Brachial plexus and Blood supply ( unfinished)

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<p>What muscles does this nerve innervate? (purple)</p>

What muscles does this nerve innervate? (purple)

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<p>What muscles does this nerve innervate? (purple)</p>

What muscles does this nerve innervate? (purple)

Axillary nerve

Teres minor and deltoid muscle

<p>Axillary nerve</p><p>Teres minor and deltoid muscle </p>
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<p>What muscle does this nerve innervate? (blue) </p>

What muscle does this nerve innervate? (blue)

Radial nerve

Triceps brachii, Extensor carpi radialis longus, Extensor carpi radialis brevis, Extensor digitorum, Extensor digiti minimi, Extensor carpi ulnaris, supinator, Abductor pollicis longus, Extensor pollicis longus, Extensor pollicis brevis, Extensor indicis

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An individual sustained a fracture of the surgical neck of the humerus. What nerve might be damaged and what functional deficits might you expect?

axillary N (deltoid (medial and lateral rotation, flexion, extension, abduction), teres minor (lateral rotation)

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<p>What is the resultant damage of this nerve (blue)? </p>

What is the resultant damage of this nerve (blue)?

Median Nerve

Loss of Flexion of digits 1-3, opposition of thumb and partial loss flexion of wrist

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<p>What is the resultant damage of this nerve (green)? </p>

What is the resultant damage of this nerve (green)?

ulnar nerve


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<p>What is the resultant damage of this nerve (purple)? </p>

What is the resultant damage of this nerve (purple)?

radial nerve

loss of extension of the arm, forearm and hand

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