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population estimate, relationship of difference (variance) in animal performance due to inheritance (genes and cost), vary from population to population and environment to environment
if a trait is highly heritable
the trait will always be heritable and only the numbers will change
broad sense heritability
measure of strength of relationship between performance (P) and genotypic values (G) for a trait in a population, not commonly used in livestock
what is broad sense heritability used in
only used in identical individuals
broad sense heritability equation
H² = r²P,G
narrow sense heritability
measure of strength of relationship between performance and BV for a trait in a population, used in animal production since doesn’t have to be identical
narrow sense heritability equation
compare and contrast broad vs narrow
broad: includes BV and GCV, complete genotypic values, more G in estimate
narrow: only BV, GCV not inherited but genes are inherited, less G in estimate
narrow sense
positive, ranges from 0 to 1, more environment changes the less heritable the trait
what are the ranges for high and low in narrow sense
<0.2 is low
0.2-0.4 is moderate
>0.4 is high
low h²
parental performance is not a good indicator of offspring performance
as narrow sense heritability increases and or decreases what happens with the environment
increase: less environment
decrease: more environment
fertility and survivability, low h², if get bred will be because of BV, have to make equal to environment or minimize
milk production, growth rate, moderate h²
measured later in life, carcass and skeletal and mature weights, high h²
why is heritability important
want to choose for survivability and to achieve the end goal have to have fertility and survivability to get the rest
alternate narrow sense definition
ratio of additive genetic variance (Va) to phenotypic variance (Vp), the more Vp the smaller the h²
alternate narrow sense equation
h² = Va/Vp= Va/(Va+Vd+Vi+Vep+Vet)
genotypic variance
high environmental effect
low h²
high h²
parental performance is a good indicator of the offspring performance
low environmental effect
high h²
in phenotypic selection
low h²: performance reveals little about the BV, genetic change is slow
high h²: performance is a good indicator of BV, genetic change is fast
measure of strength of the relationship between repeated records for a trait in a population, population estimate, vary from populating to population and environment to environment, r = r_p1,r_p2
charachteristics of repeatability
mostly positive, -1 to 1, high: 1st record is good indicator, low: 1st record is bad indicator, <.2 low and .2-.4 moderate and >.4 high
alternate definition of repeatiability
r= (Va+Vd+Vi+Vep)/(Va+Vd+Vi+Vep+Vet)
ways to improve h² and r
environment uniformity, accurate measurement, contemporary groups
environment uniformity
environment is the same for different animals, not making environment better just smaller
accurate measurement
the more accurate the better the estimate, adjust for known environmental effects: age of dam and animal, sex of animal, parity, milkining per day
contemporary groups
group of animals that have experienced a similiar environment with respect to the expression of a trait, same location age and management, compare as deviation from group mean, use when all animals cant be managed similary and create stronger relationship between PA and P, large groups are better, ensure better grouping, P-Pcg
contemporary group equations
P-Pcg=BV + GCV + Ep +Et
P-Pcg=PA + GCV + Ep + Et
trait ratios
expression of relative performance, ratio of an individual performance to the average performance of all individuals in the contemporary group, below 100 is below average, above 100 is above average
trait ratio equation
TR= (Pi/Pcg)*100
what are the four factors that affect genetic change
accuracy of selection, selection intensity, genetic variation, generation interval
rate of genetic change
rate of change in the mean BV of a population caused by selection
accuaracy of selection
accuracy of breeding value predictions, the more accurate we predict the better chance of selected the best animals, the more information the better: performance, pedigree, progeny, r_BV,BV(hat)
selection intensity
measures how “choosy” breeders are in selection individuals, high intensity: selecting very best animals, no intensity: selecting animals at random, selection criteria: phenotypic values and predictors of breeding values, in standard deviation units, more pressure is further away from the mean
selection criterion (sc)
EPDs, phenotyic values, population average
selection intensity equation
i= (sc_s-sc)/stdev_sc
selection differential
(sc_s-sc), numerator of selection intensity
when accuracy and intensity are low
rate of genetic change is slow
when accuracy and intensity are high
rate of genetic change is fast
genetic variation
variabiity if BV with in a population for a trait, amounts of genetic change variation, more: best animals can be above average, less: best animals close to average, stdev of BV
generation interval
amount of time required to replace one generation with the next, in closed populations: defined as the average age of parents when their offspring are born
key equation for genetic change
change in BV/t= (r_BV,BV(hat)*i*stdevBV)/L
key equation for genetic change based on phenotypic selection
change in BV/t= (h²*i*stdevBV)/L
equation for male and female genetic change
phenotypic: (h²(im+if)stdevBV)/(Lm+Lf)
genotypic: ((r_bvm,bvm(hat)*im+r_bvf,bvf(hat)*if)*stdevBV)/(Lm+Lf)
accuracy vs L
decrease in L= decrease in acc, sires used for shorter time and decrease records of projeny
accuracy vs i
increase in acc=increase in i, increase in i= decrease in acc, amount of young males tested~economics, test fewer males so less to select (increase acc), test more males so more to select (increase i)
i vs L
increase i= increase L, replacement rate= rate at which newly selected individuals replace existing parents in population, choose relatively few high selection intensity and replacement rate low, low replacement rate ~ animals stay in population longer, different for males and females, females: increase in i is increase in L, males: less severe, fewer need and fast replacement
selection risk
risk that the true breeding values of replacements will be significantly poorer than expected
males and risk
increase i = increase risk, few sires, multiple projeny , multiple risk
females and risk
not an issue, less projeny per female, risk=0
how much genetic change is attributed to sire
up to 90%
selection index
method of genetic prediction, linear combo of phenotypic information and weighting factors that are used for genetic prediction when performance data come from contemporary groups, I= b1x1+b2x2 , x= single item of phenotypic information, b= weighting factor
what information is used in calculating genetic prediction for an individual
individuals own performance, performance records of ancestors and or relatives, performance records of descendent, genomic information
when should I be used
when performance data comes from contemporary groups thought to be genetically similar
regression of true values on the evidence, measure the expected change in true value per unit of change in evidence
regression for amount of information
genetic predictions being more conservative if less info and less conservative if there is more information, drived by heritability and repeatability and record number
genetic parameters
heritability and repeatability
common environmental effects
increase in similarity of performance of family members caused by their sharing a common environment, within families, half sib= common paternal, full sib= common maternal environment
factors affecting accuracy of prediction
h² - increase heritability=increase in accuracy
pedigree relationship- closer relationship of individual and animals providing performance records
number of records- larger number the higher the accuracy
pedigree estimates
solely on pedigree, accuracy not high, no mendelian genetics
best linear unbiased prediction, types of statistical models-genetic and environmental effects, has to do with which animals receive genetic predictions: sire, maternal grandsires, animal models—all animals
what does BLUP account for
differences in the mean breeding values of contemporary groups, genetic trends, use information from all individuals in population, non random mating, culling due to performance
differences in mean breeding values of contemporary groups
genetically superior vs inferior, solve for group effects instead of deviations from the mean, environmental effects~rely on relatives to tell if environment is good or bad, compare records from totally different environments
genetic trends
undergone effective selection for sometime, average BV has moved, compare new to old
use information from all individuals in population
adds to predictions accuracy, multiple trait models ~ predict values for more than 1 trait at a time and lacking in 1 trait explained in another
non random mating
adjust animal predictions for their merit of their mates, not possible to make individual better by assigning superior mates
culling due to performance
indicates genetic relationship and genetic correlation between traits
direct component
effect of individuals genes by the performance, growth potential of sire projeny at ages and performance due to genes from sire
maternal component
environment provided by dam, affected by genes of dam, WW comprised of milk production and mothering ability and plus direct growth, predicts milking and mothering ability of the sires daughters
best linear unbiased estimate, fixed effects, sex effect, management, environment,
total maternal
combination of BV for both maternal and direct components of a trait
before blup
central tests- compare between different herds or flocks for growth and feed efficiency, animal performance only, location preference
what livestock industry was the first to use the BLUP method
dairy in the 1980s
accuracy measures
measure of relationship between trait values and their prediction sometimes referred to as correlation between real and prediction, 0-1
why sire summaries and not dam summaries
sire selection- drives genetic change, more accessible than dams, many offspring, AI- easier, manage selection risk - accuracy, marketing tools
intrepreting genetic information
doesn’t predict an exact performance, predicts a difference in performance
meaning of zero for an EPD
represents the base breed average for a trait in a specific year aka base year, depends on stats model used and data characterisitcs, adjust EPDs so that base represents average EPD of all animals born in specific year
problems with genetic evaluation
faulty data, pedigrees— parental misidentification, less emphasis as projeny increase; performance records— falsify records and incomplete reporting (common); adjustments: known environmental effects; contemporary groups: members in wrong group (treatment); relationships: related in different groups (more); GxE interaction: significant means there is a problem (low h² means susceptible)