Lecture 4


  1. How did the slave trade begin?
  2. Evolution of the slave trade
  3. Actual slave work

Slave trade: beginnings

Early slave period:

  • More familial: incorporated in the owner’s family

  • Can buy their freedom

  • Higher status


  • Source of slaves

    • Criminals, war prisoners, people in debt


  • England: Jews are chattels of the King

  • Spain: slaves - ransomed


  • Fall of Roman empire: slavery falls apart because it isn’t compatible with feudalism

    • Must feed slaves → costs a lot of money → free slaves


  • Small slave trade still exists with more specialized slaves who were kidnapped


  • Portuguese: looking for gold + trade with African states → only main trading power here
    • 3 different trade patterns
    • This region is really integrated into the world trade
    • Western Africa
    • Slaves are directly incorporated into the master’s family, enforcible rights, being sold = punishment
    • Civil wars
    • No iron, weapons/tools, copper, or cloth → Europeans bring these at a cheaper price
    • Portuguese: set up a factory and want to do the transportation for all trades → to make profits
    • Wanted to bring slaves to Atlantic islands for labour (ex: sugar)

Slave trade

  • Most important source of gold = in Africa!
  • European kings: give licenses for trade to merchants (if no license can be arrested)
    • Gives protection to merchants (ex: convoys → military ships around merchant ships)
    • Expeditions = state-sponsored
    • Merchants owe a fraction of profits to the government
    • Profits are used to fund even more expeditions

Commodities produced

  • Production of sugar, cotton, rice and indigo → drive down the cost of basic goods in Europe (cost of living decrease)

    • Allows large-scale production of food specifically for workers


  • Wages of workers goes down + prices of good go down

    • Money goes up → accumulate massive amounts of money to invest


  • Direct connection between food eaten in Europe and slave workers in America


  • Portuguese: buy slaves from African merchants and sell them to Spain/England…

  • 1640: 286 000 slaves brought to America


  • Mortality rates: 15-20% during the voyage


  • Preference for slaves: men, 15-35 years old, with scars from smallpox (meant that they already had it)
