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homosynaptic plasticity
habituation only has an effect at one synapse
motor fatigue hypothesis
theory that decreased response after repeated stimulation was due to muscle fatigue. disproved after administering inhibitor to crabs
sensory adaptation hypothesis
theory that decreased response after repeated stimulation was due to lack of perception by sensory receptors. disproved by finding that photoreceptors and laminar monopolar cells did not stop reacting, but the central nervous system did
biological basis of habituation
synaptic depression takes place, so exitatory drive is lowered and fewer vesicles are released, leading to less neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft
chemical basis of sensitisation
serotonin released by the interneuron increases presynaptic adenylyl cyclase. this upregulates cyclic AMP, which activates protein kinase A
effects of protein kinase A in sensitisation
inactivation of potassium channels, prolonging action potential. upregulation of calcium channels, causing an influx of calcium, which causes an increase in the vesicle pool and enhances release of neurotransmitter. targets structural CREB, encouraging protein synthesis for new synaptic contacts in the long term