come from?
“Remember you are dust, and to dust you shall return.”
What phrase is said during the Ash Wednesday?
placement of ashes
What tradition is done on Ash Wednesday?
Liturgical color for Lent
Fast, praying, and almsgiving (giving food and money)
Three focuses of Lent
Palm Leaves/Branches
What plant is waved on the 1st day of Holy Week?
Lent means:
the 40 days where Jesus was tempted by the devil in the desert
What does Lent commemorate
Day before Easter Sunday
What day marks the last week of Lent?
A cross
what shape are the ashes when they are placed on one’s forehead?
remembering Jesus, repentance, mortality, interior renewal
Four symbols of the ashes:
What age group is required to fast?
our mortality and repentance
Distribution of the ashes reminds us of….
Repentance, open up to God’s grace
What can Ash Wednesday nurture in youth?
Is Ash Wednesday a Holy Day of Obligation?
Not eat meat on Ash Wednesday or on Fridays during Lent
What are Catholics 14+ required to do?
Seek the Lord in prayer and serve by giving alms
Two specific spiritual goals pursued during Lent: