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presumptive signs of pregnancy
amenorrhea, tender breasts, morning sickness
probable signs of pregnancy
piskacek sign, hegar sign, goodell sign, chadwick sign, braxton hicks, positive serum or urine pregnancy tests
piskacek sign
uterine bulge
hegar sign
softening of uterusc
goodell sign
softening of cervix
chadwick sign
blueish color of cervix, vagina, labia d/t increased blood flow and vessels near surface
positive signs of pregnancy
FHT - 10-12 weeks
visualization of fetus
positive fetal movement after 20 weeks
EDD tools
neageles tool, ultrasound
Neagele’s tool
first day of LMP, subtract 3 months, add seven days
only if indv has regular cycle
US for EDD
most reliable
8 weeks gestation
gestation period
first day LMP + 40 weeks complete weeks
first trimester
first day LMP until 13 weekss
second trimester
14 weeks until 27 weeks
third trimester
28 weeks until end of week 40+
first prenatal assessment
medical/surgical history, head to toe assess, pap smear if needed, STI screening, prenatal labs, reproductive history, intercourse/partners, onset of menses/flow/days, G and P, type of birth and year, LMP, genetic testing, vaginal US (transvaginal)
lifestyle questions: smoking/drinking, exercise, job, household role, IPV and depression screen
prenatal labs
syphilis, T+S, CBC, plt, hep, rubella, HIV
prenatal visit schedule
every 4 weeks until 32 weeks
every 2 weeks until 36 weeks
every week until birth
most appts are 15 min
8-10 weeks prenatal visit
collect history, US for EDD, meet w provider
12 week prenatal visit
complete chromosomal testing
18-20 weeks prenatal visit
full anatomy performed
24 weeks prenatal visit
one hour glucose tolerance test
28 weeks
rhogam for Rh neg pt
36-38 weeks
GBS testing, review labor instructions and discuss delivery
first trimester genetic testing
bw 10-13 weeks
blood test for autorecessive disorders, CF carrier screening, tay sachs disease,
US - nuchal translucency
nuchal test
looks at fluid in nuchal fold, 3.5 mm is normal
increased = increased risk heart issues, trisomy 18/21, turners syndrome, viral infection
second trimester screening
bw 15-22 weeks
maternal assays
US - anatomy scan (18-22)
diagnostic testing
chorionic villus sampling, amniocentesis
chorionic villus sampling
aspirate placental tissue to detect fetal abnormalities and genetic disorders
10-12 weeks
risk: miscarriage, hemorrhage
15-18 weeks but can be done bw 11-14 weeks
take amniotic fluid to obtain fetal cells for genetic testing
risk: miscarriage, trauma to fetus/placenta, PTL, maternal infection
TORCH complications
transmitted from preg individual to fetus during pregnancy or at time of birth
significant cause of fetal/neonatal mortality and childhood morbidity
earlier infection = worse outcomes
toxoplasmosis, other (syphilis, varicella, parvovirus b19), rubella, CMV, HSV/HIV
toxoplasmosis cx, transmission, sx
cx: toxoplasma gondii (parasite)
transmission: undercooked meat, contaminated water, cat feces
sx in infants: seizures, chorioretinitis, hydrocephalus
syphilis cx, sx
cx: treponema pallidum (bacteria)
sx: rash, osteochondritis, hepatosplenomegaly
varicella transmission, fetal risk
transmission: chickenpox
fetal risk: congenital varicella syndrome
parvovirus B19
transmission: resp droplets
fetal risks: hydrops fetalis, fetal anemia
rubella cx, transmission, sx
cx: rubella virus
transmission: respiratory droplets
sx: cataracts, congenital heart disease, hearing loss, blueberry muffin rash
CMV cx, transmission, sx
cx: CMV
transmission: body fluids
sx: hearing loss, IUGR, developmental delay, microcephaly, jaundice, blueberry muffin rash, thrombocytopenia
HSV/HIV cx, transmission, sx
cx: HSV
transmision: direct contact
sx: skin lesions, encephalitis, disseminated infection, CNS disease, multi-organ involvement
prevention/mgmt TORCH
prenatal screening and diagnosis, prophylactic measures, appropriate tx during pregnancy to reduce fetal transmission, monitor and intervene postnatally
every prenatal visit
wt, BP, urine dip, FHT, edema, fetal mvmts, fundal height
FM after 15 weeks
count mvmt beginning at 28 weeks gest or 26 for high risk
10 mvmts in an hour without eliciting response
if less than 10 mvmts, call provider
fundal height changes
12-14 weeks: right above pubic bone
16 wks: bw pubic bone and umbilicus
20-22 wk: right at umbilicus
24 wk: 1-2 fingerbreadths above umbilicus
40 weeks: 3-4 fingerbreadths below umbilicus
fetal non stress test (NST)
performed at 28+ wk
measures heartrate of fetus in response to its own mvmts
monitor for 20-30 mintues
reactive strip NST
normal baseline
2 acceleration: 10 beats above for 10 seconds 2 times in 10 minutes
at 32 wk: 15 beats above 15 sec twice in 10 minutes
reasons for NST
post dates, decreased fetal movement, HTN, DM/GDM, multiple gestation, comorbidities (lupus), trauma, bleeding, placental abnormalities
vibroacoustic stimulation
auditory stimulation to assess fetal well-being with EFM when NST is non-reactive
biophysical profile (BPP)
snapshot of a given moment, assess 5 fetal variable under US
BPP variables
breathing movement
amniotic fluid volume
tone of fetus
movmeent of fetus
BPP scores
8-10 is reassuring
6 - may require repeat test, possible sign of fetal asphyxia
<4 - induction of labor
indication for BPP
increased risk of fetal hypoxia, placental insufficiencies, maternal DM, HTN
alcohol consumption
avoid, found in beverages
artificial sweetners
safe in moderationc
200 mg per day, 12 oz cup of coffee
fish in pregnancy
fish is good for omega 3 fatty acids and mono-unsaturated fat and protein
avoid fish with high mercury/fish that eat other fish: swordfish, shark, albacore tuna, mackerel, sardines
choose: low-fat fish, small, white, flaky fish and shellfish, salmon is a healthy choiceu
unpasteurized foods
avoid d/t risk of listeria, e. coli, salmonella, hepatitis A
raw/undercooked eggs
avoid d/t risk of salmonella
diet and nutrition considerations
cultural considerations
caloric intake based on activity levels
increase 300 kcal a day
protein should be safe and well-prepped
half of body wt in water (2-3 liters daily)
dehydration complication
uterine irritability that can lead to PTL and contractions
PNV vitamins and supplements
cover nutritional gaps, decrease risk of birth defects, contain recommended daily folic acid/VB/iron, intake of 1200 mg of Ca, DHA associated w improved neurodevelopment, ferrous sulfate if needed (take w VC to help w absorption)
vitamins can make pt nauseous, encourage them to take it at night
iron considerations
can lead to constipation, discuss good bowel regimens
category A drugs
adequate and well controlled human studies demonstrate no risk
category B drugs
animal studies demonstrate no risk but no human studies
animal studies demonstrate a risk but humans have demonstrated no risk
amoxicillin, acetaminophen
category C drugs
animal studies demonstrate a risk but no human studies have been performed, potential benefits outweigh risks
category D drug
human studies demonstrate a risk, potential benefits may outweigh risks
ACE-I, tetracycline
category X
animal or human studies demonstrate a risk, risks outweigh potential benefits
cytotec, thalidomide, oral contraceptives
OTC meds
can take any OTC med that does not contain ibuprofen or aspirin
ibuprofen - can cause early closure of DA and decrease amniotic fluid
aspirin - increase risk of bleeding, pt w risk of preeclampsia may take baby aspirin
weight gane during pregnancy
25-35 pounds
most women gain 7-10 in first 20 weeks
expect 0.5-1 lb per week
excess maternal weight gain linked to
T2 DM, increased risk c/s, fetal macrosomia, childhood obesity, maternal obesity after delivery
ETOH during preg
acamprosate and naltrexone to treat, NAS scoring
illicit drugs/opioids/prescription drugs
no marijuana during pregnancy or breastfeeding
tx: suboxone or methadone (NAS scoring)
important to continue medication, may ned to increase dose or change meds
SSRIs require NAS scoring and newborn blood sugar protocol
growth, breast tissue enlargement, uterine tissue enlargement, maintain uterine lining, trigger development of fetal organs, causes increased uterine contractility
maintenance, thickens uterine lining, prevent body from ovulating, slows GI tract, relax uterus and smooth muscles, cause vasodilation for increased blood flow to uterus
hormone production
regulate by placenta at 8th week of pregnancy
cervix changes
changes shape, increased blood flow to allow for growthc
cervix changes
increased blood supply, chadwick sign, goodells sign, increase in cervical mucus for mucus plug, leukorrhea
vagina changes
increased blood supply, allows fro vaginal stretchingv
vulva changes
increased blood supply, allows for vaginal stretching
ovary changes
LH stimulates corpus luteum to produce progesterone until placenta takes over
breast changes
stretch marks, montgomery glands enlarge to provide lubrication for nipple tissue, development of colostrum
integumentary changes
linea nigra, palmer erythema, melasma, varicose veins, increased acne, pruritus
pruritus rule out
cholestasis with blood test
ursodiol lowers bile acids in blood and benadryl helps with itching
pruritic urticarial papules and plagues
rash spreading to arms and legs d/t overstretching of skin, causing a rash
neuro changes
carpal tunnel and syncope d/t decreased BP from vasodilation that tapers by 24 weeksc
cardiac changes
hypertrophy d/t volume overload and hormonal changes that increase CO
physiological leukocytosis of pregnancy and PP
iron changes
appears as an issue bc of hemodilution, may need t compensate
blood changes
WBC increases, 9-25K
supine hypotensive syndrome
in supine position, enlarged uterus compresses IVC, decreased blood flow to RA and decrease CO/BP, causing dizziness, diaphoresis, and pallor
respiratory changes
growing uterus elevates the diaphragm causing SOB
GI changes
slowing of GI tractu
urinary changes
increased renal sized, increased UTI risk, increased bladder and kidney volume, decreased bladder tone, urinary stasis and ureterovesical reflux
ureter changes
dilation of ureters and renal pelvis in week 6
common overall discomforts
N/V, fatigue, nasal congestion, upper/lower backache, leukorrhea, urinary frequency, dyspepsia, ptyalsim, flatulence, constipation, dental problems, leg cramps, dependent edema, nocturia, insomnia, round ligament pain, numbness/tingling in fingers, supine hypotensive syndrome, varicosities, dyspareunia
rule outs of common discomforts
dehydration, malnutrition, disrupted sleep, pyelonephritis, kidney stones, STI, BV, serious issues w hypotensive syndromes, leg cramp complications
first trimester complaints
tiredness, tender breasts, morning sickness, cravings, mood swings, constipation, need to pee more often, HA, heartburn, wt gain/loss
common complaints second trimester
body aches, stretch marks, darkening of skin around nipples, line on skin from belly to pubic hairline, patches of darker skin on face (masks of pregnancy), numb/tingling hands, itching, swelling
common complaints third trimester
SOB until lightening, heartburn, swelling of ankles/fingers/face, hemorrhoids, constipation, breast tenderness, belly button protrusion, insomnia, lightening, contractions
when to call provider
vaginal bleeding, severe abdominal pain, severe NV 24+ hr, sudden swelling/HA/vision changes/indigestion/heartburn not going away, leaking of fluid, decrease in fetal mvmt, fever >100.4, thoughts of self-harm/hurting someone else, DVT or PE signs, UTI signs, vaginal discharge changes
classic sign of preeclampsio
sudden swelling, headache, vision changes, indigestions, heartburn not going away