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samyak gitam iti sangitam
Melodious and pleasant music
“gitam vadyam tatha nrityam trayam sangeeta muchyate”
confluence of gita (vocal music), nritya( dance music), and vadya(instrumental music)
Any musical sound with a regular frequency
“na karam praNa namanam dakaram analo viduhu “
Nada = na(prana/life force) + da(agni/energy)
“Nadatmakam jagat” - nada is all pervading and can we can become one with Brahman if we practice it correctly
Ati Sukshma
nada from the naval part
Very subtle
nada from the heart
nada from the voice box
nada from the head
nada from the nose
Ahata Nada
nada which is struck
Nada which is produced by human body or instruments
Can be heard by the ear
Anahata Nada
nada that is an inner divine feeling
Cannot be heard through ears
Sariraja Nada
produced in the human body
Nakhaja Nada
produced using nails on stringed instruments
Dhanurja Nada
produced through bowed instruments
Vayuja Nada
produced through wind instruments
Charmaja Nada
produced through percussion instruments
Lohaja Nada
produced through metal instruments
“sruyanta iti sruti “
minimum audible musical sound
smallest difference of pitch
22 Srutis in one octave - Sage Bharata in “Natya Sastra”
interwoven with swaras, not equally distributed like western style of music
“Swato ranjayati srotru chittam su swara muchyate”
musical note
7 swaras in one octave
Sa, Ri, Ga, Ma, Pa, Dha, Ni
Name: Shadjam
explanation behind name: born out of six places of the mouth
sound of a peacock
Achala Swara(meaning it is a constant note)
Full Name: Rishabham
explanation: strong like a bull(vrishaba)
sound of a cow
Name: Gandharam
Explanation: bliss and fineness
sound of a goat
Name: Madhyamam
Explanation: middle note
sound of a heron
Name: Panchamam
explanation: fifth note
sound of a cuckoo
Achala Swara(meaning it is a constant note)
Name: Dhaivatam
Explanation: valorous
sound of a horse
Name: Nishadam
Explanation: Ultimate note
sound of an elephant
Dwadasa Starantargata Sthanas
instead of 7, we have 12 notes
Shadjam, Suddha Rishabha(Ri 1), Chatushruti Rishaba(Ri 2), Sadharana Gandhara, Antara Gandhara, Suddha Madhyama, Prati Madhyama, Panchamam, Suddha Dhaivata, Chatushruti Dhaivata, Kaisiki Nishada, Kakali Nishada
exaplanation: Sa and Pa are achala swaras(2); rest 5 notes have 2 varieties each(10); 10+2 = total 12 notes;
Shodasa Swaranamas - ASK TEACHER
instead of 12, we now have 16 notes
Shadjam, Suddha Rishabha(Ri 1), Chatushruti Rishaba(Ri 2), Suddha Gandhara, ShatSruti Rishabam(Ri3), Sadharana Gandhara, Antara Gandhara, Suddha Madhyama, Prati Madhyama, Panchamam, Suddha Dhaivatam, Suddha Nishada, ShatSruti Daivata, Chatushruti Dhaivata, Kaisiki Nishada, Kakali Nishada
these 16 variations are used to makeany of the 72 melakartas
notes in ascending order
notes in descending order
1.Anu Mandra(next lower)
written with 2 dots below note
2. Mandra(lower)
written with 1 dot below the note
3. Madhya(middle)
no dots; note only
4. Tara(higher)
written with 1 dots above note
5. Ati Tara(next higher)
written with 2 dots above note
swaras in a composition
“Vangmaturuchyate geyam dhaturityabhidheeyate”
lyrics or words in a composition
“Vangmaturuchyate geyam dhaturityabhidheeyate”
time-scale to measure the melodic framework
Suladi Sapta Talas: contemoprary 7 talas
with Jati variation, become 35
with Gati and Jati variation, become 175
executed through divisions called Angas: (Laghu, Dhruta, Anudhruta, etc.)
subdivisions are called Kriyas
“Takarasshankara prokto lakaro sshakti ruchyate”
Ta(from tandava) + La(from lasya) = tala
tandava and lasya represent dance of Shiva and Parvati
one cycle of a tala
example: one avarta of Adi Tala is one Caturasa Jati laghu and two dhurtams
Akshara kala
time taken to pronounce a single note or syllable
changes in every speed
Prathama kala
first speed
1 note/akshara per beat
Dwitiya Kala
second speed
2 note/akshara per beat
Tritiya Kala - ASK TEACHER about symbolic representation(pg 12)
third speed
4 notes/akshara per beat
one beat
one beat + wave hand; one beat on palm + one beat on back of hand
: one beat + counting out fingers
counting two laghus with beat
counting 3 laghus with beat
counting 4 laghus without beat
Trisra Jati
type of laghu
1 beat + 2 finger counts
total kriyas: 3
Caturasra Jati
1 beat + 3 finger counts
total kriyas: 4
Khanda Jati
1 beat + 4 finger counts
total kriyas: 5
Misra Jati
1 beat + 6 finger counts
total kriyas: 7
Sankirna Jati
1 beat + 8 finger counts
total kriyas: 9
Suladi Sapta Talas
eka tala, rupaka tala, triputa tala, mathya tala, jhampa tala, dhruva tala, ata tala
named as such bc of Sri Purandara Dasu and Sri Tallapaka Annamacharya
composed songs called “Desi Suladis” in these seven talas
Eka Tala
one Caturasa Jati laghu
total kriyas: 4
Rupaka Tala
one druta + one caturasa jati Laghu
total kriyas: 6
Triputa Tala
one trisra jati laghu + two dhruta
total kriyas: 7
Mathya Tala
one caturasa jati laghu + one dhruta + one caturasa jati laghu
total kriyas: 10
Jhampa Tala
one misra jati laghu + anudhruta + dhruta
total kriyas: 10
Dhruva Tala
one caturasa jati laghu + one dhruta + two caturasa jati laghu
total kriyas: 14
Ata Tala
two khanda jati laghus + two dhrutas
total kriyas: 14
Sadharana Gitas
gitas in praise of god
also called Samanya, Lakshya, and Sancari Gitas
example: Sri Gananadha
Ghana Raga Gitas
gitas composed in Ghana Raga
example: Re Re Sri Rama Chandra
Lakshana Gitas
lakshana gitas describe characteristicas of a raga or some technical term
example: Arere Jaya Jaya
describes Sriranjini raga,
its Arohana, Avarohana, melakarta number, etc.
Gita Composers
Sri Purandara Dasu and Pydala Gurumurty Sastry