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753-715 BCE
Romulus (Rome founded April 21, 753)
509 BCE
Foundation of Republic
55 BCE
first permanent stone theatre built (Theatre of Pompey)
44 BCE
Assassination of Julius Caesar
31 BCE
Battle of Actium in Greece, Octavian defeats Cleopatra
27 BCE
Octavian takes the name Augustus and is declared princeps, founding the empire. Pax roman is established
31 BCE - 14 CE
Sacred Area at Sant’Omobono
Archaic Harbor Temple
Capitoline Hill
Temple of Jupiter Capitolinus
Forum Boarium (“cattle market”)
Round Temple, Temple of Portunus
Forum Holitorium (“vegetable market”)
3 victory temples
Republican Campus Martius
Sacred Area at Largo Argentina 4 victory temples; Theater of Pompey and Temple of Venus Victrix; Portico of Metellus/Octavia; Temple of Apollo Medicus/Sosianus; Theater of Marcellus
Augustan Campus Martius
Mausoleum, Ara Pacis, Horologium/Solar meridian, Res Gestae
Forum Romanum
Regia, Temple of Vesta, Temple of Saturn, Temple of the Castors, Tabularium, Rostra, Curia, Basilica Julia, Basilica Aemilia, Porticus of Gaius and Lucius, Temple of Divus Julius
Imperial Fora
Forum of Caesar and Temple of Venus Genetrix (Venus the ‘Foundress’), Forum of Augustus and Temple of Mars Ultor
Late Republican/Early Imperial Funerary Art
Tomb of the Baker Eurysaces; Pyramid of Caius Cestius
Archaic Harbor Temple
Early 6th BCE - Regal Archaic Period
Atop the high river bank
Temple, high podium, emphasis on frontal facade, acroterion: Hurcules and Minerva
Attributed to Mater Matuta or Fortuna
Connected Foreigners and neighbors who could interact here
Destroyed by a fire in the early republic period → construction of the monumental platform on top which the twin republican temples Fortuna and Mater Matuta will be built
temple of Jupiter Optimus Maximus
538-509 BCE Regal Archaic Period
On the Capitoline hill
Begun by the last king of Rome (Tarquinius Superbus)
62 m by 53.5 m, rested on a high podium with central stairs, frontal facade, deep front porch, triple cella, mudbrick and wooden superstructures, terracotta decoration
Dedicated to the Capitoline triad (Jupiter, Juno, and Minerva)
Triumph procession ended with sacrifices, state acts deeds advertisement sybiline books (collection of prophecies)
Temple of Portanus
120 BCE
Located rectangular structure on the left bank of the Tiber dedicated to Portanus (god of the port)
Dedicated to Portanus
Decor mix of Etruscan/italic & greek designs, high podium, frontal emphasis, columns of Greek iconic order, entire structure covered in stucco
Early imperial restorations were made
Round Temple
100-90 BCE
left bank of Tiber, near temple of portunus
Built by unknown aristocrat possibly to celebrate a military victory.
decor is strong greek influence, circular without podium, peripteral temple (columns surround it) 20 columns, pantelic marble ($)
Victory Temple B
Temple of Janus sospita (Juno the “savior”) middle one:
197 BCE
Columns of Greek, ionic order
peripteral - surrounded by columns
Victory Temple A
Temple of Janus (Old paternal god) northern one:
260 BCE
columns in Greek ionic order
periportal but sine postico - no columns in the back
Temple C
Temple of Spes (“Hope”), south one:
258-249 BCE
columns of Greek Doric Oder
Peripteral - surrounded by columns
Four Victory Temples
On the southern campus Martius
all showing distinct italic characteristics
Mainly Tufa
Temple A, North One
mid 3rd c. BCE
dedicated to Juturna on the occasion of a naval triumph
Temple B, Round one
late 2nd c BCE. or early ist c. BCE
dedicated to fortuna Huiusce Diei
circular = greek & greek corinthian columns still has italic features
Temple C, Third from North
early 3rd c. BCE
dedicated to goddess feronia
Temple D, south one
early 2nd c, BCE
dedicated to lares permarini (protector of seafarers)
Theatre of Pompey
Period 55 BCE
Builder Pompeius
First stone permanent theatre, had a temple (venus ventrix), large portico stood behind the theatre with fountains and sculptures, rear wall of portico was curia of Pompey
Temple of Apollo Medicus/ Sosianus
34 BCE
Rebuilt by Augustus
Corinthian columns in luna marble, pseudo-peripteral temple
pediment = amozonarchy in the presence of Athena
battle scenes and triumphal processions
Used for senate meet when considering granting a triumph
Portico of Octavia
33-23 BCE
Built by Augustus
four-sided portico enclosed: two temples: temple of Juno, Regino, & Temple of Jupiter Strator
Two libraries & the curia of octavia
Restored with a new gateway under augustus, restored under severans
Theatre of Marcellus
13 BCE
Planned by Caesar, built and dedicated by Augustus
3 stories high, wedge-shaped walls with cement walls exterior arch, and vault substructure intavertine masonry
lowest-level: Tuscan half-columns resembling greek doric columns
middle level: unfluted ionic pilaster
upper level: corinthian pilaster perhaps flanking square windows
scaenae furons (frontal facade): 3 story elaborate facade with columns, niches, and statues
Temple of Saturn
497 BCE rebuilt 42 BCE
Saturn: agricultural god of sowing and corn → saturnalia: festival held in mid-December
Hexastyle - 6 columns across the front state treasury
Temple of Castor and Pollux
484 BCE restored 7 BCE
octostyle - 8 columns across the front, housel standard weights and measures of marketplace
Podium used for public oratory, augustus declared war against cleopatra and eygpt on it
Rostra and Comitium
338 BCE
Rostra: speakers platform = decorated with beaks of ships
Comitium: meeting place of the popular assembly
Basilica Aemilia & Basilica Sempronia
2nd BCE
Basilica: large columnar public hall where business transactions took place & courts of law were held
1st c. BCE
Curia Julia
44 BCE started by Caesar dedicated by Augustus
new senate house
Temple of Deified Julius Caesar
42-29 BCE vowed in 42, dedicated in 29 by Augustus
second Augustan Rostra: built in front of the temple, decorated with prows of ships captured at battle of Actium
Rectangular and built on a high platform accessible by lateral ramps
circular altar built a semi-circular recess of the podium supposedly, marking the spot where the body of caesar had been cremated
elevation of deceased emperor to divine states
29 BCE
Monumental dynastic tomb of his family
The entrance of the mausoleum had bronze tablets recording the Res Gestae (official autobiography)
Cement and tufa with white travertine stone
bronze statue of Augustus atop the tomb
Ara Pacis Augustae (Altar of Augustan Peace)
13-9 BCE
designs depicting Roman characters
relocated next to the mausoleum of Augustus
Solarium Augusti (Horologium Augusti)
10-9 BCE
colossal sundial
located west of the Ara Pacis in the Campus martius
cast shadow exact order of Ara pacis September 23, birthday of Augustus
Res Gastre
Augustus official autobiography with achievements
Forum of Caesar
Planned 54 BCE and dedicated 46 BCE, not done until the time of Augustus
rectangular central area flanked by a double colonade while the forum was paved with slabs of white travertine stone w. side - series of shops 3 stories high and irregular in plan
Temple of Venus Genetrix
cult statue of venus in apse
colossal bronze equestrian statue of Caesar in forum
Curia Julia (senate house)
Forum of Augustus and Temple of Mars
42 BCE dedicated in 2 BCE
Tomb of the Baker Eurysaces
30 BCE
peculiar tomb decorated with designs and reliefs that recalled his activity
Tomb for a freedman -ex-slave < tombs extravagant style
located at porta maggiore
Pyramid of Caius Cestius
18-12 BCE, completed in 330 days
tomb of Gaius Cestius Epulo (a pretor, tribune of plebs, and septemvir of the Epulones, a college of priests responsible for preparing the feasts in honor of the Capitoline gods)
concrete core faced with Luna marble
inspired by Egyptian influence after Augustus’ victory over Cleopatra and Egypt
not the only pyramid in Rome! But the only one to survive because incorporated into the Aurelian defensive walls (built by emperor Aurelianus between 271-275 CE)