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Anglo-Saxon Period
c. 8th-11th century; Major Work: Beowulf (c. 700-1000 AD)
Medieval Period
Geoffrey Chaucer
c. 1343-1400; Major Work: The Canterbury Tales (1387-1400)
Sir Thomas Malory
c. 1415-1471; Major Work: Le Morte d'Arthur (completed 1470, published 1485)
Renaissance Period
Edmund Spenser
c. 1552-1599; Major Works: The Faerie Queene (1590-1596), Amoretti (1595)
Christopher Marlowe
1564-1593; Major Works: The Passionate Shepherd to His Love (1599), Doctor Faustus (1592)
William Shakespeare
1564-1616; Major Works: Hamlet (1600-1601), Sonnet 18 (1609), Macbeth (1606), Romeo and Juliet (1597)
John Donne
1572-1631; Major Works: Holy Sonnets (1633), Holy Sonnet 10 (1633)
Puritan Age / American Colonial Period
John Milton
1608-1674; Major Works: Paradise Lost (1667), On His Blindness (1655)
Anne Bradstreet
1612-1672; Major Work: The Author to Her Book (1678), The Tenth Muse (1650)
Jonathan Edwards
1703-1758; Major Work: Sinners in the Hands of an Angry God (1741)
Restoration & 18th Century / American Neoclassical Period
John Dryden
1631-1700; Major Work: A Song for St. Cecilia's Day (1687)
Alexander Pope
1688-1744; Major Work: Ode on Solitude (1700), The Rape of the Lock (1712)
Benjamin Franklin
1706-1790; Major Work: The Autobiography of Benjamin Franklin (1791)
Philis Wheatley
1753-1784; Major Work: On Being Brought from Africa to America (1773)
Romantic Period
William Wordsworth
1770-1850; Major Works: Daffodils (1807), My Heart Leaps Up (1802), The Prelude (1850)
Samuel Taylor Coleridge
1772-1834; Major Work: Kubla Khan (1816), The Rime of the Ancient Mariner (1798)
Percy Bysshe Shelley
1792-1822; Major Work: Ode to the West Wind (1820), Prometheus Unbound (1820)
John Keats
1795-1821; Major Work: Ode on a Grecian Urn (1819), Ode to a Nightingale (1819)