eye-level camera angle (neutral shot)
“Flat shots are often used in comedic scenes. Often including 2 characters, the focus is on the characters performances
a passive type of shot (neutral)
often used as an “establishing shot”
gives a lot of info about physical surroundings
can convey: isolation(solitude), vastness, scope of what’s at stake, result of accomplishment or failure, etc.
shows something/someone in details
creates intimacy
gives instant importance to someone’s expression
if it’s an object, it is usually a setup for a later pay-off
dynamic. creates tension. out of balance.
used for action, mystery, danger, tense moment
often staged to showcase the leader of the group (or the outcast)
used to take a breather and re-assess where the group is headed or how they feel about the situation. kind of like an “establishing shot” for characters
often used in poster design these days
the character and the environment are clearly shown
audience projects meaning on character’s journey. a way to vicariously get into head/villains POV.
creates a sense of intimacy
a “one more thing” type of moment
can provide opportunity to reveal secret about character of a change of mind (ex. villain reveal)
starting with an establishing shot isn’t always necessary
puts audience in the middle of the action, keeps it guessing, on the edge of it’s seat
often used in thrillers and action films