Human Right
the fundamental rights required for living with dignity
All people have duties to others and to society
forming a necessary base or core; of central importance
human rights are present in each person regardless of time or location. No matter the continent or culture or time period human rights remain the same
Human rights must not be assaulted or violated because they are inherent in the human person and come directly from God.
cannot be taken away
Civil society
society considered as a community of citizens linked in interests and collective activity
less important than but related or supplementary to something
Civil authority
leaders of public groups
no govt, lawlessness
Civil allegiance
Duty of respect and obedience owed by every person to the state of which he or she is a member
Natural Law
inscribed in the human heart, and known by human reason
relating to a system of government that is centralized and dictatorial and requires complete subservience to the state
the sin of revealing another person’s real faults to a third person without a valid reason
the offense of willfully telling an untruth in a court after having taken an oath or affirmation
also called slander, which is telling a false story that damages another reputation
Rash judgment
in which one makes a judgement without sufficient information about another
Professional secrets
a secret relating to a persons personal life or to a business or trade secret
believing that truth is dependent upon one’s own perception or opinion; holding that there is no absolute or objective truth
Conscience and Freedom
conscience is a “judgment of reason”. Freedom of conscience is the basis of any free society, because it allows people to act out of their own volitions
Conscientious objection
the moral right to refuse to follow laws or other social constructs based on moral or religious grounds.
the voluntary and generous engagement of a person in society