membrane structure - lecture 1/28

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Cell __________ define the boundaries of a cell and __________ internal compartments such as ___________.

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Cell __________ define the boundaries of a cell and __________ internal compartments such as ___________.

Membranes, enclose, organelles.

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Cell membranes function as a selectively ___________ barrier, maintaing ___________, ____________ between cells by ______ detection.

Permeable, homeostasis, communication, signal.

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Cell membranes function in cell ___________ to other cells, the imort and export of __________, and allows for ___________ and ___________.

Attachment, molecules, movement, expansion.

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Cell membranes consists of a _____ bilayer with _________embedded in it. This is also known as the _____ ________ model.

Lipid, proteins, fluid mosaic

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_____ and __________ composition differ depending on where the membrane is _________.

Lipid, protein, found

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cell membranes are _____-________, which allows for expansion or contraction, ____________ of the cell, fusion with other ___________ or ___________ of the cell.

Self-sealing, deformation, membranes, movement

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membranes contain a great diversity of _______, because the lipids can form ________ in _______.

Lipids, bilayers, water

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The main classes of membrane lipids are __________lipids, ______lipids, and ________.

Phospho, gluco, sterold

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All of the main classes of membrane lipids are ______________, which mean they contain both _____________ and _____________ components.

amphipathic, hydrophilic, hydrophobic

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_______lipids are the most abundant lipid in ___________.

Phospho, membranes

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_____________ membrane lipids drives lipid molecules to assemble into ________, in an _________ environment.

Amphipathic, bilayers, aqueous

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Turning into bilayers forces hydro________ molecules to cluster and exclude water, which creates an energetically __________ structure.

Phobic, favorable

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_____________ form lipid droplets, which are clumps of fat that _____ be transported. If you needed to move this fat cell it would beed ______________ around it.

Triglycerides, canā€™t, phospholipids

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Being amphipathic makes ___________ self-sealing and fold into _______ compartment/spheres.

Membranes, closed

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A _____ in the bilayer creates a free edge exposed to the ______. This is bad because the hydro ______ parts want to away from water.

Tear, water, hydrophobic

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To avoid contact with ______ phospholipids arrange into closed, ____-_________ compartments to eliminate any ____ _______.

Water, self-sealing, free edges

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The lipid _______ behaves as a ____-dimensional fluid.

Bilayer, two

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Random ________ motion causes lipids to _______, freely within a _________. This motion can be constrained by _________ in the membrane.

Thermal, diffuse, monolayer, proteins

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The movement of lipids from one _________ to another is ________ diffusion. This flip-flop is relatively _____.

Monolayer, transverse, rare.

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for a lipid to flip-flop, its _______ head must cross the hydrophobic core of the _________, which is an energetically ____________ process.

Polar, bilayer, unfavorable

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___________ diffusion requires _________ that ________ this reaction, and they act only on specific _______.

Transverse, enzymes, catalyze, lipids

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membrane _______ allows some membrane proteins to move ________, which is required for cell __________.

Fluidity, rapidly, signaling

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___________ fluidity allows the ______ of membranes, organelles, and vesicales, (consist of endo and exocytosis) and cell _________.

Membrane, fusion, division

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If ____ protiens that recieve a _______ (substrate) get stuck it can cause _________ in cells, because this causes the cell to _______ when it shouldnā€™t.

Two, ligand, cancer, divide

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The ________ of the membrane at a ____________ depends on its ______________ composition.

Fluidly, temperature, phospholipid

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________ tailed lipids have an __________ strength of interaction which causes a __________ in fluidity, and becomes more _______.

Longer, increased, decrease, solid

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The longer the ____ of a lipid is the more _______ to becomes.

Tail, solid

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at a given ____________, a short-tailed lipid will be more _______ than a long-tailed lipid.

Temperature, fluid

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The optimal membrane ______ ______ size is 12 - 20 __________ long.

Fatty acid, carbons

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Fewer or more _________ form less stable ___________, this determines the _________ of the membranes, (usually 6-8 nm).

Carbons, membranes, thickness

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degree of ______________, is where an unstaturated _______ creates extra space in the ___________ which _________ fluidity.

Unstaturation, lipid, membrane, increases

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The _____ shape of ____________ lipids causes gapes which make the membrane _____ fluid.

Bent, unsaturated, more

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the membranes of most ___________ contain ______, which is a 4 ring structure. _____ size depends on the ______ of sterol you have.

Eukaryotes, sterols, tail, type

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the main sterol in animal cell membranes is ___________.


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_____ cell membranes have small amounts of ____________, which function similar to ________ in animals.

Plant, phytosterols, sterols

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________ cell membranes contain ____________, which is similar to cholesterol.

Fungal, ergosterol

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since ergosterol is present in ______, but not in animals, it is a useful target for __________ drugs.

Fungi, antifungal

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ergosterol is one reason why we can get ________ infections.


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monistat is an ___________ medication used to treat ringworm, putyriasis versicolor, and yeast infections of the skin or vagina, because it ________ the synthesis of ergosterol.

Antifungal, inhibits

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__________ has an important influence on lipid ________.

Cholesterol, bilayers

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sterols are slightly ____________ and can H-bond with _______lipids via the terminal _________ group.

Amphipathic, phospho, hydroxyl

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The intercalation of rigid ____________ molecules into a membrane ___________ its fluidity. it also prevents _____________ chains from packing together _________. This stops it from becoming solid at ____ temps.

cholesterol, decreases, hydrocarbon, tightly, low.

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cholesterol is a _________ ______, maintinaing the correct amount of _____. A lot of other _________ in other organisms may function similarly.

Fluidity buffer, fluid, sterols

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sterols _________ the _____________ of membranes to ions and small polar molecules. This is becuase they fill spaces between the ______________ chains of _________lipids.

Decrease, permeability, hydrocarbon, phospho

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When sterols fill _______, this blocks the ________ that ions and small molecules would take through the ___________.

Gaps, routes, membrane

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most organisms can __________ membrane fluidity by varying the _______ composiion in the membranes. This is important in ______________, (organism that cannot regulate their own body temp).

Regulate, lipid, poikilotherms

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poikilotherms use homeoviscous ____________, which helps with changes in temp by __________ the length and degree of ____________ of fatty acids, or proportion of ____________ in their membranes.

adaptation, altering, staturation, chelesterol

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hibernating __________ use homeoviscous adaptation, to adpat to changes in body ______, by adding a greater proportion of ____________, fatty acids into their membrane _________lipids.

mammals, temp, unsaturated, phospho

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An exampe of a ___________ in permeability is the removal of ___________ from sperm membrane which allows ____ influx, and causes ___________, (the process sperm must undergo to be able to fertilize an egg).

Decrease, cholesterol, ion, capacitation

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