HIST 202 Exam 2

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What effect did the Platt Amendment have on Cuba?

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What effect did the Platt Amendment have on Cuba?

Restricted their government’s independence,

gave U.S. right to intervene in Cuban affairs,

restricted Cuba from signing treaties with third-power, keep its debt in the government’s power

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What happened to President McKinley at the Pan-American Exposition in Buffalo, New York?

He was assassinated

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How much would the Panama Canal cut travel distance between San Francisco and New York?

Almost 8,000 miles

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A company from what country attempted to build a canal through Panama?

A French Company

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What country refused the American offer ($10M) for the canal zone rights?

Columbia (wanted $25M)

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Who did Roosevelt help form a new independent nation to get around the refusal?

Panamanian rebels

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How wide was the canal zone agreed to between the U.S. and Panama?

10 miles wide

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When was the canal completed?

August 15, 1914

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What was the Roosevelt Corollary?

Principle that U.S. was allowed to intervene in Latin America to prevent the Europeans from doing so.

(US used force to make sure Latin American nations paid their debts)

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What was “dollar diplomacy?”

Investments of American money into other countries to promote economic growth, protected by U.S. military where as needed

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What was President Wilson’s position of U.S. intervention in the nations of the Western Hemisphere?

Sent even more troops to Latin America,

argued U.S. MUST intervene to stabilize weak governments to keep European nations from doing so and protect its assets

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What was the Progressive Era? What was the period in American history?

Period of social activism and political innovation (major government reform)


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What did progressives want of government?

Fix corruption

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Was progressivism based in a particular political party?

Supported groups in both parties (supported change for all)

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Who were the muckrakers? What did they do?

Investigative crusading journalist who exposed the ills of society

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Who was Jane Addams? What type of political reform did she and other lobby?

Political reformer who started a progressive reform movement for unskilled workers and immigrants

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T or F Jane Addams was the first American woman to win the Nobel Peace Prize.


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What organization did Susan B. Anthony and Elizabeth Cady Stanton found?

National Woman Suffrage Association (NWSA)

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Why were Western states more supportive of women’s rights including voting rights?

Women were more engaged in grassroots political activities

& the mostly male settlers hoped this would encourage more women to settle in the west

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What is the Seventeenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution?

the direct election of senators (citizens select)

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T OR F Middle Class women were the driving force behind efforts to stop the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages.


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What was the Anti-Saloon League?

An organization based in churches that pioneered the strategy of the single-issue political pressure group

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Who was the first president to use executive power to reign in Big Business?


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President Roosevelt shocked the business community in 1902 when he ordered his attorney general to do what? What did the Supreme Court ultimately rule in this case?

Break up the Northern Securities Company.

Ruled it was a monopoly and must be dismantled

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What was President Roosevelt’s involvement in the 1902 coal strike?

He threatened to declare a national emergency so he could take over and use soldiers to run the mines

(strike ended; workers won 9 hr day and 10% wage increase)

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What are examples of Roosevelt’s position on environmental conservation?

Designated national monuments, approved new national parks, and created wilderness areas

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T or F The textbook points out that Roosevelt’s most significant domestic policy failures were his refusal to endorse women’s suffrage and to confront racism.


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A feud developed between Theodore Roosevelt and William Howard Taft after Taft did what?

Fired Pinchot and filled the cabined with corporate lawyers

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What did Roosevelt do after the Republican National Convention of 1912 failed to nominate him for president?

Denounced Taft and his members as thieves and stormed out

& then created the Progressive Party

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What happened to Roosevelt while campaigning in Milwaukee, Wisconsin in 1912?

He was shot

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What did the Underwood-Simmons Tariff Act of 1913 do? What did it do for income taxes?

Lowered tariff rates

Created income tax allowed under 16th Amdmt. (most people didn’t make enough to pay it)

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What did the Federal Reserve Act do? What was the overarching purpose of the Federal Reserve System?

Created a national banking system

To adjust the nation’s current supply to promote economic growth & ensure stability and integrity of other banks

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Who were the Central powers? Who were the Allied powers?

Central Powers- Germany, Austria-Hungary, Bulgaria, & Ottoman Empire (aka Turkey)

Allied Powers- France, Great Britain, and Russia

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What event happened on June 28, 1914, that set into motion the start of the Great War (World War I)?

Assassination of Arch-Duke of Austro-Hungarian Empire

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Why did trench warfare come to symbolize World War I? Where were the trenches built? How long were the trenches?

It was a slow battle resulting in lots of deaths,

Built from the coast of Belgium to the border of Switzerland,

460 miles long

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Food, supplies, and weapons from the U.S. went to what side in the World War I?

Allied powers

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What was the difference in financial aid from the U.S. going to the Allies v. Germany?

Germany got way less ($27 M vs. the $2B+ that the Allies recieved)

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What was the Lusitania? How was it sunk? How many people died? How many were Americans

British Ocean Liner sunk by German U-boats

1,198 people died

128 being Americans

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What happened on July 30, 1916 to the “Black Tom” munitions depot at Jersey City, in New York Harbor?

Germans blew it up.

1,000 tons of ammunition & explosives gone and 7 people killed

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Why was Theodore Roosevelt not the nominee for the Republican Party in 1916? Who did Wilson defeat in the Election of 1916?

He ran a third-party and his eagerness to join the war scared many

Charles Evans Hughes

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German military leaders had come to believe that victory in the war depended on cutting off the trans-Atlantic supply lines from where?

American and Canada to European allies

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What was the Zimmermann telegram? What did it ask of Mexico? What did it promise Mexico?

Telegram sent from Germany’s foreign minister to the German ambassador in Mexico City.

Asked Mexico to help in war against America

Promised to help Mexico get back lost territory from America

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What was the vote count in the House and Senate for the War Declaration?

82-6 in Senate

373-50 in House

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What were “liberty bonds?” How many were sold?

Government certificates that guaranteed the purchaser a fixed rate of return

$23 Million

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What did the Espionage Act of 1917 stipulate?

Anyone who helped the enemy in anyway, disloyal, refused duty in military, or interfered with war efforts could be imprisoned for up to 20 years

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What did the Sedition Act outlaw?

outlawed saying, writing, or printing anything critiquing U.S. government, Constitution, army and navy

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Where was Eugene Debs when he ran for president in 1920? Why was he there?

Canton, Ohio. Giving a speech about the working class

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Who helped Marxist radical Vladimir Lenin leave Switzerland on a sealed train to Russia? Why did they help?

The Germans

Hoping he would cause turmoil in his homeland

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What did the Treaty of Brest-Litovsk require Russia to give up?

Transfer of vast territories to Germany and Turkey and to recognize the independence of Ukraine region. (leads to loss of population, coal and wheat production)

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What did the volume of American soldiers ultimately mean for Germany?


“hope [for victory] had been dashed'“

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What was the war dead for the Americans, Germans, British, and French?

53,402 Americans

1.6 Million Germans

658,000 British

1.4 Million French

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What happened in the 1918 midterm elections that weakened President Wilson’s hand in peace negotiations?

Urged voters to elect a democratic congress and he lost touch with his political developments at home

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Who were the Big Four at the Paris Peace Conference?

Prime ministers of Britain, France and Italy & the president of the U.S.

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For President Wilson, what was the “keystone” of any peace settlement?

League of Nations

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T or F Progressivism was supported by factions of both the Republican and Democratic Party.


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Which statement is not true of the Progressive Era?

A. Women were the driving force behind efforts to stop the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages.

B. Eastern states in the U.S. were more supportive of women’s voting rights.

C. The income tax was established through a constitutional amendment.

D. The Seventeenth Amendment changed the way U.S. Senators were elected.

E. All are true.

B. Eastern states in the U.S. were more supportive of women’s voting rights. (western states supported)

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The spark that led Austria-Hungary to declare war on Serbia, and thus started World War I, was

A. Serbia’s invasion of Austria-Hungary. 

B. the invasion of the Serbian ally Russia into Germany. 

C. the Zimmermann Telegraph.

D. the sinking of the Lusitania.

E. the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. 

E. the assassination of Archduke Franz Ferdinand. 

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A. was the same thing as yellow journalism. 

B. was the term given to crusading journalist who exposed the ills of society during the progressive era. 

C. was the term given to those who opposed the creation of the Federal Reserve System.

D. was a term applied to Theodore Roosevelt after he became president.

E. was a term applied to William Howard Taft after he became president.

B. was the term given to crusading journalist who exposed the ills of society during the progressive era. 

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 The Pure Food and Drug Act, and the Meat Inspection Act

A. were passed during the administration of Woodrow Wilson.

B. came about around the time of America’s involvement in World War I. 

C. allowed for the federal government to inspect meat packing facilities.

D. were laws that pertained to only government facilities during the World War I. 

E. All the above.

C. allowed for the federal government to inspect meat packing facilities.

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The Volstead Act

A. was also called the National Prohibition Act.

B. was legislation that passed after 18th Amendment was ratified.

C. had exemptions for alcohol to be used for medicinal, sacramental, and industrial purposes.

D. banned the manufacturing, transportation, and sale of alcoholic beverages.

E. All the above.

E. All the above.

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T or F The Platt Amendment eliminated the ability of the United States to have any influence over Cuba’s government.


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The Roosevelt Corollary

A. is in conjunction to the Monroe Doctrine.

B. deals with the relationship the U.S. has toward neighbors in Latin America.

C. fits in with the phrase “speak softly and carry a big stick.”

D. fits in with the canal deal the U.S. struck with Panama after it was rejected by Columbia.

E. All of the above.

E. All of the above.

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Which statement is true of American involvement in World War I?

A. No one was prosecuted under the Espionage Act or the Sedition Act.

B. In the immediate period after the sinking of the Lusitania, America choose a path of preparedness for war, rather than a declaration of war.

C. American paid for the war only from the surplus funds already in the U.S. Treasury.

D. America lost more soldiers in the German targeted convoy ships in the Atlantic, than in actual battle in Europe.

E. All are true

B. In the immediate period after the sinking of the Lusitania, America choose a path of preparedness for war, rather than a declaration of war.

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T or F At the very end of World War I, the American and allied forces received a great deal of help because Germany was attacked from the east by Russian forces.


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Which statement is not true?

A. Liberty bonds were sold during World War I and raised $23 billion to help pay for the war effort.

B. The Committee of Public Information was created during World War I to help patriotic persuasion.

C. If you criticized the Federal government’s war effort during World War I you could go to jail because of the Sedition Act of 1918.   

D. Germany surrendered in World War I as soon as the U.S. declared war.

E. All are true.

D. Germany surrendered in World War I as soon as the U.S. declared war.

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The 1912 presidential campaign was one in which

A.  Theodore Roosevelt ran against William Howard Taft for the Republican nomination. 

B. Theodore Roosevelt ran as the nominee of the Progressive party or Bull Moose Party candidate.

C. William Howard Taft ran as the nominee of the Republican Party. 

D. Woodrow Wilson ran as the nominee of the Democratic Party.

E. All the above.

E. All the above.

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