AP Gov Unit 4 Vocabulary

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Conservative Ideology

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This set includes only the vocabulary for Unit 4. There are separate sets for the foundational documents and SCOTUS cases.

38 Terms


Conservative Ideology

Conservatives usually believe that government should be small, operating mainly at the state or local level. They favor minimal government interference in the economy and prefer private sector-based solutions to problems.

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"_____ are against the Social Security program and other welfare programs funded by the government via taxes.”

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Equality of Opportunity

The idea that people ought to be able to compete on equal terms, on a level playing field, for advantaged offices and positions.

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“equal opportunity”

“Liberals support government welfare programs like Social Security and the Highway Trust Fund because these programs create _____ for people struggling.”

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Federal Reserve

The central bank of the United States that was created by Congress to provide the nation with a safer, more flexible, and more stable monetary and financial system.

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“Federal Reserve”

“The _____ manages inflation, regulates the national banking system, stabilizes financial markets, and protects consumers. It is viewed unfavorably by conservatives, who believe the government should have minimal interference in the economy.”

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Fiscal Policy

Actions taken by Congress and the president to influence economic conditions.

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“Fiscal Policy”

“During COVID, stimulus checks were provided by the government to handle the unemployment crisis and encourage consumerism to continue so that the economy would remain generally stable.”

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Focus Group

A small, demographically diverse group of people assembled for an in-depth group discussion. Researchers study the group’s reactions to an idea or candidate in order to gauge how the broader public might react.

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“Focus groups”

“_____ would be considered opinion polls, as they make sure to measure public opinions from various demographics on current issues, eliminating the potential for biased and/or skewed results.”

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Free Enterprise

The ability of individual people and businesses to make money with minimal interference by the government.

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“free enterprise”

“Conservatives favor minimal government interference and therefore highly value _____. The opposite can be said about liberals, who view government regulations on businesses and the wealthy as essential.”

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The increasing interconnectedness of economies, political systems, and societies on a global scale; the growing interaction between different parts of the world, including the exchange of ideas, goods, and people across international borders.

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“With the increase in _____ comes an increase in concern in regard to foreign policy and national security, both of which conservatives and liberals are obviously split on.”

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A political ideology that emphasizes individual rights, freedom, and self-expression over governmental or societal restrictions.

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“Conservatives value _____ more than liberals because they support less government involvement.”

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Keynesian Economics

An economic theory that advocates for the government’s active role in regulating the marketplace. The government can use monetary and fiscal policies to stabilize the economy and prevent recessions.

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“Keynesian Economics”

“Obama entered office in 2008 during the Great Recession, which he worked to fix by focusing on infrastructure projects to create new jobs and circulate money.”

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Liberal Ideology

Liberals tend to believe that government should intervene in the economy and provide a broad range of social services to ensure well-being and equality across society.

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“_____ support a graduated tax bracket, in which established businesses and high-income individuals face higher tax rates than those with lower incomes to create a more level, livable economy for the average American worker.”

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Libertarian Ideology

Cherishes individual liberty and insists on minimal government, promoting a free market economy, a noninterventionist foreign policy, and an absence of regulation on moral, economic, and social life.

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“The third largest party in the United States, it was founded by people who felt that the Republican and Democratic parties no longer represented the _____ intentions of the Founders.”

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Monetary Policy

A tool used by the government to maintain stable prices and promote full employment via controlling the money supply and interest rates by the central bank.

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“monetary policy”

“Liberals support the _____ because they value government involvement in the economy. They believe increased taxes, specifically in the form of a graduated tax bracket, and increased regulations are necessary to level out the economic playing field.”

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Planned Parenthood vs. Casey

The Supreme Court established that restrictions on abortion are unconstitutional if they place an “undue burden” on a person seeking an abortion before the fetus is viable.

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“Planned Parenthood vs. Casey influence”

“One would imagine that conservatives would argue for a woman’s right to an abortion, as they highly value the protection of individual rights and freedoms. However, it is the liberals in this case that are in support of less government influence and the protection of a woman’s individualism.”

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Political Culture

A set of basic values and beliefs about one’s country or government that is shared by most citizens and that influences political opinion and behaviors.

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“political policies”

“Conservative and liberal ideologies are reflected in their respective _____. For example, liberals value a regulated, equal market, and the Democratic party’s economic policy includes increasing the minimum wage and establishing a graduated tax bracket.”

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Political Socialization

The process by which individuals develop political beliefs, values, opinions, and behaviors.

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“political socialization”

“Family, education, peers, media, and social environments are all factors of _____. For example, if a child’s parents only ever watch right-leaning news, they will likely adopt right-leaning views.”

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Rule of Law

The principle that all citizens, including government officials, are subject to the same laws and are held accountable for their actions.

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“rule of law”

“Liberals highly value the _____ because along with their belief in equal opportunity comes the belief that everyone is equal under the law. In addition, because they support more government involvement, _____ acts as a safeguard that keeps the government in check.”

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Scientific Polling Sample

A type of survey that is designed to measure public opinion on a particular topic, and the results may influence party policies and institutions.

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“There are two types of _____ that mainly occur: in random _____ everyone has the same chance of being selected, and in stratified _____ different demographics are purposefully sampled.”

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Supply-Side Economics

A theory that maintains that increasing the supply of goods and services is the engine of economic growth. It also advocates tax and regulation cuts as a way to encourage job creation, business expansion, and entrepreneurial activity.

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“supply-side economics”

“Reganomics, proposed by President Regan and heavily supported by conservatives, mimics the structure of _____, giving tax breaks to the wealthier and to businesses to spur production, decrease prices, and increase GDP.”

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Tracking Polls

Continuous surveys that enable a campaign or news organization to chart a candidate’s daily rise and fall in support.

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“tracking poll”

“According to 538, the national leader of the Republican primaries is Trump with 59% of the support. Second place is DeSantis, incredibly far behind with only 13% of the support.”

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