immigration law factors
large increase in citizens of the U.S. that were anti-immigration, people thought that immigrants took jobs and that they were easy to be taken adavntage
changes in foreign policy after WW2
the cold war increased the number of refugees, which increased the amount of people that were anti-immigration. There was also an increase of polorization between both sides of the issue.
Chinese Exclusion Act 1882
Chinese workers were prohibited form immigrating to the U.S. through this act
National Origins Act 1924
limited immigrant from Europe and closed immigration from Asia
Displaced Persons Act 1948
allowed for the admission of 400000 WW2 refugees
Immigration and Nationality Act 1952
relaxed restrictions against immigration from Asia
Immigration and Nationality Act 1965
priotritized uniting families
Impacts of the Great Migration
Lead to nativism, brought skilled workers, America viewed as a cultural “melting pot”
Seattle General Strike
A walkout of shipyard workers that led to a general strike that shut down the whole city
Palmer Raids
Federal agents invaded homes and city halls, and arested numerous citizens
Women in Politics
After women gained the right to vote, many formed politicall groups like the Womens Joint Congressional Commitee, with goals like addressing poverty. Eleanor Rosevelt was one of the first prominent women in politics at that time.
Republican Administrations approach to big business
was to give large corporate businesses more political power
Dollar Diplomacy
Federal government use of financial power to expand American influence
In the 1920s, alcohol was made illegal. This caused the creation of speakeasies
Scopes Trial
A teacher was put on trial for teaching Darwin’s theory of evolution to students. This was eventually brought to the Supreme Court who deemed the trial constitutional.
KKK 1920s
weilded enormous amounts of politial power in that decade and grew in number in large amounts.
Weaknesses in the American economy
Large amounts of infaltion, bottomn 40% earned very low amount of money
How did the Depression effect different groups of Americans
Incomes plumetted, the rich and upper middle class were able to recover from it, everybody else was not. Unemployment and poverty rates increased.
Effect of the Automobile
HIghway construction, petroleum, steal, and gass industries increased.
Factors of the Stock Market Crash
Loans taken out w/out getting payed back, no limit on investment, drop in consumer spending, deflation, bank runs
President Hoover’s response to the Depression
economic outcomes were the product of individual character and that that business will right itself without government intervention
Bonus Army
thousands of veterans protested in D.C. for their military pensions that were due in 1945
1932 FDR’s approach to the Great Depression
100s of bills passed in the first year after election. Hands on, welfare state, and the New Deal.
Left Critizisms of the New Deal
Critized that it didn’t do enough, that there was still high unemployment, and that it didn’t protect the workers.
Conservative Critizisms of the New Deal
Thought that states should decide, that it was to expensive, it was government overstepping, it would slow down the economy, it would create a welfare state, and that it was socialist.
Welfare State
a term applied to industrial democracies that adopted various government guarenteed social welfare programs
Classic Liberalism vs. New Deal Liberalism
individual liberalism vs government involved liberalism
Women and the New Deal
ignored the needs of them but some were employed due to it. 82% of Americans still did not believe that they should have jobs. Many of the bills targeted them, like setting the minimum wage lower.
African Americans and the New Deal
The New deal was discimitory and left them with the lowest paying jobs, but they still benefited from it. Workplace discrimination was common and not penalized. And, most could only get jobs in the domestic industry.
Native Amercans and the New Deal
Mized opinions on if it benifited them, “The Indian Reorgnization Act” allowed for them to self govern but it pushed western ideals on to them, so many did not benifit from it. They were also excluded from most of the other benefits of the new deal
Legacies of the New Deal
Provided hope and security to many Americans and led to a shift from a mostly Republican America to a more Democrat America. Many social reforms are still present to this day
Vertical Integration
The company controls all parts of the production
Horizontal integration
Competitors/other businesses are bought out by a bigger corporation
Predatory pricing
A rich corporation lowers the prices to drive out local businesses, then raises them again once they achieve that
a group of businesses that controls a certain industry
Captains of Industry
Swift, Rockefeller, Carnegie
Robber Barons
a term created in the Great Depression that is often used to refer to the “Captains of Industry”
philosophical shift in second new deal
emphasized social welfare and a safety net versus fixing and recovering the economy
Emergency Banking Relief Program 1933
Determined that banks would open only after federal inspectors determined they were financially sound. Caused Americans to bring their cash back to the banks.
Glass Steagall Act 1933
Protection to people with saving accounts in federal banks by prohibiting banks from investing in high risk areas with their money. Basically ineffictive after the 90s, when it was repealed.
Federal Deposit Insurance Organization (FDIC) 1933
Created by the Banking Act it gave insurance to banks and prohibited interest on checking acconts. Was made a permanent institution in 1935 and was still active in 2019.
National Recovery Administration (NRA) 1933
Installed self-governing private association in many industries. This act allowed for workers to unionize without getting fired but, consumers and small businesses lost power.
Agriculture Adjustment Act (AAA) 1933
Government regulation of farm industries and offered subsidies to farmers who stopped growing specific crops. It caused the farm economy to stabilized for a small period of time but the money was not given out fairly.
Civilian Conservation Corps (CCC)
Employed 250,000 men to do conservation and restoration work. Was one of the most popular New Deal Programs and provided jobs for millions of Americans.
Public Works Administration (PWA) 1933
Provided construction jobs to 4 million Americans and reduced unemployment. Many public areas and buildings were improved by the project.
Federal Housing Administration (FHA) 1934
Created by the National Housing Act, its purpose was to offer affordable mortgage credit to single and multifamily house holds. It only offered housing to white Americans which caused further discimination, and redlined communities. It increased homeowner ship from 43% to 63 %.
Civil Works Administration (CWA) 1933
Created construction jobs like building bridges and rapidly created manual labor jobs. Was not very effective and later got replaced with a different program.
Tennessee Valley Authority (TVA) 1933
Made for flood control, reforestation, electrcity generation, and agriculture/industrial development. Was made in response to the lack of infastructure and poverty due to the Great Depression. It was highly effective and provided to major and rural areas.
Works Progress Administration (WPA) 1935
Constructed roads, bridges, public buildings, parks, and airports. It also employed artists, actors, musicians, and writers. Only helped 1/3 of America’s unemployed and planted trees to help alleviate windstorms from the Dustbowl.
Social Security Act (SSA) 1935
Created an old age pension system and made a federal state compensation for the disabled. Still in place in 2023 and was one of the most popular programs in U.S. history.
Wagner Act 193
Created in response to the Supreme court voiding the NIRA, this programs purpose was to uphold worker’s right to unionize. It outlawed business practices like firing workers for organizing activities. It had a widespread impact on workers throughout America.
The Dust Bowl
A series of windstorms and wind erosion caused by a severe drought in the Great Plains and habitat loss due to over farming. It caused some of the first environmental legislation in America and gravely affected American farmers.
Grand Coulee Dam
It was a hydroelectric power source built in Washington state and was one of the largest providers of electricity in the U.S. It was significant because it is one of the main reasons that Washingotn is powered by 70% renewable energy today.