High level of control may create an artificial situation and prevent natural behaviour from being exhibited; this may also include demand characteristics (where participants guess the aim of the study and change their behaviour), which lowers validity.
People may behave differently in the lab, so it may be difficult to generalise to other settings, therefore having low ecological validity.
It is sometimes necessary to deceive and cause participants a small amount of harm to improve the validity and reliability of the study.
There may be other differences which cannot be separated from the IV, making it impossible to infer cause and effect.
The researcher has to wait for the conditions to occur naturally so they may not be available at the the time of the research.
control of outcomes
prediction of events
maintenance of self esteem
generation of meaning
Under negative situations
During unexpected/novel situations
When events have high hedonic relevance
When evens are characterized by a high level of personalism
Fritz Heider Describes the ways people think about and infer meaning from what occurs around them
Locus of Causality
Attributions of Responsibility
Desirability of Outcome
Presence and Number of Non-common effects
Demonstrate that learning can occur through mere observation of a model and that imitation of learned behavior can occur in the absence of that model Laboratory Experiment IVs:
Aggression level
Sex of model
Sex of child
Amount of imitative behavior and aggression shown by child
Underscored degree to which prison experiments are powerful, potentially damaging situations with possible negative psychological effects. It had painful and traumatic effects. prisons should be used sparingly in the war on crime
Revealed how even minimalist prison can be painful and powerful
Decompression programs
Personality tests for individual behavioral predictions in familiar scenarios may not fare well in predicting in novel settings (are of limited utility)
Meaningful prison reform should come from those outside of the institution
Woman was created for man
Man was created in God's image first
Man's direct and unmediated fashion as the image of God, manifesting the glory of God
Difficult to accurately assess underlying motives from observable behavior
Unable to prove anything about its central assumption
Christians have biases when assessing Scripture
Emphasize the soul more (internal attributions)
Repenting sins and belief in God will assure rewards in the afterlife
Inward focused form of religion
Participation in sacrament and traditions
Outward focused form of religion