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four classes of antifungal agents that were discussed
azoles, polyenes, allylamines, echinocandins
-azoles MOA
Act on cell membrane by Inhibit Cytochrome P-450 demethylase in ergosterol biosynthesis.
polyenes MOA
Act on cell membrane by forming pores/channels
allylamines MOA
Act on cell membrane by inhibiting lanosterol biosynthesis
echinocandins MOA
Act on cell wall by inhibiting glucan biosynthesis
T/F Azoles have potential for drug-drug interactions due to inhibition of CYP’s including CYP3A4.
terbinifine MOA
Inhibit Squalene epoxidase,
inhibits the formation of lanosterol
inhibits ergosterol biosynthesis and leads to a buildup of squalene, which damages membranes.
The accumulation of squalene is the major cause of cell toxicity and not the lack of ergosterol.
Azoles vs Allylamines
Aoles act on cell membrane
by inhibiting ergosterol
Allylamines act on cell
membrane by inhibiting
lanosterol biosynthesis
The naming between these two classes is such that azoles end in “azole” and allylamines end in “ifine”
How do polyenes like amphotericin B work against fungal cells?
Polyenes preferentially interact with ergosterol in fungal cell membranes, forming channels/pores that increase membrane permeability and lead to cell death.
Why do polyenes have a therapeutic window?
Polyenes have a higher preference for binding ergosterol (found in fungal cell membranes) over cholesterol (in human cell membranes), providing a therapeutic window
What is special about Amphotericin B’s structure that allows it to form pores?
Amphotericin B has both a hydrophilic face and a hydrophobic face, which helps it insert into the membrane and form pores.
What happens when polyenes form pores in fungal cell membranes?
The pores disrupt membrane integrity, causing ions and small molecules to leak out, leading to cell death.
How do echinocandins work against fungi?
Echinocandins inhibit beta-D-glucan synthase, which is essential for fungal cell wall integrity.
Why do echinocandins have fewer toxic effects in patients?
The beta-D-glucan synthase enzyme is unique to fungi, so echinocandins do not target human cells.
What happens to fungal cells when treated with echinocandins?
Inhibition of beta-D-glucan synthase disrupts the cell wall, leading to cell lysis and fungal death.
What is unique about anidulafungin among echinocandins?
Anidulafungin has unique pharmacokinetics, such as slow degradation and minimal reliance on liver metabolism.
no drug drug interactions essentially
T/F Flucytosine is not generally used due to widespread resistance.